Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist
The D party has picked centrists before. They always lose when they do.

O campaigned as a progressive and won. Of course, he was a terrible fraud. He clearly was a corporatist warmongering centrist.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

Tough choice, sit at home and guarantee a Trump win or put up Sanders and guarantee a Trump win.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

I see this happening. I also see an impeachment of Trump as a certainty that Bernie will win in 2020. He is the only candidate Trump supporters would vote for, if at all (most won't vote at all) just to spite the Establishment.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

I see this happening. I also see an impeachment of Trump as a certainty that Bernie will win in 2020. He is the only candidate Trump supporters would vote for, if at all (most won't vote at all) just to spite the Establishment.
I don’t see Trump supporters voting for Bernie...
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

Hell, 45% of the electorate boycotted the 2016 election and that was a normal thing.

If we weren't saddled with the inane suppository of the WTA/EC, this might actually have some power to it. For the vast majority of the 55% who do show up, "voting" is an illusion anyway. They're getting tossed directly into the crapper.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

I see this happening. I also see an impeachment of Trump as a certainty that Bernie will win in 2020. He is the only candidate Trump supporters would vote for, if at all (most won't vote at all) just to spite the Establishment.

Only if we can get guaranteed free health care, free college, free income...for life.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

I see this happening. I also see an impeachment of Trump as a certainty that Bernie will win in 2020. He is the only candidate Trump supporters would vote for, if at all (most won't vote at all) just to spite the Establishment.

No Trump supporter will vote for Sanders, and the Romper Room impeachment will change no one's mind.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

I think that person is underestimating the left's hatred for Trump and their desire to not see a repeat of 2016
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

I see this happening. I also see an impeachment of Trump as a certainty that Bernie will win in 2020. He is the only candidate Trump supporters would vote for, if at all (most won't vote at all) just to spite the Establishment.

No Trump supporter will vote for Sanders, and the Romper Room impeachment will change no one's mind.

Thank you. It sounds like stating the obvious but we had plentiful wags on these pages leading up to 2016 trying to equate the two as if they were appealing to the same elements.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

I think that person is underestimating the left's hatred for Trump and their desire to not see a repeat of 2016

With their current box of tools, they will likely see a repeat of 2016.
I also see an impeachment of Trump as a certainty that Bernie will win in 2020. He is the only candidate Trump supporters would vote for, if at all (most won't vote at all) just to spite the Establishment.

Clarification needed:

1. Trump is already impeached. Do you mean he will be convicted by the Senate?

2. Do you mean that Trump supporters will vote for Bernie in the Democratic primaries because he is unelectable in a general election?
The D party has picked centrists before. They always lose when they do.

O campaigned as a progressive and won. Of course, he was a terrible fraud. He clearly was a corporatist warmongering centrist.

Actually, Obama was an extreme Progressive. From his signature Obamacare Abomination to the Trillion Dollar Porkulus, Cash for Cluckers and Gay Marriage initiatives, we've never had anyone more extreme.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

By the way did you even notice your article defines "Sanders supporters" as "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa"?

I tell ya, literacy is in a sad state and rags like the National Exhumer milk it. They don't seem to know the difference between a collective of millions and "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa". I'm pretty sure, for one thing, that "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa" could fit in the passenger seat of my car. Not sure "Sanders supporters" could.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

By the way did you even notice your article defines "Sanders supporters" as "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa"?

I tell ya, literacy is in a sad state and rags like the National Exhumer milk it. They don't seem to know the difference between a collective of millions and "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa". I'm pretty sure, for one thing, that "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa" could fit in the passenger seat of my car. Not sure "Sanders supporters" could.

Opinions are generally given by single entities. Occasionally by collaboration, but generally, a voice of one

A writer producing a piece on an opinion, or giving the opinion, will often refer to those who the opinion may impact as a plurality. Just one of those things, eh?
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

By the way did you even notice your article defines "Sanders supporters" as "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa"?

I tell ya, literacy is in a sad state and rags like the National Exhumer milk it. They don't seem to know the difference between a collective of millions and "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa". I'm pretty sure, for one thing, that "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa" could fit in the passenger seat of my car. Not sure "Sanders supporters" could.

Opinions are generally given by single entities. Occasionally by collaboration, but generally, a voice of one

A writer producing a piece on an opinion, or giving the opinion, will often refer to those who the opinion may impact as a plurality. Just one of those things, eh?

QUOTES are given by single entities. What we have here is a site claiming [subject] Sanders supporters" [verb] threaten..."

Pretty sure "Sanders supporters" is what we call a plural. A collective. Fun hint is the letter S.

Math question: how many people is "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa"?

Question two: how many people is "Sanders supporters"?

Are the entity in question one and the entity in question two the same entity?
Is "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa" a designated spokesman for "Sanders supporters"?
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

Half of em stayed home last time
Mostly because they were really stoned and forgot

Besides mom was baking cookies that day ...

Before I left brooklyn the dem primaries were going on ...
Proud to already have been a trump supporter but still didnt have any faith he'd actually pull it off...... yet ...

So thiers a Bernie bro in front of a coffee shop asking for donations .....

Not one fuck did he give that hillary just rigged didnt even register with him..I was more irked Bernie was getting railroaded ..which paid of nice for that little commie joo rat

I asked why arent you guys raging ...I mean it what you do .......derp

MY support for trump didnt register with him yet ...after all trump wasn't destroyer of all life on earth ....and a wacist ....yet.

Had a friendly conversation...I bet he stayed home ...
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

By the way did you even notice your article defines "Sanders supporters" as "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa"?

I tell ya, literacy is in a sad state and rags like the National Exhumer milk it. They don't seem to know the difference between a collective of millions and "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa". I'm pretty sure, for one thing, that "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa" could fit in the passenger seat of my car. Not sure "Sanders supporters" could.

Opinions are generally given by single entities. Occasionally by collaboration, but generally, a voice of one

A writer producing a piece on an opinion, or giving the opinion, will often refer to those who the opinion may impact as a plurality. Just one of those things, eh?

QUOTES are given by single entities. What we have here is a site claiming [subject] Sanders supporters" [verb] threaten..."

Pretty sure "Sanders supporters" is what we call a plural. A collective.

Math question: how many people is "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa"?

Question two: how many people is "Sanders supporters"?

Are the entity in question one and the entity in question two the same entity?

Look up "Singular" and "Plural" and gain an epiphany.
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

By the way did you even notice your article defines "Sanders supporters" as "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa"?

I tell ya, literacy is in a sad state and rags like the National Exhumer milk it. They don't seem to know the difference between a collective of millions and "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa". I'm pretty sure, for one thing, that "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa" could fit in the passenger seat of my car. Not sure "Sanders supporters" could.

Opinions are generally given by single entities. Occasionally by collaboration, but generally, a voice of one

A writer producing a piece on an opinion, or giving the opinion, will often refer to those who the opinion may impact as a plurality. Just one of those things, eh?

QUOTES are given by single entities. What we have here is a site claiming [subject] Sanders supporters" [verb] threaten..."

Pretty sure "Sanders supporters" is what we call a plural. A collective. Fun hint is the letter S.

Math question: how many people is "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa"?

Question two: how many people is "Sanders supporters"?

Are the entity in question one and the entity in question two the same entity?
Is "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa" a designated spokesman for "Sanders supporters"?

Look up "Singular" and "Plural" and gain an epiphany.

A fine plan of action for the National Exhumer and its Department of Weasel Wording. Get 'em on the horn right away. When the ask who's calling tell them "Joe Jackelen, 35, from Ames Iowa". They listen to that guy.

Biased Sample Fallacy

Also Known as: Biased Statistics, Loaded Sample, Prejudiced Statistics, Prejudiced Sample, Loaded Statistics, Biased Induction, Biased Generalization

Description of Biased Sample
This fallacy is committed when a person draws a conclusion about a population based on a sample that is biased or prejudiced in some manner. It has the following form:
  1. Sample S, which is biased, is taken from population P.
  2. Conclusion C is drawn about Population P based on S.

Drunk driver causes accident. Drunk driver was driving a Jeep. Therefore [conclusion] Jeeps are unsafe.​
Last edited:
Could be ... :auiqs.jpg:

“When I look at some of these other candidates out there, I can see them just sucking any enthusiasm from any undecided voters. So anyone who might have been for Bernie won’t vote for Biden, or any of the others out there,” Jackelen the Washington Examiner after a Sanders town hall in Newton.

“I think that people will sit at home because they see establishment Democrats that don’t really care. The only thing that they bring to the table is that they’re not Trump. That is not going to drive enough people out that will get a win over Trump,” he said.

'People will sit at home': Sanders supporters threaten to boycott vote if Democrats pick a centrist

I see this happening. I also see an impeachment of Trump as a certainty that Bernie will win in 2020. He is the only candidate Trump supporters would vote for, if at all (most won't vote at all) just to spite the Establishment.
If you really think Trump supporters would vote for Bernie, you're smoking something that no one else is.

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