Sanders supporters PISSED! Microsoft Calls Iowa For Hillary Before it Helps Count the Vote


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

A Call To Paul ^ | 2/1/2016 | P. J. Watson
Microsoft's Bing technology has called Iowa for Hillary Clinton, a result that has not gone unnoticed amongst Bernie Sanders supporters given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus!!!! Using, "data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search-engine queries to predict its results," Microsoft forecasts that Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada, with Sanders taking New Hampshire. Although the technology isn't perfect, Microsoft correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the 'No' vote for Scottish independence, and the...
Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

A Call To Paul ^ | 2/1/2016 | P. J. Watson
Microsoft's Bing technology has called Iowa for Hillary Clinton, a result that has not gone unnoticed amongst Bernie Sanders supporters given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus!!!! Using, "data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search-engine queries to predict its results," Microsoft forecasts that Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada, with Sanders taking New Hampshire. Although the technology isn't perfect, Microsoft correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the 'No' vote for Scottish independence, and the...

I am jaw dropped.
Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

A Call To Paul ^ | 2/1/2016 | P. J. Watson
Microsoft's Bing technology has called Iowa for Hillary Clinton, a result that has not gone unnoticed amongst Bernie Sanders supporters given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus!!!! Using, "data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search-engine queries to predict its results," Microsoft forecasts that Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada, with Sanders taking New Hampshire. Although the technology isn't perfect, Microsoft correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the 'No' vote for Scottish independence, and the...
Can't imagine a Hilliary win in Iowa without some crook'n going down. Most people here can't stand her.
Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

A Call To Paul ^ | 2/1/2016 | P. J. Watson
Microsoft's Bing technology has called Iowa for Hillary Clinton, a result that has not gone unnoticed amongst Bernie Sanders supporters given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus!!!! Using, "data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search-engine queries to predict its results," Microsoft forecasts that Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada, with Sanders taking New Hampshire. Although the technology isn't perfect, Microsoft correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the 'No' vote for Scottish independence, and the...

I don't trust them.

I prefer the good old-fashioned pencil and paper ballot and humans doing the counting.
It's a computerized prediction of what might happen. Just a computer version of what Nate Silver did in the 2012 elections.

Nothing to see here................
Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

A Call To Paul ^ | 2/1/2016 | P. J. Watson
Microsoft's Bing technology has called Iowa for Hillary Clinton, a result that has not gone unnoticed amongst Bernie Sanders supporters given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus!!!! Using, "data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search-engine queries to predict its results," Microsoft forecasts that Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada, with Sanders taking New Hampshire. Although the technology isn't perfect, Microsoft correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the 'No' vote for Scottish independence, and the...

This polling data has been so screwed up since the onset--it's laughable. Today they said that Bernie Sanders was ahead of Clinton in Iowa by 4 points. BULLSHIT. Even Iowans as stupid as they can be--aren't going to vote for a socialist.

Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up
Early exit interviews are saying the older voters who outnumber the youngsters by two to one are going solidly for HRC.

Trump by 5 up with Cruz and Rubio neck and neck.
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So, Microsoft like other organizations made a prediction.

They also predicted a Trump win, but you wouldn't know that if you were too illiterate to get passed Infowars link.

Microsoft's Bing just called the first four primaries for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

Dumbass, it has nothing to do with Trump, it's Sanders supporters usual, you fail to read and understand English!

Who is pissed off? Direct quote from you in your OP:

Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

You should think through what you post.

But, hey, it's Infowars, when do you guys learn?
So, Microsoft like other organizations made a prediction.

They also predicted a Trump win, but you wouldn't know that if you were too illiterate to get passed Infowars link.

Microsoft's Bing just called the first four primaries for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

Dumbass, it has nothing to do with Trump, it's Sanders supporters usual, you fail to read and understand English!

Who is pissed off? Direct quote from you in your OP:

Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

You should think through what you post.

Asshole, the article states Sanders supporters, and I simple made an OBSERVATION! But enough from the commie troll!
Feb 01: Iowa Republican Caucus

Donald Trump

Ted Cruz

Marco Rubio

Ben Carson

Rand Paul

Mike Huckabee

Jeb Bush

Chris Christie

John Kasich

Carly Fiorina

Rick Santorum
2% in (Too Early to Call)
So, Microsoft like other organizations made a prediction.

They also predicted a Trump win, but you wouldn't know that if you were too illiterate to get passed Infowars link.

Microsoft's Bing just called the first four primaries for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

Dumbass, it has nothing to do with Trump, it's Sanders supporters usual, you fail to read and understand English!

Who is pissed off? Direct quote from you in your OP:

Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

You should think through what you post.

Asshole, the article states Sanders supporters, and I simple made an OBSERVATION! But enough from the commie troll!

I don't care what Infowars thinks of Sanders supporters, I'm replying to you and what you posted.

Hillary Clinton

Bernie Sanders

Martin O'Malley


9% in (Too Early to Call)
So, Microsoft like other organizations made a prediction.

They also predicted a Trump win, but you wouldn't know that if you were too illiterate to get passed Infowars link.

Microsoft's Bing just called the first four primaries for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

Dumbass, it has nothing to do with Trump, it's Sanders supporters usual, you fail to read and understand English!

Who is pissed off? Direct quote from you in your OP:

Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

You should think through what you post.

Asshole, the article states Sanders supporters, and I simple made an OBSERVATION! But enough from the commie troll!

I don't care what Infowars thinks of Sanders supporters, I'm replying to you and what you posted.

Ted Cruz

Donald Trump

Marco Rubio

Ben Carson

Rand Paul

Jeb Bush

Carly Fiorina

John Kasich

Mike Huckabee

Chris Christie

Rick Santorum
So, Microsoft like other organizations made a prediction.

They also predicted a Trump win, but you wouldn't know that if you were too illiterate to get passed Infowars link.

Microsoft's Bing just called the first four primaries for Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

Dumbass, it has nothing to do with Trump, it's Sanders supporters usual, you fail to read and understand English!

Who is pissed off? Direct quote from you in your OP:

Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

You should think through what you post.

Asshole, the article states Sanders supporters, and I simple made an OBSERVATION! But enough from the commie troll!

I don't care what Infowars thinks of Sanders supporters, I'm replying to you and what you posted.

So, you're not concerned with Microsoft predicting Clinton and Trump victories then?
Just think, Microsoft is also going to do the GENERAL!!!! How feckless can Republicans get and NOT stop this bullshit?

A Call To Paul ^ | 2/1/2016 | P. J. Watson
Microsoft's Bing technology has called Iowa for Hillary Clinton, a result that has not gone unnoticed amongst Bernie Sanders supporters given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight's caucus!!!! Using, "data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search-engine queries to predict its results," Microsoft forecasts that Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada, with Sanders taking New Hampshire. Although the technology isn't perfect, Microsoft correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, the 'No' vote for Scottish independence, and the...

This polling data has been so screwed up since the onset--it's laughable. Today they said that Bernie Sanders was ahead of Clinton in Iowa by 4 points. BULLSHIT. Even Iowans as stupid as they can be--aren't going to vote for a socialist.

Flaws in Polling Data Exposed as U.S. Campaign Season Heats Up
No? Then they are not only "stupid as they can be", they must be liars, cheats, blind & stupid, and either have no access to reliable news sources, or they choose to ignore them. Unless Iowans have some secret write-in candidate none of us have heard of, one assumes that those not voting for Sanders will be voting for the other Dem alternative.

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