San Francisco, Chicago, and Detroit Sliding into Chaos


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

It should surprise no one. Leftist governance has resulted in massive problems in these, as well as other cities. Crime. Homelessness. Lack of public services. Massive debt.

How did they get that way?

San Francisco has not had a Republican mayor since 1964, the height of Motown music in one of the other cities we are discussing. For the past fifty-plus years, San Francisco has been led by a procession of Democrats.

Chicago's last Republican mayor finished his term in 1931, almost a century ago, followed by a string of Democrat mayors up to the present time. At a national level, Chicago is currently represented by Democrat senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.

Detroit's last Republican mayor finished his term in 1962, around the time the Supremes were singing "Where Did Our Love Go?" Now they would be singing, "Where did our city go?" Since the early 1960s, Detroit has had a succession of Democrat mayors, including Coleman Young and their famous hip-hop mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, now serving a long prison term. Michigan, similar to Illinois and California, has two Democrat U.S. senators.

More @ A Tale of Three Cities
San Francisco is not in a state of chaos. The other two cities were abandoned by capitalists and began the downturn immediately. But hell blame democrats it makes it someone elses fault and you have no guilt.
San Francisco is not in a state of chaos. The other two cities were abandoned by capitalists and began the downturn immediately. But hell blame democrats it makes it someone elses fault and you have no guilt.

I think they blame democrats because it was the democratic administrations that drove the capitalist out. Cause and effect at work.
If I were a right winger. I would worry more about Appalachia.

It should surprise no one. Leftist governance has resulted in massive problems in these, as well as other cities. Crime. Homelessness. Lack of public services. Massive debt.

How did they get that way?

San Francisco has not had a Republican mayor since 1964, the height of Motown music in one of the other cities we are discussing. For the past fifty-plus years, San Francisco has been led by a procession of Democrats.

Chicago's last Republican mayor finished his term in 1931, almost a century ago, followed by a string of Democrat mayors up to the present time. At a national level, Chicago is currently represented by Democrat senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.

Detroit's last Republican mayor finished his term in 1962, around the time the Supremes were singing "Where Did Our Love Go?" Now they would be singing, "Where did our city go?" Since the early 1960s, Detroit has had a succession of Democrat mayors, including Coleman Young and their famous hip-hop mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, now serving a long prison term. Michigan, similar to Illinois and California, has two Democrat U.S. senators.

More @ A Tale of Three Cities
Institutionalized racism through section 8 housing is your culprit. And it's been going on for decades, "on purpose". It's the perfect con game. Vilify the victims of institutionalized prisons without borders, then lock up the affected into the prison industrialized complex for profit, and you keep the blacks where you want them. This scheme has been going on ever since section 8 housing began.
Under Dem management..........they have no one else to blame.......

Of course they will do that anyway............They don't want to admit they are idiots.
Under Dem management..........they have no one else to blame.......

Of course they will do that anyway............They don't want to admit they are idiots.
Democrats understand what the problem is. Republicans started the program in 1974. Stop blaming Democrats for a Republican policy made possible to keep blacks in segregated housing units. Blacks didn't have a say so, or an opportunity to branch out away from the institutionalized predicament of Section 8. America's Shame: How U.S. Housing Policy Is Failing the Country's Poor

And it's been going on ever since.
Under Dem management..........they have no one else to blame.......

Of course they will do that anyway............They don't want to admit they are idiots.
Democrats understand what the problem is. Republicans started the program in 1974. Stop blaming Democrats for a Republican policy made possible to keep blacks in segregated housing units. Blacks didn't have a say so, or an opportunity to branch out away from the institutionalized predicament of Section 8. America's Shame: How U.S. Housing Policy Is Failing the Country's Poor

And it's been going on ever since.
Jobs are the key.................Moving is the key if there are no jobs......That is reality.............Dems own their own policies in those with it. could hardly give a house away in Detroit anymore........they are tearing them down..........

Over a million people hauled ass.
San Francisco is not in a state of chaos. The other two cities were abandoned by capitalists and began the downturn immediately. But hell blame democrats it makes it someone elses fault and you have no guilt.

I think they blame democrats because it was the democratic administrations that drove the capitalist out. Cause and effect at work.
Cause and effect are Capitalists want more money for their products. They move production to mexico or china. They take with them their suppliers and leave a baron city for work. Those who owned the homes cannot leave now because the homes have no value for lack of work in the area.
I could go on but i hope you are not so dumb as to need me to explain how an area becomes poor. could hardly give a house away in Detroit anymore........they are tearing them down..........

Over a million people hauled ass.
If i was 30 or 40 years younger i would move there and buy as many homes as I could.
San Francisco is not in a state of chaos. The other two cities were abandoned by capitalists and began the downturn immediately. But hell blame democrats it makes it someone elses fault and you have no guilt.
That's how Republicans operate. Blame the victims of the problem , not the problem itself. When we desegregated the schools, they just found another way. And that is what we are stuck with.
San Francisco is not in a state of chaos. The other two cities were abandoned by capitalists and began the downturn immediately. But hell blame democrats it makes it someone elses fault and you have no guilt.
That's how Republicans operate. Blame the victims of the problem , not the problem itself. When we desegregated the schools, they just found another way. And that is what we are stuck with.
Those shit holes are run for decades by Dems................nice attempt to shift blame............NO DICE.

It should surprise no one. Leftist governance has resulted in massive problems in these, as well as other cities. Crime. Homelessness. Lack of public services. Massive debt.

How did they get that way?

San Francisco has not had a Republican mayor since 1964, the height of Motown music in one of the other cities we are discussing. For the past fifty-plus years, San Francisco has been led by a procession of Democrats.

Chicago's last Republican mayor finished his term in 1931, almost a century ago, followed by a string of Democrat mayors up to the present time. At a national level, Chicago is currently represented by Democrat senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.

Detroit's last Republican mayor finished his term in 1962, around the time the Supremes were singing "Where Did Our Love Go?" Now they would be singing, "Where did our city go?" Since the early 1960s, Detroit has had a succession of Democrat mayors, including Coleman Young and their famous hip-hop mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, now serving a long prison term. Michigan, similar to Illinois and California, has two Democrat U.S. senators.

More @ A Tale of Three Cities
Institutionalized racism through section 8 housing is your culprit. And it's been going on for decades, "on purpose". It's the perfect con game. Vilify the victims of institutionalized prisons without borders, then lock up the affected into the prison industrialized complex for profit, and you keep the blacks where you want them. This scheme has been going on ever since section 8 housing began.

Hello, WTP. With all respect and genuine sincerity, I am curious to learn if you believe Institutional Racism or the concept of "White Supremacy" is responsible for significant numbers of segregation-minded, apparent slow-to-evolve, freedom-loving "Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens, ILLOGICALLY believing they have a right, as well as duty to LOUDLY and HATEFULLY demean, denigrate, bully, taunt, harass, and in some instances threaten with violence, our successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent?

WTP, "Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "Pro Black or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our peaceful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent.

In my opinion, based on a wealth of evidence and my personal experiences, large numbers of perfectly healthy black or American newborns, infants, toddlers, children and teens of African descent raised, nurtured and socialized by "Pro Black" minded Americans have, THRU NO FAULT OF THEIR OWN, experienced a potentially life scarring medical disease/condition known as 'CHILDHOOD TRAUMA' (ACEs).

WTP, am I the only reasonably responsible, as well as reasonably well-adjusted American citizen recognizing a significant population of "Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded American citizens LOUDLY declaring black or African American citizens are being denied equal rights and the opportunity to achieve success in TODAY'S ever-evolving American society...

...are IN FACT the VERY SAME apparent emotionally or mentally ill "Pro Black or Conscious Black Community" American citizens who are LOUDLY, as well as actively attempting to IMPEDE or PREVENT our free-thinking, successful, accomplished black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent from enjoying their INALIENABLE RIGHT to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN individually unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness???

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'Pro Black' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

"'Pro-Black American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll"

Under Dem management..........they have no one else to blame.......

Of course they will do that anyway............They don't want to admit they are idiots.
Democrats understand what the problem is. Republicans started the program in 1974. Stop blaming Democrats for a Republican policy made possible to keep blacks in segregated housing units. Blacks didn't have a say so, or an opportunity to branch out away from the institutionalized predicament of Section 8. America's Shame: How U.S. Housing Policy Is Failing the Country's Poor

And it's been going on ever since.
Jobs are the key.................Moving is the key if there are no jobs......That is reality.............Dems own their own policies in those with it.

Moving"? :auiqs.jpg:Boss, are you high? Move where? White suburbia? How? With what money? Out west in Wyoming, Idaho, or Montana, where white supremacists live? Get real!

I showed you evidence where section 8 housing began with Republicans. "Deal with it".
Under Dem management..........they have no one else to blame.......

Of course they will do that anyway............They don't want to admit they are idiots.
Democrats understand what the problem is. Republicans started the program in 1974. Stop blaming Democrats for a Republican policy made possible to keep blacks in segregated housing units. Blacks didn't have a say so, or an opportunity to branch out away from the institutionalized predicament of Section 8. America's Shame: How U.S. Housing Policy Is Failing the Country's Poor

And it's been going on ever since.
Jobs are the key.................Moving is the key if there are no jobs......That is reality.............Dems own their own policies in those with it.

Moving"? :auiqs.jpg:Boss, are you high? Move where? White suburbia? How? With what money? Out west in Wyoming, Idaho, or Montana, where white supremacists live? Get real!

I showed you evidence where section 8 housing began with Republicans. "Deal with it".
And section 8 forced all the jobs out of Detroit.

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