“San Bernadino shooters were three white men dressed in military attire” – witness

The news outlets originally said there were three involved, then they just dropped the third person with no explanation, and changed the narrative to two, and pretended that it has always been two.

I noticed it.

Don't believe anything you get from the press.
The news outlets originally said there were three involved, then they just dropped the third person with no explanation, and changed the narrative to two, and pretended that it has always been two.

I noticed it.

Don't believe anything you get from the press.
Yes, because of the calls the PD were getting of some one jumping fences in the neighborhood. That made the third person.
I don't know, I don't know if this is helping Obama's side or the NRA GOP side. The more shootings, the more Obama says about it, and the more people want to defend themselves.
I do believe we need very strict gun ownership laws. I don't think guns should be allowed in autos or outside the home. That's me.
you do know they bought their guns legally right? So how would gun laws protect you?

Yes I know and those kind of weapons should not be allowed, in my opinion. Another point made for Obama wanting more stringent gun laws. Why should anyone need anything but a regular gun to keep at home for a home invasion. Why not just go back to the Old West, and wear holsters.
I don't know, I don't know if this is helping Obama's side or the NRA GOP side. The more shootings, the more Obama says about it, and the more people want to defend themselves.
I do believe we need very strict gun ownership laws. I don't think guns should be allowed in autos or outside the home. That's me.
you do know they bought their guns legally right? So how would gun laws protect you?

Yes I know and those kind of weapons should not be allowed, in my opinion. Another point made for Obama wanting more stringent gun laws. Why should anyone need anything but a regular gun to keep at home for a home invasion. Why not just go back to the Old West, and wear holsters.
for the reason that that happened that's why. If an enemy has better weapons, how can you expect to win? it is the entire premise of the 2nd amendment.
I don't know, I don't know if this is helping Obama's side or the NRA GOP side. The more shootings, the more Obama says about it, and the more people want to defend themselves.
I do believe we need very strict gun ownership laws. I don't think guns should be allowed in autos or outside the home. That's me.
you do know they bought their guns legally right? So how would gun laws protect you?

Make all semi automatic guns illegal. Have a buy back program for people who already own them. Impose an automatic life in prison without any possibility for parol to everyone who uses that weapon to kill people. Impose the same penalties to those who sell those guns to people.

Limit the number of bullets that can be put in a magazine.

If there is no semi automatic weapon that can be purchased, then we won't see large numbers of people being killed in a matter of minutes.

If there's no magazines that hold more than a half a dozen bullets then shooters won't be able to kill so many people in a matter of minutes. It also forces the shooter to stop shooting and reload. That's when the shooter will be apprehended. It's also the time that some people will be able to get away without being harmed.

There are several instances of mass shootings where the shooter was apprehended because he ran out of bullets. Why not give that a try?

There are sensible safety laws that we can have that will stop this carnage.
2 questions: 1) So you know the definition of semiautomatic, and 2) How long does it take to drop an empty, reload and chamber?? Third bonus question: is that enough time to charge and take down a gunman hyped up on adrenaline?
Ignore the “official story” this witness sets the record straight.

You’re certain that you saw three men?’ the news anchor asks.

Yeah,’ she replies, as she continues to describe the THREE WHITE MEN, their muscular build, etc.

And this got all sorts of coverage on the local news. Doncha just love the accuracy our media outlets give us?

Read more @ http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/12/07/3whitemen/

She filmed from her office in another building. She specifically said she couldn't really tell but that's what it looked like from where she was. I'm pretty sure they got better info after.

But thanks
So, you think that guns will be confiscated over this......even tho NOTHING was done after 20 children were mowed down in Connecticut?
by a certified special education nut case, his mom is the one responible for that mass shooting he was a nut case and she gave him access to weapons.
The news outlets originally said there were three involved, then they just dropped the third person with no explanation, and changed the narrative to two, and pretended that it has always been two.

I noticed it.

Don't believe anything you get from the press.
Yes, because of the calls the PD were getting of some one jumping fences in the neighborhood. That made the third person.
Still, a responsible journalist #1, would be a little more discerning in the first place, and #2, would explain the shift when the dialogue went from 3 shooters to 2.
Ignore the “official story” this witness sets the record straight.

You’re certain that you saw three men?’ the news anchor asks.

Yeah,’ she replies, as she continues to describe the THREE WHITE MEN, their muscular build, etc.

And this got all sorts of coverage on the local news. Doncha just love the accuracy our media outlets give us?

Read more @ http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/12/07/3whitemen/

Eye witnesses are notoriously unreliable.

Hell I did it myself- I was in a bank during a robbery and got the man's ethnicity wrong- witnesses described three different ethnicities to the robber.
The news outlets originally said there were three involved, then they just dropped the third person with no explanation, and changed the narrative to two, and pretended that it has always been two.

I noticed it.

Don't believe anything you get from the press.

LOL- I was listening to the reports all day on the radio.

Initially thought to be three- then after the shoot out police were still looking for the third man- and the news discussed the confusion over how many shooters there was for hours, until the police announced that they had concluded that there had only been 2 shooters.

No need for you to change the narrative.
How blatant do these staged shootings have to get before people wake up and realize it’s all a tragic manipulation of public emotions in order to confiscate guns from private citizens and unleash an Obama totalitarian regime that will soon be handed off to Hillary Clinton for the “full tyranny” crackdown?

So sad that there are people who actually believe your crap.
The news outlets originally said there were three involved, then they just dropped the third person with no explanation, and changed the narrative to two, and pretended that it has always been two.

I noticed it.

Don't believe anything you get from the press.
Yes, because of the calls the PD were getting of some one jumping fences in the neighborhood. That made the third person.
Still, a responsible journalist #1, would be a little more discerning in the first place, and #2, would explain the shift when the dialogue went from 3 shooters to 2.

If you cared anything about journalistic integrity, you wouldn't be quoting Breitbart all the time....a biased opinion, RW rag, masquerading as news.
The news outlets originally said there were three involved, then they just dropped the third person with no explanation, and changed the narrative to two, and pretended that it has always been two.

I noticed it.

Don't believe anything you get from the press.
Yes, because of the calls the PD were getting of some one jumping fences in the neighborhood. That made the third person.
shit even the cops had a third person rolling out of the vehicle they shot up and the only two were in. How does that happen?
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How blatant do these staged shootings have to get before people wake up and realize it’s all a tragic manipulation of public emotions in order to confiscate guns from private citizens and unleash an Obama totalitarian regime that will soon be handed off to Hillary Clinton for the “full tyranny” crackdown?

So sad that there are people who actually believe your crap.

That was not my quote. I suggest you fix it. That was from the link I posted. Do you read links.

Side note, there is something wrong with the story, and that is me saying that.
Ignore the “official story” this witness sets the record straight.

You’re certain that you saw three men?’ the news anchor asks.

Yeah,’ she replies, as she continues to describe the THREE WHITE MEN, their muscular build, etc.

And this got all sorts of coverage on the local news. Doncha just love the accuracy our media outlets give us?

Read more @ BUSTED! San Bernadino shooters were three white men dressed in military attire

An anti-semitic Holocaust denier site is not exactly irrefutable proof.


First thing they always do , anti semitic holocaust denier site.

First thing when it is an anti-semitic Holocaust denier site yes.

It has nothing to do with anti semitic or WWII.
Ignore the “official story” this witness sets the record straight.

You’re certain that you saw three men?’ the news anchor asks.

Yeah,’ she replies, as she continues to describe the THREE WHITE MEN, their muscular build, etc.

And this got all sorts of coverage on the local news. Doncha just love the accuracy our media outlets give us?

Read more @ BUSTED! San Bernadino shooters were three white men dressed in military attire

Eye witnesses are notoriously unreliable.

Hell I did it myself- I was in a bank during a robbery and got the man's ethnicity wrong- witnesses described three different ethnicities to the robber.

I think people can count to 3.
I don't know, I don't know if this is helping Obama's side or the NRA GOP side. The more shootings, the more Obama says about it, and the more people want to defend themselves.
I do believe we need very strict gun ownership laws. I don't think guns should be allowed in autos or outside the home. That's me.
you do know they bought their guns legally right? So how would gun laws protect you?

Make all semi automatic guns illegal. Have a buy back program for people who already own them. Impose an automatic life in prison without any possibility for parol to everyone who uses that weapon to kill people. Impose the same penalties to those who sell those guns to people.

Limit the number of bullets that can be put in a magazine.

If there is no semi automatic weapon that can be purchased, then we won't see large numbers of people being killed in a matter of minutes.

If there's no magazines that hold more than a half a dozen bullets then shooters won't be able to kill so many people in a matter of minutes. It also forces the shooter to stop shooting and reload. That's when the shooter will be apprehended. It's also the time that some people will be able to get away without being harmed.

There are several instances of mass shootings where the shooter was apprehended because he ran out of bullets. Why not give that a try?

There are sensible safety laws that we can have that will stop this carnage.
And while we are at it, let's take cars away from potheads. If we catch them, prison for life for endangering the public.

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