Samuel L. Jackson: Cat Outta' The Bag


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1." Barack Obama's politics meant nothing to Samuel L. Jackson because the "Pulp Fiction" star only voted for the president for one reason and one reason only ... because he's black.

In an interview with Ebony magazine, Jackson explained, "I voted for Barack because he was black. ...[Obama's] message didn't mean [bleep] to me."

Jackson then went on to drop the N-word several times when discussing Obama, telling the mag, "When it comes down to it, they wouldn't have elected a [bleep]. Because, what's a [bleep]? A [bleep] is scary. Obama ain't scary at all. [Bleeps] don't have beers at the White House. [Bleeps] don't let some white dude, while you in the middle of a speech, call [him] a liar. A [bleep] would have stopped the meeting right there and said, ‘Who the [bleep] said that?' I hope Obama gets scary in the next four years, 'cuz he ain't gotta worry about getting re-elected."

Smacks of ... Obama needs to Black it up."
Samuel L. Jackson -- I Voted for Barack Obama Because He's Black |

2. Obama best listen to Jackson....'cause....

"The path
of the righteous man is beset on
all sides by the inequities of the
selfish and the tyranny of evil
men. Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will,
shepherds the weak through the
valley of darkness, for he is truly
his brother's keeper and the finder
of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those
who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
Ezekiel 25:17.
I don't think its a big secret that 90% of blacks voted for the Hussein because he is black.

A lot of white people did too.
1." Barack Obama's politics meant nothing to Samuel L. Jackson because the "Pulp Fiction" star only voted for the president for one reason and one reason only ... because he's black.

In an interview with Ebony magazine, Jackson explained, "I voted for Barack because he was black. ...[Obama's] message didn't mean [bleep] to me."

Jackson then went on to drop the N-word several times when discussing Obama, telling the mag, "When it comes down to it, they wouldn't have elected a [bleep]. Because, what's a [bleep]? A [bleep] is scary. Obama ain't scary at all. [Bleeps] don't have beers at the White House. [Bleeps] don't let some white dude, while you in the middle of a speech, call [him] a liar. A [bleep] would have stopped the meeting right there and said, ‘Who the [bleep] said that?' I hope Obama gets scary in the next four years, 'cuz he ain't gotta worry about getting re-elected."

Smacks of ... Obama needs to Black it up."
Samuel L. Jackson -- I Voted for Barack Obama Because He's Black |

2. Obama best listen to Jackson....'cause....

"The path
of the righteous man is beset on
all sides by the inequities of the
selfish and the tyranny of evil
men. Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will,
shepherds the weak through the
valley of darkness, for he is truly
his brother's keeper and the finder
of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those
who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
Ezekiel 25:17.

I voted for Obama because I'm a white guy that didn't want a crazy white woman.. an old white guys heart failing.. away from the the White house.
I don't think its a big secret that 90% of blacks voted for the Hussein because he is black.

A lot of white people did too.
And it's no secret that a lot of people voted against Obama for the same reason.
I don't think its a big secret that 90% of blacks voted for the Hussein because he is black.

A lot of white people did too.

Yup...and this is a prime reason why Obama is about to be a one-termer....

...white folks who voted for him on that basis can be self-assured of their street creds, and now can find a more exigent reason for casting their vote.
I don't think its a big secret that 90% of blacks voted for the Hussein because he is black.

A lot of white people did too.

Yup...and this is a prime reason why Obama is about to be a one-termer....

...white folks who voted for him on that basis can be self-assured of their street creds, and now can find a more exigent reason for casting their vote.
The rationalization of a racist DittoTard.
I don't think its a big secret that 90% of blacks voted for the Hussein because he is black.

A lot of white people did too.

Yup...and this is a prime reason why Obama is about to be a one-termer....

...white folks who voted for him on that basis can be self-assured of their street creds, and now can find a more exigent reason for casting their vote.
The rationalization of a racist DittoTard.

You poor, poor, sad thing.

So often those bereft of the ability to either think or articulate are reduced to the 'racist' charge.
Isn't that true?

Should you ever develop the ability to read, to study, you might pick up a copy of "Rights Gone Wrong: How Law Corrupts the Struggle for Equality" [Hardcover]
by Richard Thompson Ford.

I found this discussion of racism interesting:

1. Paul Brest, of Stanford, argued that discrimination should include distinctions based not only on irrational animus and stereotypes, but also on “selective sympathy and indifference.” You might agree with that, no?

2. “This definition includes quite a generous notion of collective responsibility and social justice, that society has a responsibility to eliminate and avoid not only overt discrimination but also inequality caused by milder forms of bias such as the inability or unwillingness of decision makers to sympathize with people unlike themselves.” Generous…but beyond reasonable.

a. It becomes easy to make a case that bigotry of some type – animus, stereotypes, or selective sympathy and indifference-is behind almost any inequality: preponderance of black men in prison, longer lines for the ladies rooms than for the men’s, mandatory retirement at 65, buildings with stairs and not wheelchair ramps, etc, etc.

3. But these and other social problem differ from one another, and it is not helpful to insist that they all involve “discrimination” and deserve condemnation for that reason. Discrimination, strictly speaking, is often both necessary and just.
p. 81-83.

Do you begin to see how folks of good will...albeit more intelligent than you are, ...discuss a subject?

But, among your kind, grunts and simple invective are probably enough, eh?
1." Barack Obama's politics meant nothing to Samuel L. Jackson because the "Pulp Fiction" star only voted for the president for one reason and one reason only ... because he's black.

In an interview with Ebony magazine, Jackson explained, "I voted for Barack because he was black. ...[Obama's] message didn't mean [bleep] to me."

Jackson then went on to drop the N-word several times when discussing Obama, telling the mag, "When it comes down to it, they wouldn't have elected a [bleep]. Because, what's a [bleep]? A [bleep] is scary. Obama ain't scary at all. [Bleeps] don't have beers at the White House. [Bleeps] don't let some white dude, while you in the middle of a speech, call [him] a liar. A [bleep] would have stopped the meeting right there and said, ‘Who the [bleep] said that?' I hope Obama gets scary in the next four years, 'cuz he ain't gotta worry about getting re-elected."

Smacks of ... Obama needs to Black it up."
Samuel L. Jackson -- I Voted for Barack Obama Because He's Black |

2. Obama best listen to Jackson....'cause....

"The path
of the righteous man is beset on
all sides by the inequities of the
selfish and the tyranny of evil
men. Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will,
shepherds the weak through the
valley of darkness, for he is truly
his brother's keeper and the finder
of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those
who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
Ezekiel 25:17.

I voted for Obama because I'm a white guy that didn't want a crazy white woman.. an old white guys heart failing.. away from the the White house.

So....lookin' at the destruction of the last three years, how ya' feel now, white boooooyyyyyyy???

Ready to admit your mistake?
Yup...and this is a prime reason why Obama is about to be a one-termer....

...white folks who voted for him on that basis can be self-assured of their street creds, and now can find a more exigent reason for casting their vote.
The rationalization of a racist DittoTard.

You poor, poor, sad thing.

So often those bereft of the ability to either think or articulate are reduced to the 'racist' charge.
Isn't that true?

Should you ever develop the ability to read, to study,...

Do you begin to see how folks of good will...albeit more intelligent than you are, ...discuss a subject?

But, among your kind, grunts and simple invective are probably enough, eh?
Pot, meet kettle.

Interesting that you could not defend your bigoted claim that white people voted for a black man to gain "street cred." One could argue that you parroted your MessiahRushie to gain DittoTard creds or you voted for the old white geezer and the whacko Celebutard to gain racist creds.
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1." Barack Obama's politics meant nothing to Samuel L. Jackson because the "Pulp Fiction" star only voted for the president for one reason and one reason only ... because he's black.

In an interview with Ebony magazine, Jackson explained, "I voted for Barack because he was black. ...[Obama's] message didn't mean [bleep] to me."

Jackson then went on to drop the N-word several times when discussing Obama, telling the mag, "When it comes down to it, they wouldn't have elected a [bleep]. Because, what's a [bleep]? A [bleep] is scary. Obama ain't scary at all. [Bleeps] don't have beers at the White House. [Bleeps] don't let some white dude, while you in the middle of a speech, call [him] a liar. A [bleep] would have stopped the meeting right there and said, ‘Who the [bleep] said that?' I hope Obama gets scary in the next four years, 'cuz he ain't gotta worry about getting re-elected."

Smacks of ... Obama needs to Black it up."
Samuel L. Jackson -- I Voted for Barack Obama Because He's Black |

2. Obama best listen to Jackson....'cause....

"The path
of the righteous man is beset on
all sides by the inequities of the
selfish and the tyranny of evil
men. Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will,
shepherds the weak through the
valley of darkness, for he is truly
his brother's keeper and the finder
of lost children.
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those
who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.

And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."
Ezekiel 25:17.

I voted for Obama because I'm a white guy that didn't want a crazy white woman.. an old white guys heart failing.. away from the the White house.

So....lookin' at the destruction of the last three years, how ya' feel now, white boooooyyyyyyy???

Ready to admit your mistake?

Either way was a mistake.
yeah your right they would steal the joke for money even if they dont get it

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