CDZ Same Sex Marriage (and the Bible)


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
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How did marriage start? It began when God created Eve to be Adam's wife. God is the creator of the marriage relationship ... Genesis 2:18 - "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” And so he created Eve, a woman, to be a companion for Adam.
These scriptures make it clear that God designed marriage to be heterosexual. A man and a woman.

Homosexuality is not God's pattern for marriage and family relationships. The Bible makes that clear.
"Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (Leviticus 18:22)

Homosexual relationships are unnatural. They cause diseases. And worst of all, they dishonor God.
There has always been homosexuality among higher animals. There is nothing unnatural about homosexuality or same sex /relationships/marriage.

THAT is what true Christians should believe because they also believe that a god created them. If they believe homosexuality is unnatural, they must also believe that their god makes mistakes.

The same could be said about male circumcision. The religious must believe their god made a mistake so they chop off the offending error.

More than anything else, what consenting adults do together is their business.

Agree or Disagree? Rebuttals?

How did marriage start? It began when God created Eve to be Adam's wife. God is the creator of the marriage relationship ... Genesis 2:18 - "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” And so he created Eve, a woman, to be a companion for Adam.
These scriptures make it clear that God designed marriage to be heterosexual. A man and a woman.

Homosexuality is not God's pattern for marriage and family relationships. The Bible makes that clear.
"Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (Leviticus 18:22)

Homosexual relationships are unnatural. They cause diseases. And worst of all, they dishonor God.

Religious mumbo jumbo causes diseases. Look at the Plague in medevel Europe. Thinking black cats were familars of the Devil, religious people slaughtered them en masse' when the cats were the only thing keeping the rats infested with plague-carrying fleas in check spreading the plague even faster.

By definition, anything other animals do is 'natural.' Some 450 species are documented as having homosexuality beyond the occasional same-sex pairing for reasons like domination or play. But actual preferential homosexuality as evidenced by continuing such pairings even when given the opportunity to mate with females.

If you're going to use Adam and Eve, might wanna learn about the actual story, and not the Bible for Dummies version as you mentioned. Eve was not Adam's first wife, Lilith was. And she too wasn't Adam's first option. First, (and in the Bible as well,) God paraded all the animals before Adam to see if any of they would be suitable. In other words, you're perfect all-knowing God considered maybe a sheep would be a suitable sex-partner for Adam. When Adam had tried sex with every animal and expressed his not finding one suitable, then God created Lilith. God created Lilith in the same manner as He had Adam, from the dust of the Earth. But being Adam's equal and opposite, the two naturally were at odds with each other. Lilith wanted Adam as her sex partner, while Adam wanted Lilith as his. In other words, they both wanted to be the Alpha and to have domination over the other. Long story short, Lilith rebelled, was turned into a demon and went off into the world to wreck havoc on the males of the species. Then God created Eve FROM Adam's own body and thus created an opposite, but not-equal coming from Adam's himself. Thus being more like his own child or clone but certainly subserviant to him.

God is NOT the 'creator of marriage.' At most, Judaism is about 3500 years old. Christianity about 2000. Islam about 1300. But Hinduism is (most conservative estimates at least 4000 years old.) I note a lot of religious discussion hinges on Judaism having to be the starting point for everything for any of it to make sense. Thus the world's only 6000 years old etc etc. When in fact reliigons go back hundreds of thousands of years, but because writing only goes back about 10,000 the religions from WAY back aren't remembered because they weren't written down. If you want a god that started marriage and thus defined it, look at the Egyptian pantheon, or 'pagan' faiths of Africa. Have religious artifacts from Africa dated to 65,000 years old.
Agree or Disagree? Rebuttals?

How did marriage start? It began when God created Eve to be Adam's wife. God is the creator of the marriage relationship ... Genesis 2:18 - "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” And so he created Eve, a woman, to be a companion for Adam.
These scriptures make it clear that God designed marriage to be heterosexual. A man and a woman.

Homosexuality is not God's pattern for marriage and family relationships. The Bible makes that clear.
"Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (Leviticus 18:22)

Homosexual relationships are unnatural. They cause diseases. And worst of all, they dishonor God.

Marriage started as a method for property transfer. That is pretty much what is has remained.
There has always been homosexuality among higher animals. There is nothing unnatural about homosexuality or same sex /relationships/marriage.

THAT is what true Christians should believe because they also believe that a god created them. If they believe homosexuality is unnatural, they must also believe that their god makes mistakes.

The same could be said about male circumcision. The religious must believe their god made a mistake so they chop off the offending error.

More than anything else, what consenting adults do together is their business.


God created MAN (human beings) to be heterosexual.

Had it not been for original sin, none of the other sexual deviancies would have entered the world.
Even so, God commands marriage and relationships be heterosexual. We have to deny ourselves impulses and feelings to the contrary.

God made man and woman in a perfect state, yet, made them to have a free will choice.
They chose wrong and have been paying the price ever since. Adam and Eve are to blame for homosexuality (and every other sin) being in the world. Not God.
If you're going to use Adam and Eve, might wanna learn about the actual story, and not the Bible for Dummies version as you mentioned. Eve was not Adam's first wife, Lilith was. And she too wasn't Adam's first option. First, (and in the Bible as well,) God paraded all the animals before Adam to see if any of they would be suitable. In other words, you're perfect all-knowing God considered maybe a sheep would be a suitable sex-partner for Adam. When Adam had tried sex with every animal and expressed his not finding one suitable, then God created Lilith

What's your source for this information?

this is so wrong on so many levels I don't know where to start.

Will just comment on the "public prayer" part. He has no problem with public prayer, Jesus looks into the HEART of people praying, and because this prayer was being done for "show", it was not God honoring.

What an offensive piece of trash you shared. Ugh.
Agree or Disagree? Rebuttals?

How did marriage start? It began when God created Eve to be Adam's wife. God is the creator of the marriage relationship ... Genesis 2:18 - "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” And so he created Eve, a woman, to be a companion for Adam.
These scriptures make it clear that God designed marriage to be heterosexual. A man and a woman.

Homosexuality is not God's pattern for marriage and family relationships. The Bible makes that clear.
"Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (Leviticus 18:22)

Homosexual relationships are unnatural. They cause diseases. And worst of all, they dishonor God.

Marriage started as a method for property transfer. That is pretty much what is has remained.

From a societal view point - again, it's hard to have any discussion with LAW/LOGIC people and FAITH/GOD people.

I'm not saying people should believe and discuss from the FAITH/GOD stance, I'm just saying if you can't have your cake and eat it too. Don't tell me you love God and have given your life to Jesus, but then marry someone of the same sex and/or have an abortion.
If you're going to use Adam and Eve, might wanna learn about the actual story, and not the Bible for Dummies version as you mentioned. Eve was not Adam's first wife, Lilith was. And she too wasn't Adam's first option. First, (and in the Bible as well,) God paraded all the animals before Adam to see if any of they would be suitable. In other words, you're perfect all-knowing God considered maybe a sheep would be a suitable sex-partner for Adam. When Adam had tried sex with every animal and expressed his not finding one suitable, then God created Lilith

What's your source for this information?

An angel told me personally. Prove it didn't. :)
If you're going to use Adam and Eve, might wanna learn about the actual story, and not the Bible for Dummies version as you mentioned. Eve was not Adam's first wife, Lilith was. And she too wasn't Adam's first option. First, (and in the Bible as well,) God paraded all the animals before Adam to see if any of they would be suitable. In other words, you're perfect all-knowing God considered maybe a sheep would be a suitable sex-partner for Adam. When Adam had tried sex with every animal and expressed his not finding one suitable, then God created Lilith

What's your source for this information?

Eve and the Identity of Women 7. Eve Lilith

Everyone who ever took an actual college theology class already knows this. Unfortunately, most religious people never take theology. :)
Agree or Disagree? Rebuttals?

How did marriage start? It began when God created Eve to be Adam's wife. God is the creator of the marriage relationship ... Genesis 2:18 - "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” And so he created Eve, a woman, to be a companion for Adam.
These scriptures make it clear that God designed marriage to be heterosexual. A man and a woman.

Homosexuality is not God's pattern for marriage and family relationships. The Bible makes that clear.
"Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (Leviticus 18:22)

Homosexual relationships are unnatural. They cause diseases. And worst of all, they dishonor God.

Marriage started as a method for property transfer. That is pretty much what is has remained.

From a societal view point - again, it's hard to have any discussion with LAW/LOGIC people and FAITH/GOD people.

I'm not saying people should believe and discuss from the FAITH/GOD stance, I'm just saying if you can't have your cake and eat it too. Don't tell me you love God and have given your life to Jesus, but then marry someone of the same sex and/or have an abortion.

Whether someone tells you that or not really doesn't matter. That is between them and God. I would not for a second ask that you accept the validity of anything against your personal beliefs. I only demand the state does.
Everyone who ever took an actual college theology class already knows this. Unfortunately, most religious people never take theology. :)

so you have total faith in this? why? what makes this more reliable than the Bible?

In an effort to explain inconsistencies in the Old Testament, there developed in Jewish literature a complex interpretive system called the midrash which attempts to reconcile biblical contradictions and bring new meaning to the scriptural text.
All arguments that marriage is something other than the joining of a MAN and a WOMAN in HOLY MATRIMONY in the eyes of GOD is LIES.

All arguments that homosexuality is something other than ABNORMAL and not seen as an ABOMINATION and horrible SIN in the eyes God is also LIES.

The homos will spin, twist, distort, demonize, call names, pervert, misinform, change and flat out LIE about the truth in the Bible.

Their point really isn't to change what marriage is, as much as it is their intent to BASTARDIZE the word of GOD.

They are truly EVIL, perverted, mentally ill people, and they HATE Christianity, just as the devil himself.
All arguments that marriage is something other than the joining of a MAN and a WOMAN in HOLY MATRIMONY in the eyes of GOD is LIES.

All arguments that homosexuality is something other than ABNORMAL and not seen as an ABOMINATION and horrible SIN in the eyes God is also LIES.

The homos will spin, twist, distort, demonize, call names, pervert, misinform, change and flat out LIE about the truth in the Bible.

Their point really isn't to change what marriage is, as much as it is their intent to BASTARDIZE the word of GOD.

They are truly EVIL, perverted, mentally ill people, and they HATE Christianity, just as the devil himself.

Then please explain to us why Jacob, chosen by God to father the 12 tribes of Israel, had two wives. Do you think God wasn't aware?
Agree or Disagree? Rebuttals?

How did marriage start? It began when God created Eve to be Adam's wife. God is the creator of the marriage relationship ... Genesis 2:18 - "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him.” And so he created Eve, a woman, to be a companion for Adam.
These scriptures make it clear that God designed marriage to be heterosexual. A man and a woman.

Genesis is part of the Hebrew tribal oral tradition, essentially fairy tales told around a camp fire in the desert--a mythology. Eventually someone wrote these stories of a Garden and a flood down. They are meant to be read as allegorical and metaphor, not taken literally.

The story of Adam and Eve is the story of human sexuality, that we are all born innocent of our sexual natures. Innocence is lost when they eat the apple from the tree of knowledge and realize their nakedness -- the instinct of the adolescent to cover up and clothe the sex organs and breasts. That tribal society believe the greek and roman expressions of sexuality and nakedness to be shameful.

The story teaches us that at our core we our sexual beings and sex can be both loving and lustful--the duel nature of the sex instinct. The caveman jumping out of the bushes to forcibly take the cavewoman from behind is how the first babies were made, an act we now consider violent and obscene.

Although the hebrews in the desert might not have accepted homosexuality, the Greeks and Romans certainly did. As have many societies and sects over history.

The history of marriage is essentially the history of property and ownership. Up until recently, the female had very little say in the matter, she was merely property to be traded. If we are going to take the bible literally, then polygamy should be legal, as well as slaverly and stoning rape victims and adulterers.

this is so wrong on so many levels I don't know where to start.

Will just comment on the "public prayer" part. He has no problem with public prayer, Jesus looks into the HEART of people praying, and because this prayer was being done for "show", it was not God honoring.

What an offensive piece of trash you shared. Ugh.
Nothing in there is anywhere near as offensive as your posts. The use of one's faith as a means of harming and condemning others is disgusting. God created each and every human on this planet and for you to condemn some because of what some Levite wrote 5000 years ago is astonishingly offensive. God is not going to be happy with you if you keep this up; she is going to be very upset with you.

this is so wrong on so many levels I don't know where to start.

Will just comment on the "public prayer" part. He has no problem with public prayer, Jesus looks into the HEART of people praying, and because this prayer was being done for "show", it was not God honoring.

What an offensive piece of trash you shared. Ugh.
Nothing in there is anywhere near as offensive as your posts. The use of one's faith as a means of harming and condemning others is disgusting. God created each and every human on this planet and for you to condemn some because of what some Levite wrote 5000 years ago is astonishingly offensive. God is not going to be happy with you if you keep this up; she is going to be very upset with you.

I think he's quite please, because he knows I love homosexuals, and want what is best for them... and that is a relationship with Jesus Christ.

God knows he created woman for man, and, that he stated in the Bible through men that men laying with men was an abomination in His sight. He would be happy that I was trying to tell the world the Truth in love and peace. I say what I say in love, not judgment.

this is so wrong on so many levels I don't know where to start.

Will just comment on the "public prayer" part. He has no problem with public prayer, Jesus looks into the HEART of people praying, and because this prayer was being done for "show", it was not God honoring.

What an offensive piece of trash you shared. Ugh.
Nothing in there is anywhere near as offensive as your posts. The use of one's faith as a means of harming and condemning others is disgusting. God created each and every human on this planet and for you to condemn some because of what some Levite wrote 5000 years ago is astonishingly offensive. God is not going to be happy with you if you keep this up; she is going to be very upset with you.

I think he's quite please, because he knows I love homosexuals, and want what is best for them... and that is a relationship with Jesus Christ.

God knows he created woman for man, and, that he stated in the Bible through men that men laying with men was an abomination in His sight. He would be happy that I was trying to tell the world the Truth in love and peace. I say what I say in love, not judgment.
No..she is p'ed off big time. She gets that way whenever folks down here justify their hatred and bigotry by faith in her.

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