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There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Mohammed was a murdering pedophile.
You can say that about most religious figures
I could probably say the same thing about you. Congratulations. After reviewing some of your previous replies, I decided to give you the honor of being the first on my ignore list.

So, you're putting people on ignore because you don't agree with them?
I don't think anyone can put God in a box. He is infinite. He is above us in so many ways. We will never comprehend His Majesty.
I said I was done...but...DING DING DING!!!!
Which is why there are many paths, many ways, many languages, many signs, many understandings.....from God to each person individually. So since nobody can ever comprehend Him, how can they dictate to others the right "ways"? Ya can't.

As ghandi so many words...."I like your Jesus. His followers, not so much".

And yet God gave us the Bible. It has everything needed for a personal relationship with God. If ones beliefs align with Gods word, then everything is fine. But so many want to rely on their own understanding. That is where problems begin. The only way to interpret Gods word is with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is why there are so many interpretations of the Bible. Many do not have, or listen to, Gods Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Ghost, there can be no understanding. And I'm not dictating anything, as you put it. Gods word says that Jesus is the only way to God. There is no alternative way to interpret this. It say what it says. Do you disagree?

I have a question.

Do you believe the universe was made by God and why?
A sinner, saved by grace. I'm here to spread the Word of God.

I'm sure that I will make many enemies in the process, but that will just mean that I'm doing it right.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, or to be a Bible expert. But the Gospel of Christ is simple enough for a child to understand.

And since the best way to win others to Christ is by example, I ask that anyone who observes me conducting myself in a manner that is unchristian, please bring it to my attention. I'm not perfect, and I will probably lose my temper and say something I shouldn't. I'm only human. That's why apologies were invented. ^_^

Thanks for joining the forum. I have one question about Christianity if you would be kind enough to answer. What is the Holy Ghost?

LOL! I haven't come to a conclusion on that yet. I was raised a Baptist, so I was taught about the Holy Trinity. Others think it is heretical because there is only one God. From what I know about it, the trinity teaching does not teach that there are three Gods. It teaches that there is one God comprised of three beings. Just as humans have a body soul and a spirit. Are we three people? No. Neither is God. Personally, I believe that the closest you can come to explaining God is that he is one God with three aspects. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Bottom line. I don't think anyone can put God in a box. He is infinite. He is above us in so many ways. We will never comprehend His Majesty. It is enough to know that I deserve death, but He took pity on me.

The tripod is the strongest structure and that was why the ancient pyramids of Egypt are shaped like a triangle. God, Son and Holy Ghost are the Trinity and I know who God and Jesus are but the Holy Ghost confuses me. One religious scholar wrote me that the Holy Ghost is the only way God and Jesus can communicate with man. I find that odd when God is all powerful. Just a question that has been bugging me for a long time.

edit: I do believe in Free Will, could that be the Holy Ghost?
Try looking at it this way. Man is a sinful creature. There is nothing good in us, according to Scripture. What if The Holy Spirit is simply Gods awareness, focused on us in a tangible way. Whenever we contemplate doing something wrong, he's right there, ready to give us a good swift kick in the conscience.
Oh, he is going to get along with jere just fine. But we are all in for some headaches. Double thumping now.
There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Mohammed was a murdering pedophile.
You can say that about most religious figures
I could probably say the same thing about you. Congratulations. After reviewing some of your previous replies, I decided to give you the honor of being the first on my ignore list.

So, you're putting people on ignore because you don't agree with them?
I put him on ignore, because I reviewed his previous replies and determined that I do not wish to hear from him again. It has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with him. I just do not care to listen to what he has to say. Or, more precisely, the way he says it.
A sinner, saved by grace. I'm here to spread the Word of God.

I'm sure that I will make many enemies in the process, but that will just mean that I'm doing it right.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, or to be a Bible expert. But the Gospel of Christ is simple enough for a child to understand.

And since the best way to win others to Christ is by example, I ask that anyone who observes me conducting myself in a manner that is unchristian, please bring it to my attention. I'm not perfect, and I will probably lose my temper and say something I shouldn't. I'm only human. That's why apologies were invented. ^_^

Thanks for joining the forum. I have one question about Christianity if you would be kind enough to answer. What is the Holy Ghost?

The Holy Ghost is the power of God. God speaks, the Spirit moves, and there's light. When Christ was baptized and received the Holy Spirit, he worked miracles.
The Holy Spirit is the Comforter. Christ sent The Holy Spirit to the disciples when He left. It is the Spirit that gives you that peace that defies understanding in troubled times.
The Holy Spirit draws men to God.
^ That is the Reader's Digest version. There is so much more.
And the Holy Spirit is a gift to those who ask for it. Ask for it. It's a good thing.
Hi Lutoo.:)
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I don't think anyone can put God in a box. He is infinite. He is above us in so many ways. We will never comprehend His Majesty.
I said I was done...but...DING DING DING!!!!
Which is why there are many paths, many ways, many languages, many signs, many understandings.....from God to each person individually. So since nobody can ever comprehend Him, how can they dictate to others the right "ways"? Ya can't.

As ghandi so many words...."I like your Jesus. His followers, not so much".

And yet God gave us the Bible. It has everything needed for a personal relationship with God. If ones beliefs align with Gods word, then everything is fine. But so many want to rely on their own understanding. That is where problems begin. The only way to interpret Gods word is with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is why there are so many interpretations of the Bible. Many do not have, or listen to, Gods Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Ghost, there can be no understanding. And I'm not dictating anything, as you put it. Gods word says that Jesus is the only way to God. There is no alternative way to interpret this. It say what it says. Do you disagree?

I have a question.

Do you believe the universe was made by God and why?
Doesn't matter what I believe. The Bible says it happened. That's good enough for me.
There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Mohammed was a murdering pedophile.

According to the Bible, Mohammed is one of Abraham's sons, and when Abraham was willing to kill one of his sons because God asked him to, God stopped him, but promised that ALL of Abraham's tribes, including Mohammed would be welcomed into Heaven.

Isaac and Esau. Esau means hairy one and who the Arabs (Mohammad) descended from. Abraham was an ancient Assyrian and ancient Assyria is located in modern day Iraq. Jesus descended from from Isaac.
A sinner, saved by grace. I'm here to spread the Word of God.

I'm sure that I will make many enemies in the process, but that will just mean that I'm doing it right.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, or to be a Bible expert. But the Gospel of Christ is simple enough for a child to understand.

And since the best way to win others to Christ is by example, I ask that anyone who observes me conducting myself in a manner that is unchristian, please bring it to my attention. I'm not perfect, and I will probably lose my temper and say something I shouldn't. I'm only human. That's why apologies were invented. ^_^

Thanks for joining the forum. I have one question about Christianity if you would be kind enough to answer. What is the Holy Ghost?

The Holy Ghost is the power of God. God speaks, the Spirit moves, and there's light. When Christ was baptized and received the Holy Spirit, he worked miracles.
The Holy Spirit is the comforter. Christ sent The Holy Spirit to the disciples when He left. It is the Spirit that gives you that peace that defies understanding in troubled times.
The Holy Spirit draws men to God.
And the Holy Spirit is a gift to those who ask for it. Ask for it. It's a good thing.
Hi Lutoo.:)
Since you seem to be such a wonderful person, I'll overlook your misspelling of my name.

Hi yourself.


Great answer, BTW.
There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Mohammed was a murdering pedophile.
You can say that about most religious figures
I could probably say the same thing about you. Congratulations. After reviewing some of your previous replies, I decided to give you the honor of being the first on my ignore list.

So, you're putting people on ignore because you don't agree with them?
I put him on ignore, because I reviewed his previous replies and determined that I do not wish to hear from him again. It has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with him. I just do not care to listen to what he has to say. Or, more precisely, the way he says it.

Well, you aren't going to last long on this forum then.

I do put a lot of people on ignore, but because they're insulting mostly.

If someone has something to say, and they make their point, then I don't have a problem with this, even if I don't agree.
Oy. So she did a typo.
I think I will do for you what you did to oldschool.
Are you so uptight that you can't tell when someone is joking? I doubt that Irish had a problem with it.
There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Mohammed was a murdering pedophile.

According to the Bible, Mohammed is one of Abraham's sons, and when Abraham was willing to kill one of his sons because God asked him to, God stopped him, but promised that ALL of Abraham's tribes, including Mohammed would be welcomed into Heaven.

Isaac and Esau. Esau means hairy one and who the Arabs (Mohammad) descended from. Abraham was an ancient Assyrian and ancient Assyria is located in modern day Iraq. Jesus descended from from Isaac.

edit: after giving it more thought Abraham was from ancient Sumer which existed much earlier than ancient Assyria but still in modern day Iraq. Abraham had to take his wealth and family out of Sumer and went to the Levant where Isaac was almost sacrificed by Abraham
There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God.
Mohammed was a murdering pedophile.
You can say that about most religious figures
I could probably say the same thing about you. Congratulations. After reviewing some of your previous replies, I decided to give you the honor of being the first on my ignore list.

So, you're putting people on ignore because you don't agree with them?
I put him on ignore, because I reviewed his previous replies and determined that I do not wish to hear from him again. It has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with him. I just do not care to listen to what he has to say. Or, more precisely, the way he says it.

7 TIMES 70?
Mohammed was a murdering pedophile.
You can say that about most religious figures
I could probably say the same thing about you. Congratulations. After reviewing some of your previous replies, I decided to give you the honor of being the first on my ignore list.

So, you're putting people on ignore because you don't agree with them?
I put him on ignore, because I reviewed his previous replies and determined that I do not wish to hear from him again. It has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with him. I just do not care to listen to what he has to say. Or, more precisely, the way he says it.

Well, you aren't going to last long on this forum then.

I do put a lot of people on ignore, but because they're insulting mostly.

If someone has something to say, and they make their point, then I don't have a problem with this, even if I don't agree.
Do you not listen? I said it has nothing to do with whether or not I agree with him. I find him a repulsive creature, based on his previous comments. That's all. If he agreed with me, and still talked the way he does, I'd still ignore him. And why is this even an issue. They put the ignore feature on this site so people could use it. Are you saying that you have a problem with me exercising that right, for whatever reason I deem necessary?
pssssssssst....this guy is why many run the other way when someone claims they are christian and represent their god. Then they wonder wtf is wrong with everyone else instead of looking in da mirror.
A sinner, saved by grace. I'm here to spread the Word of God.

I'm sure that I will make many enemies in the process, but that will just mean that I'm doing it right.

I don't pretend to have all the answers, or to be a Bible expert. But the Gospel of Christ is simple enough for a child to understand.

And since the best way to win others to Christ is by example, I ask that anyone who observes me conducting myself in a manner that is unchristian, please bring it to my attention. I'm not perfect, and I will probably lose my temper and say something I shouldn't. I'm only human. That's why apologies were invented. ^_^

Thanks for joining the forum. I have one question about Christianity if you would be kind enough to answer. What is the Holy Ghost?

LOL! I haven't come to a conclusion on that yet. I was raised a Baptist, so I was taught about the Holy Trinity. Others think it is heretical because there is only one God. From what I know about it, the trinity teaching does not teach that there are three Gods. It teaches that there is one God comprised of three beings. Just as humans have a body soul and a spirit. Are we three people? No. Neither is God. Personally, I believe that the closest you can come to explaining God is that he is one God with three aspects. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Bottom line. I don't think anyone can put God in a box. He is infinite. He is above us in so many ways. We will never comprehend His Majesty. It is enough to know that I deserve death, but He took pity on me.

Lu, the best way I can explain the Trinity is that it is 3 factions of the same God. Sybil was one person with several personalities, each with a different purpose. God manifested Himself into 3 personalities, God, the Father, God the Son and God, the Holy Spirit. Sybil's alter selves were confined to her mind. God's were not. Yet each has their own identity, each with their own role to perform.
As Dolly, the cloned sheep, was to her mother, (the spiting image, but a different being), Christ and the Holy Spirit are to the Father.
Hope that helps. You can conclude who the Spirit is from Scripture. He is very well defined. But don't add to it or take away from what you read, or draw your own conclusions. Pray for discernment before you read and before long you will know exactly what the Holy Spirit is and what His strengths are. :)
I don't think anyone can put God in a box. He is infinite. He is above us in so many ways. We will never comprehend His Majesty.
I said I was done...but...DING DING DING!!!!
Which is why there are many paths, many ways, many languages, many signs, many understandings.....from God to each person individually. So since nobody can ever comprehend Him, how can they dictate to others the right "ways"? Ya can't.

As ghandi so many words...."I like your Jesus. His followers, not so much".

And yet God gave us the Bible. It has everything needed for a personal relationship with God. If ones beliefs align with Gods word, then everything is fine. But so many want to rely on their own understanding. That is where problems begin. The only way to interpret Gods word is with the help of the Holy Spirit. This is why there are so many interpretations of the Bible. Many do not have, or listen to, Gods Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Ghost, there can be no understanding. And I'm not dictating anything, as you put it. Gods word says that Jesus is the only way to God. There is no alternative way to interpret this. It say what it says. Do you disagree?

I have a question.

Do you believe the universe was made by God and why?
Doesn't matter what I believe. The Bible says it happened. That's good enough for me.

So why do you bother coming on here then? This is a place to debate, to talk about things. You seem only interested in regurgitating what you've read in a book.

Here are some things that are said in the King James Bible. I'll assume you agree with them.

"thou shalt have treasure" matthew 19:21

Woohoo, so if I become a Christian, I automatically get given treasure, and then I become a pirate?

Okay, maybe not, I'm being silly. But the point I am making is that you could easily misquote the Bible to your heart's content, as people do.

What is even worse is that the Bible has been translated and updated as many times as people feel they want to.

Back to Matthew 19:23

"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven."

"Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven."

"Jesus said to His disciples, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, it is difficult for a rich man [who clings to possessions and status as security] to enter the kingdom of heaven."

"Then Jesus said to his disciples, “I assure you that it will be very hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven."

"Then Jesus said to his disciples: Amen, I say to you, that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven."

"Jesus said to his disciples, “I can guarantee this truth: It will be hard for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. "

"And Jesus said to his disciples, I say to you truth, for a rich man of hard shall enter into the kingdom of heavens. [Forsooth Jesus said to his disciples, Truly I say to you, for of hard a rich man shall enter into the realm of heavens.] "

Well, I've found a few different translations here. Which one do YOU believe?

Okay, most of these have a very similar meaning.

Five Mistakes in Your Bible Translation

Five Mistakes in Your Bible Translation"

"In the original Hebrew, the 10th Commandment prohibits taking, not coveting."

The Bible, to get to you in English, has gone through how many translations? From Hebrew to Greek to what?

I've done translation, and I can see how hard it is.

Jesús dijo entonces a sus discípulos:

—Les aseguro que difícilmente entrará un rico en el reino de los cielos"

Spanish version of Matthew 19:23 (Or Mateo 19:23)

Jesus then said to his disciples, I assure you all how hard it is for a rich person entering into the kingdom of heaven.

Do you see how different my translation is to the others above?

So, what, exactly, is it that you believe? Which Bible version? Which translation? Why believe a translation as this has been written by man. Do you have a copy of the original Bible? Does anyone have a copy of the original Bible?

Would you include those parts of the Bible that were taken out?

Why were 14 books ripped out of the King James Bible in 1885? , page 1

Essentially, who do you believe?
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