Zone1 *Sacrifice's Of Animals Again On The Jewish Mount!*

Sorry bout that,

1. The Jews will be restored fully, its not happened yet, there is a way to go.
2. Wait for it.
3. Why you ask?
4. Only a question G-d can answer, he has a reason I'm sure.
5. You feeling lucky enough, to ask a question of G-d?


yes it has happened and the jews have no idea what to do with themselves visible in the lite of day. their state of jews just for themselves.
Sorry bout that,

1. The Jews allow anyone to go to The State Israel, and look around.
2. They the Jews tolerate the muslims, and allow them to walk around unabated, freely, which blows the mind.
3. Which we all know is dangerous, they the muslims, will cut your throat in a second.
4. I went to Israel in 1993, it was wonderful, I saw everything I'm describing, with my own two eyes.
5. All the holy sites, excluding whats onto the Jewish mount are indeed Holy.
6. The Jews will one day get their, Holy Site, back. till then we watch!
7. I feel like *ALL* thats within Israels borders belongs to Israel.
8. All else have no claim.

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Sorry bout that,

1. The Jews allow anyone to go to The State Israel, and look around.
2. They the Jews tolerate the muslims, and allow them to walk around unabated, freely, which blows the mind.
3. Which we all know is dangerous, they the muslims, will cut your throat in a second.
4. I went to Israel in 1993, it was wonderful, I saw everything I'm describing, with my own two eyes.
5. All the holy sites, excluding whats onto the Jewish mount are indeed Holy.
6. The Jews will one day get their, Holy Site, back. till then we watch!
7. I feel like *ALL* thats within Israels borders belongs to Israel.
8. All else have no claim.

8. All else have no claim.

sorry about that, howabout who they and the romans (christians) murdered, jesus and those others, they have no claim for - your - holy land.

- just wondering, for your sake the response of the heavens - for their crime, the jewish.
sorry about that, howabout who they and the romans (christians) murdered, jesus and those others, they have no claim for - your - holy land.

- just wondering, for your sake the response of the heavens - for their crime, the jewish.
Sorry bout that,

1. I did say, *ALL*.
2. Any other be it the romans of Rome, ie Catholics (Like Myself) have no claim of ownership, at best its lease to own, and the lease is continuous/eternal.
3. Christian people need to learn to love the Jews, Jesus is Jewish.
4. I know the Jews, won't bow down, to Jesus now. in this time, but they will have to when they see him the next time, or else,....and they will at that time.
5. Here's the jest of the law.
6. G-d gave the land of Israel to the Jews, and to the Jews that land will be Jewish, forever,..and ever.
7. G-d promised that land to the seed of Abraham, and that will never, or ever be retracted.
8. Sure Jesus is of Abraham's seed, born of the tribe of Benjamin, and is far greater than Abraham, but G-d made a promise, a assured promise, that can't be dissolved.
9. And we Gentile Christians, and Jewish Christians, who believe in Jesus, (*The Greatest Jew*), will be grafted in like Jesus said, we will be given a seat at the eternal table too, the Jewish Christians, will be grafted in a lower location of the tree, they having being Jewish, they will get more honor.
10. And the rest of the, Jews shall turn to Jesus, and say (*Now we believe*.)

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If The Temple goes up, best advance your doomsday clock to seconds before the end
You could try to tell the Jews, "Ixna on the Templena so as not to triggorna the apoclypsna"

Na, someone has to do it, may as well get ready for the end.

Besides, I don't know how much of democrats I can stomach.

I've about reached my end as it is.
Sorry bout that,

1. I did say, *ALL*.
2. Any other be it the romans of Rome, ie Catholics (Like Myself) have no claim of ownership, at best its lease to own, and the lease is continuous/eternal.
3. Christian people need to learn to love the Jews, Jesus is Jewish.
4. I know the Jews, won't bow down, to Jesus now. in this time, but they will have to when they see him the next time, or else,....and they will at that time.
5. Here's the jest of the law.
6. G-d gave the land of Israel to the Jews, and to the Jews that land will be Jewish, forever,..and ever.
7. G-d promised that land to the seed of Abraham, and that will never, or ever be retracted.
8. Sure Jesus is of Abraham's seed, born of the tribe of Benjamin, and is far greater than Abraham, but G-d made a promise, a assured promise, that can't be dissolved.
9. And we Gentile Christians, and Jewish Christians, who believe in Jesus, (*The Greatest Jew*), will be grafted in like Jesus said, we will be given a seat at the eternal table too, the Jewish Christians, will be grafted in a lower location of the tree, they having being Jewish, they will get more honor.
10. And the rest of the, Jews shall turn to Jesus, and say (*Now we believe*.)

Jesus is Jewish.

you have on a stone tablet etched in the heavens what you claim was given the jews ... the same as the desert, phony 10 commandments.

the 1st century events they died for, liberation theology, self determination doesn't seem to have gone over so well as the jewish quest - about as heartening and understood as claiming jesus, himself was a jew.
Sorry bout that,

1. The unbelievers will have to wait and see.
2. Us believers already know what will transpire.
3. Now get along little doggie, your mama's waiting for you, she will send you a text, when suppers ready to your basement where you reside right now.
4. Why do you even post in these threads, loser?
5. So everyone can see how much of a, retard hethern you are?
6. There is no points for being a jackass about religion in the heavens, of which you have no, clue.
7. This thread is about the *JEWISH MOUNT*, and what the, Jews will do when they, get complete control of it.
8. There is a reason that the Jews have been given the land of Israel, and you or I can not fathom why its a must.
9. Now scurry off into your hole, we don't need your *bs*, anymore, ty.

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Sorry bout that,

1. The unbelievers will have to wait and see.
2. Us believers already know what will transpire.
3. Now get along little doggie, your mama's waiting for you, she will send you a text, when suppers ready to your basement where you reside right now.
4. Why do you even post in these threads, loser?
5. So everyone can see how much of a, retard hethern you are?
6. There is no points for being a jackass about religion in the heavens, of which you have no, clue.
7. This thread is about the *JEWISH MOUNT*, and what the, Jews will do when they, get complete control of it.
8. There is a reason that the Jews have been given the land of Israel, and you or I can not fathom why its a must.
9. Now scurry off into your hole, we don't need your *bs*, anymore, ty.


8. There is a reason that the Jews have been given the land of Israel, and you or I can not fathom why its a must.
you have on a stone tablet etched in the heavens what you claim was given the jews ... the same as the desert, phony 10 commandments.

- beginning to wonder about you cheesy ... where do you get your information, no wonder you are so sorry the heavens are for everyone. free yourself, your spirit that's all that's necessary.

the jews, desert religions - haven't a clue.
- beginning to wonder about you cheesy ... where do you get your information, no wonder you are so sorry the heavens are for everyone. free yourself, your spirit that's all that's necessary.

the jews, desert religions - haven't a clue.
Sorry bout that,

1. No NEWAGE bs for me, no thank you.
2. You must be very young, like 15, its ok to be young.
3. Young and dumb, we all do it.

Wouldn't the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 fulfill what was spoken through the prophets?

And yes, through prayer, I ask God questions quite frequently. God is a loving God, who cares deeply for people.

Of course, then PM David Ben Gurion A"H, pronounced the Jewish state in the name of the 'Rock of Israel', as a new historical era when that name of G-d is finally realized.

If it wasn't enough, the 6-day war made sure,
the world got shocked enough about
experiencing a Biblical event.

And the weak pitied Jew,
so loved by the UN,
was no more.

I think the world goes crazy breaking all idols in the shop, in preparation to hear what Judaism has to say to humanity.

What do You think?
Sorry bout that,

1. The optimal word in your statement is, *State*.
2. Who's, *State*?
3. The Jews, *State*?
4. Makes you wonder doesn't it?
5. Do other countries live in a, *State*?
6. Like the, *State 0f Spain*?
7. Or part of, *The United States* hummmm.
8. From which we protect them, breath life into them, make them safe.
9. Or is Israel, *A State, of Mind*?


Interesting choice of words.

'The State Of Israel'- it just emphasizes that statehood is a commandment, a national duty and mission for Jews. And how Jewish heritage expresses in such collective archetypes, regardless of being religious or secular.

Israel is a nation, it's not defined by a state of mind or belief in a dogma. However, its state of mind plays a part in sorting the state forms, and ideologies of the world.
Temple Mount Updates | Priestly Blessing At The Temple Mount
Are the terror attacks because we ascend the Temple Mount? | Temple Mount Yeshiva

Priestly Blessing at the Temple Mount

Beginning to build the Temple with the children of Israel

20,329 Jews Ascended the Temple Mount Since Rosh HaShanah

The Beyadenu – Returning to the Temple Mount organization that documents the number of Jewish ascents to the Temple Mount reports that as of Thursday, February 16th, 2023, 20,329 Jews ascended the Mount this Jewish year. This constitutes a 16% increase from the corresponding period last year when 17,377 Jews ascended.

Most Jews ascended on the restricted police route, but 1,962 Jews ascended through the tourists’ route under remote police supervision while concealing their religious symbols. They account for 10% of all ascenders. Most ascenders were guided by Beyadenu.

A group of Jewish ascenders ‘doing nothing special, officer’ on the Temple Mount. / Courtesy of Beyadenu

26 pre-military academies ascended this year with 960 students, 5% of all ascenders.

77 brides and grooms ascended this year before their weddings, and 29 Bar and Bat Mitzvah kids ascended and were guided by Beyadenu.

The highest number of Jews ascended on the first day of Chol HaMoed Sukkot – 1,388 Jews in one day.

Beyadenu reps guided the many ascenders who went up to the Temple Mount for the first time in their lives. The guides are on the Temple Mount every day, rain or shine.

To donate your half a shekel nearest the real thing, click here.

Wedding celebration at the Temple Mount entrance

One-on-one conversation about the situation on the Temple Mount with Rabbi Shimshon Alboim after receiving the Jerusalem Prize

The Jerusalem Award for Jewish Heritage this year is given to Rabbi Shimshon Elboim of the Temple Mount Administration


The head of the Temple Mount Administration, Rabbi Shimshon Alboim received the Jerusalem Award today. The award was given during the Jerusalem conference of the Bshev'a group.

Among other things, the organizers of the conference noted the work of the Temple Mount administration "in making the ascent to the Temple Mount accessible to all shades of the public, developing and operating the space for the ascent to the Temple Mount, holding prayers, Torah lessons, outreach activities, and even establishing study frameworks and Halachic Collels."

"Thanks to the administration, there has been a large jump in the number of Jews ascending to the Temple Mount. The ascension of rabbis has been renewed, the ascension of soldiers in uniform has been restored, the ascension of Knesset members and ministers has increased." The committee noted and also described some of the positive consequences of this, in relation to the disrespect and mistreatment of the place by Muslim organizations, such as the fact that "excavations of destruction on the Temple Mount have been stopped, a police station on the Temple Mount has been renewed and guard and protection posts have even been added."

After receiving the award, a one-on-one meeting was held with Rabbi Elboim.


Amir Dadon - Ben Adam (Human)

What are You running from, what are You running from
What are You running from, G-d what from?
Digging the wound only to feel

Where are You running to, what are You running to
Where are You running to, G-d where to?
Nights cheap are costly sometimes

Ben Adam!
Comes to visit disappears
Chasing love chasing songs
I have never given up, only scattered from within

Narkis - What Are You Running From

Airplanes cross busy skies
Like I attempt to find pathways
That no one has been in them before
For a glorious moment to end in a second
Lights go down, everyone go but want to You

Only this time, maybe we get off this cycle
All that we wanted is eventually here

"End of the matter, all having been heard" - Kohelet (12:13)
At the end of the day, You are with her
But writing songs of someone without a night
How they love You, want to take a piece
Don't know that You as well want peaceful life

Only this time...
If I'm alone, so are You
What are You running from?

And it's You who's passing between sidewalks
Haven't yet decided whether to be or not to be
I'm crazy I know, want You and only sinking
Trying to bring down the walls between us
Break the barriers, but for You, it's not enough
What are You running from?
If I'm alone, so are You

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Sorry bout that,

1. And I support whatever the Jews do.
2. Rake off that crap ontop the Jewish Mount and rebuild The Temple.
3. Whats needed now, is a happy accident.
4. A ground leveling accident.
5. GO JEWS!!!!!
6. Palestinians threaten violence on Jewish ‘provocations’ on Temple Mount

"Leaders of several Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip have called on Palestinians to converge on al-Aqsa Mosque compound (Temple Mount) on Friday to protect it against “provocations by Zionist criminals.”

7. Bring it, let the Jews mow you down if you come.

You may not have to wait long.

Sorry bout that,

1. I think about this often, will the Jews take back the Temple Mount, and all that accompanies it?
2. I pray they do.

Don't count on the animal sacrifice thing----it OFFICIALLY went out of
style post TITUS----ALSO it is an issue of economics --the biblical system,
which describes an agrarian society in which the entire Tribe of LEVI is
LANDLESS----ie levites and cohens is----sorta GONERS
Don't count on the animal sacrifice thing----it OFFICIALLY went out of
style post TITUS----ALSO it is an issue of economics --the biblical system,
which describes an agrarian society in which the entire Tribe of LEVI is
LANDLESS----ie levites and cohens is----sorta GONERS
The nation of Israel was sorta goners too, for 2,000 years. Don't be surprised to see it happen again.

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