Sacre Bleu! France Hits Amazon With 252 Million Dollar Tax Bill


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[The anal fornicating, Muslim appeasing French, led by Francoise "There's absolutely no need for fiscal austerity. There's plenty of money for the Government to steal out there" Hollande, who has apparently never met a pair of perfumed panties he didn't want to deeply delve into, are now trying to extort a little extra fun and frolic money from America's]

"Internet retailer Amazon said it had received a $252 million demand from the French tax authorities for back taxes, interest and penalties in relation to “the allocation of income between foreign jurisdictions”.

The claim comes as European countries step up efforts to clamp down on U.S. companies which minimise their tax bills in the continent by chanelling profits through low-tax regimes.

Amazon said it would fight the tax claim, in court if necessary, and that the demand related to the calendar years 2006 through 2010.

“We disagree with the proposed assessment and intend to vigorously contest it,” the company said in its third quarter results filed last month.

An Amazon official referred to the tax demand, which had not been previously widely reported, at a UK parliamentary committee hearing.

Amazon minimises its tax bill in France and other European countries by channeling sales through Luxembourg, which offers tax breaks to foreign companies which base themselves there"

France hits Amazon with $252 million tax claim - FRANCE - FRANCE 24
The French, BTW, are well known for their military acumen, logic, and insight. After having a good deal of WWI fought on their geographic territory they decided to erect defensive fortifications on the Franco/German border to prevent any future incursions by Le Bosch. When the Maginot Line, as it was called, reached the territory bordering the Ardennes Forest the French frugally decided to stop appropriating any more monies for its construction.
"Look at all those trees and how dark it is in there. No army could ever possibly find its way through there!"
"More wine, Pierre! More wine!"
If i were Jeff Bezos, I'd be telling those Cheese-eating surrender monkeys where they can shove their tax bill.

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