Ryan VP nomination could be a game-changer

Romney would not have bailed out GM, but let it go into a managed bankruptcy the way Dodge did a few decades ago. A bankruptcy judge would have voided the union contracts and overseen a reduction in benefits to make the company profitable. Instead the unions got a bail out and the shareholders got nothing.
Ryan and Romney want to make sure that government debts are not paid for by raising taxes on corporations and the richest 5% of US workers.

Gee! That's what I think too!
Do you think the victims of the biggest transfer of private debt into public debt in history should pay for the privilege of being swindled?
Ryan and Romney want to make sure that government debts are not paid for by raising taxes on corporations and the richest 5% of US workers.

Gee! That's what I think too!
Do you think the victims of the biggest transfer of private debt into public debt in history should pay for the privilege of being swindled?

I think GM should have been allowed to go bankrupt. As well as every other company facing bankruptcy rather than get a bailout.

It is unfortunate that there might have been investments in these companies that were lost but investments are lost all the time, every day, someone bets on the wrong horse and loses a bundle. The bankruptcy would have been managed and the company emerge or assets sold off with the funds distributed to secured creditors including investors and stockholders.

When GM got it's bailout, the investors and stockholders got nothing, the money was used to pay off the unions. No I do not agree with that. The very least, the bare minimum would be to put union pensions on the same level as investment pension accounts equally, without the government picking and choosing.
Gee! That's what I think too!
Do you think the victims of the biggest transfer of private debt into public debt in history should pay for the privilege of being swindled?

I think GM should have been allowed to go bankrupt. As well as every other company facing bankruptcy rather than get a bailout.

It is unfortunate that there might have been investments in these companies that were lost but investments are lost all the time, every day, someone bets on the wrong horse and loses a bundle. The bankruptcy would have been managed and the company emerge or assets sold off with the funds distributed to secured creditors including investors and stockholders.

When GM got it's bailout, the investors and stockholders got nothing, the money was used to pay off the unions. No I do not agree with that. The very least, the bare minimum would be to put union pensions on the same level as investment pension accounts equally, without the government picking and choosing.

And the domino effect would have been devastating.
"Out of a lifetime of reading, I can recall no other book in which a tone of overriding arrogance was so implacably sustained. Its shrillness is without reprieve. Its dogmatism is without appeal. In addition, the mind, which finds this one natural to it, shares other characteristics of its type. 1) It consistently mistakes raw force for strength, and the rawer the force, the more reverent the posture of the mind before it. 2) It supposes itself to be the bringer of a final revelation. Therefore, resistance to the Message cannot be tolerated because disagreement can never be merely honest, prudent or just humanly fallible. Dissent from revelation so final (because, the author would say, so reasonable) can only be willfully wicked. There are ways of dealing with such wickedness, and, in fact, right reason itself enjoins them." WC see link

Is it possible to judge a person by just one fact about them? Usually I would say no, but Ryan's love of Ayn Rand and her philosophy as presented in her writings shows a shallowness of substance and even of thought. He reminds me so much of the Catholic boys I knew in HS, so fervent in their beliefs that even JFK's shooting had them cheering. You see this same visceral hatred of President Obama on this board daily and in conservative media non stop. No president before BHO has had such a pile of bitterness thrown at them.

""From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged, a voice can be heard, from painful necessity, commanding: “To a gas chamber — go!” It remains true that Ayn Rand seems to revel in the death and destruction that follows by disregarding her philosophy: most famously in the ghoulish scene in Atlas Shrugged where Rand details the suffocation of the passengers on a train as it enters a tunnel. Rand explains how everyone on the train deserved to die because they held incorrect ideas: "It is said that catastrophes are a matter of pure chance, and there were those who would have said that the passengers of the Comet were not guilty or responsible for the thing that happened to them.""

"Rand’s popularity tells us two things about the state of modern conservatism...First, it suggests that Rand’s atheism and permissive social views are no longer deal-breakers among conservative thought leaders....Beck and Limbaugh can use the parts of Rand they want to use and not engage the rest.” Tea Party Embraces Ayn Rand

Whittaker Chambers 1957 Review of Ayn Rand
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Rand gloried in the idea of the 'man', a Fascist theme. The 'man' so superior that he can ignore laws and morals, so superior that the lives of fellow citizens are worth no more than mud to him. So superior that those lives are worth only as much as their use to fuel his ambitions.

That we have a Vice Presidential candidate that is a disciple of that cancerous philosophy is an indication of how low the bar has been lowered in our politics.
I am pleased by the Ryan selection in that it provides a clearer choice in the upcoming election. If the people wish to continue fouling their nest, let them sleep in it.

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