Ryan-care medi-scare


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

GOP use Medi-scare tactics and accuse Democrats of doing the same and not having a plan. Ryancare scare the hell out of seniors who it will not affect because it will affect their children. Medicare do not have to be destroyed to fix. Yes it will be in trouble because in 2022 more people will be entering retirement. The only change Ryancare will make is take Medicare out of the hand of government and put it in the hand of healthcare profit private insurance companies. Democrats plan to is take out the waste and fraud and leave it intact. Medicare will not destruct if it is not turned into a voucher program which is GOP Medi-scare tactics.

91 percent of Democrats, 68 percent of independents, and even 54 percent of Republicans support tax hikes on households that earn $250,000 or more which will go a long way in paying down the deficit, saving Medicare and Social Security along with modest spending cuts. GOP want to make spending cuts only which will do nothing but widen the gap between rich and poor and eliminate the middle class altogether.

What happens if government payments failed to meet the full cost of seniors’ insurance coverage? Cutting benefits and raising the retirement age is a GOP plan to fix social security and Medicare. That’s scary.

65 percent of Americans oppose changing Medicare to a system in which the government would give seniors vouchers with which to buy private insurance. Opposition was essentially the same in a Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health survey when the idea came up 15 years ago. $11,000 to cover the cost of a healthcare plan for seniors? Good fricking luck senior in finding a private healthcare plan that will take you. Will senior be able to opt out of the voucher plan if they cannot find a private insurance company that will insure them?

Ryancare will not affect me but will affect my children. How is that suppose to make me fell better?

If Ryan-care vouchers is so great, why wait until 2022?

Union-backed groups oppose GOP Medicare voucher plan
from: McClatchy Washington Bureau | October 28, 2010
http://www.aarp.org/health/medicare-ins ... _plan.html
I say lets just let Medicare and SS crash and burn.

Then we will see some scrambling to fix em or perhaps get rid of both of em.

Wonder how that will fly??
I say lets just let Medicare and SS crash and burn.

Then we will see some scrambling to fix em or perhaps get rid of both of em.

Wonder how that will fly??

Do you not care at all about what happens to seniors?
Yes I do care about seniors RD. However, the seniors aren't the only people involved in Medicare and SS. Everyone working is involved just as much as the seniors.

The clowns in DC don't seem to give a rats ass.

They will fix nothing until the whole thing crashs and burns. Then it will be to late.

Anytime anyone addresses these entitlements the other party starts with the scare tactics. The party with a plan is going to throw grandma off a cliff and seniors will be eating cat food. Kids will starve in the streets and who knows what else.

These programs need fixing. You know it and I know it. Unfortunately the Clowns can't get by all the partisanship in DC to fix it.

They are set for life at your an my expense so they are in no hurry to do anything. SS and Medicare are political footballs and thats about the size of it.

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