Ryan calls for ending oil subsidies

“We’re talking about reforming the safety net, the welfare system; we also want to get rid of corporate welfare. And corporate welfare goes to agribusiness companies, energy companies, financial services companies, so we propose to repeal all that,” Ryan said in response to a question about oil subsidies.

Read more: Ryan calls for ending oil subsidies - Robin Bravender - POLITICO.com
Is this just Ryan trying to get people off of his "kill MediCare" message?


His plan actually follows some of the recommendations of Obama's fiscal commission. He wants to expand the tax base by eliminating tax loopholes and subsidies.

By the way, the only real subsidies the oil industry gets is for their investments in developing alternative energy. Most of the stuff that is getting labelled as subsidies by Democrats are nothing more than tax write offs for expenses, which allows the companies to recoup some of the money they lose in drilling bad wells or dealing with massive government regulation.

Totally agree.

I guess he was just blowing smoke up everyones ass with his fiscal commission.
He certainly doesn't appear to be following any of the recommendations they made.

I think all the subsidies, tax loopholes and tax breaks should hit the road. If a company can't stand on its own then what good is it?? The oil companies make billions so they can support themselves sans the subsidies.
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Too little, too late. Ryan has lost credibility with his kill medicare programs. He may not recover from that.
and its not a subsidy its a tax break.

It's a matter of semantics. Everyone else has to subsidize the taxes they aren't paying.

All corporations should be paying the same tax rate across the board. Certain companies and industries shouldn't be privy to certain tax breaks or subsidies over others. This pollutes the free market and gives them an unfair competitive advantage over peers. It also corrupts our politicians. It needs to stop.
Whether the "GOP faithful" like it or not.. this is something that has to be done... along with ending the rest of government subsidies as well... I actually applaud this, if it is sincere
No I think he means it.

And good for him for raising the issue.

Boehner and the other GOP faithful won't appreciate it....

Nor will the democrats.

well, except for all the Democrats that support getting rid of the subsidies. Such as Obama.

There seems to be growing bipartisan consensus on this issue, finally. The only question is whether the oil lobby will be able to buy off enough representatives to prevent it from happening.

My guess is they'll be able to do so.
“We’re talking about reforming the safety net, the welfare system; we also want to get rid of corporate welfare. And corporate welfare goes to agribusiness companies, energy companies, financial services companies, so we propose to repeal all that,” Ryan said in response to a question about oil subsidies.

Read more: Ryan calls for ending oil subsidies - Robin Bravender - POLITICO.com

Is this just Ryan trying to get people off of his "kill MediCare" message?

As time passes, Reps are starting to sound more and more like Ron Paul.

Thank Gawd!!

reps are finally starting to talk the talk, now if we can just get them all to walk the walk.

When the dims pulled out the medicare crap and harped on it only, they were saying; "We don't want to fix the problem. We just want to pick party over country and say reps want granny dead and children to starve."

sadly, the dems bought it hook line and sinker. No free thinking needed.
Boehner and the other GOP faithful won't appreciate it....

Nor will the democrats.

well, except for all the Democrats that support getting rid of the subsidies. Such as Obama.

There seems to be growing bipartisan consensus on this issue, finally. The only question is whether the oil lobby will be able to buy off enough representatives to prevent it from happening.

My guess is they'll be able to do so.

Obama only wants to end oil subs. Everything else, gets to stay. He needs GM's money and support.
Boehner and the other GOP faithful won't appreciate it....

Nor will the democrats.

Why would ANYONE? R, D or I be against cutting out corporate welfare for these oil companies?

The other thing is that I have seen at least a few on the left mention the subsidies for oil companies before so why is it that when ryan says something the assumption is that he is the first to "raise the issue?" LOL

However, my guess is that the energy subsidies he and the right would want to get rid of are those that go toward research for alternative fuels such as wind, solar and ethanol.
“We’re talking about reforming the safety net, the welfare system; we also want to get rid of corporate welfare. And corporate welfare goes to agribusiness companies, energy companies, financial services companies, so we propose to repeal all that,” Ryan said in response to a question about oil subsidies.

Read more: Ryan calls for ending oil subsidies - Robin Bravender - POLITICO.com
Is this just Ryan trying to get people off of his "kill MediCare" message?


His plan actually follows some of the recommendations of Obama's fiscal commission. He wants to expand the tax base by eliminating tax loopholes and subsidies.

By the way, the only real subsidies the oil industry gets is for their investments in developing alternative energy. Most of the stuff that is getting labelled as subsidies by Democrats are nothing more than tax write offs for expenses, which allows the companies to recoup some of the money they lose in drilling bad wells or dealing with massive government regulation.
Let's see your proof, of that.....that they're taking write-offs. for following government-regulations.

Ya' can't do it!!
“We’re talking about reforming the safety net, the welfare system; we also want to get rid of corporate welfare. And corporate welfare goes to agribusiness companies, energy companies, financial services companies, so we propose to repeal all that,” Ryan said in response to a question about oil subsidies.

Read more: Ryan calls for ending oil subsidies - Robin Bravender - POLITICO.com
Is this just Ryan trying to get people off of his "kill MediCare" message?


His plan actually follows some of the recommendations of Obama's fiscal commission. He wants to expand the tax base by eliminating tax loopholes and subsidies.

By the way, the only real subsidies the oil industry gets is for their investments in developing alternative energy. Most of the stuff that is getting labelled as subsidies by Democrats are nothing more than tax write offs for expenses, which allows the companies to recoup some of the money they lose in drilling bad wells or dealing with massive government regulation.

So in essense we are paying for their bad choices and mistakes? Got it.
They CHOOSE where to drill and if they find nothing the government helps them pay for their mistake??
They damage the environment, air water or otherwise, through mishaps, accidents, or negligence and the government covers at least part of their clean up costs??

and you don't see a problem with that??

Boehner and the other GOP faithful won't appreciate it....

Nor will the democrats.

Why would ANYONE? R, D or I be against cutting out corporate welfare for these oil companies?

The R is supported by the oil company itself.
The D is supported by the union workers. Teamsters, I think.

who ever pulls the plug first will feel the wrath. That's why the left demonises the oil co's, so they can keep enough of thier base support, hoping the teamsters will still support them anyway.
I like Ryan. He's showing some real leadership.
Yeah.....we've seen that leadership, before......​

"The Nazis wanted to portray the Jews as sub-human, inferior beings who were interested primarily in their own economic gain or in communism. The Nazis built upon the negative myths of the Jewish race which had existed for centuries.

Hitler used the Jews as a scapegoat, blaming them for Germany's economic and social problems. The Nazi party promised to resolve these issues, and in 1932 won 37% of the vote."

"Last week the Republican Party sounded two distinct voices. First we heard the angry demands of the Tea Party, speaking through its hardline conservative allies in the House, pushing the government to the brink of a shutdown. But then emerged the soothing tones of Paul Ryan, the House Budget Committee chairman, who fashions himself the intellectual leader of the party, unveiling a budget manifesto he calls the “Path to Prosperity

In fact, the two streams—the furious Tea Party rebels and Ryan the earnest budget geek—both spring from the same source. And it is to that source that you must look if you want to understand what Ryan is really after, and what makes these activists so angry.

The Tea Party began early in 2009 after an improvised rant by Rick Santelli, a CNBC commentator who called for an uprising to protest the Obama administration’s subsidizing the “losers’ mortgages.” Video of his diatribe rocketed around the country, and protesters quickly adopted both his call for a tea party and his general abhorrence of government that took from the virtuous and the successful and gave to the poor, the uninsured, the bankrupt—in short, the losers. It sounded harsh, Santelli quickly conceded, but “at the end of the day I’m an Ayn Rander

Ayn Rand, of course, was a kind of politicized L. Ron Hubbard—a novelist-philosopher who inspired a cult of acolytes who deem her the greatest human being who ever lived. The enduring heart of Rand’s totalistic philosophy was Marxism flipped upside down. Rand viewed the capitalists, not the workers, as the producers of all wealth, and the workers, not the capitalists, as useless parasites."


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfHHZWe7Qwc]YouTube - Conspiracy - Wannsee Conference - part 1 of 11.avi[/ame]​
Nor will the democrats.

Why would ANYONE? R, D or I be against cutting out corporate welfare for these oil companies?

The other thing is that I have seen at least a few on the left mention the subsidies for oil companies before so why is it that when ryan says something the assumption is that he is the first to "raise the issue?" LOL

However, my guess is that the energy subsidies he and the right would want to get rid of are those that go toward research for alternative fuels such as wind, solar and ethanol.


Are you saying you want the oil subs to become Green subs?
Too little, too late. Ryan has lost credibility with his kill medicare programs. He may not recover from that.

Oh palease... gimme a fucking break. He's one of the only adults left in DC.

Really?? then could you please explain how his plan for medicare will "fix" the problems with it, save it, or address the costs of it in the here and now when it doesn't affect those 55 or older??
Then when you consider the fact that he recently said medicare will be broke in 9 years, how does his plan avert that when his plan does almost nothing for ten years??
Too little, too late. Ryan has lost credibility with his kill medicare programs. He may not recover from that.

Oh palease... gimme a fucking break. He's one of the only adults left in DC.

Really?? then could you please explain how his plan for medicare will "fix" the problems with it, save it, or address the costs of it in the here and now when it doesn't affect those 55 or older??
Then when you consider the fact that he recently said medicare will be broke in 9 years, how does his plan avert that when his plan does almost nothing for ten years??

Everyone knows medicare is fucked and will help to drag us under.
Ryan and the right want to try something new, if it looks like it won't work, they have 10 to fix any issues before they become real problems.

The lefts idea is to keep doing what they know isn't working.

I would love to hear the justification for that.
“We’re talking about reforming the safety net, the welfare system; we also want to get rid of corporate welfare. And corporate welfare goes to agribusiness companies, energy companies, financial services companies, so we propose to repeal all that,” Ryan said in response to a question about oil subsidies.

Read more: Ryan calls for ending oil subsidies - Robin Bravender - POLITICO.com

Is this just Ryan trying to get people off of his "kill MediCare" message?

As time passes, Reps are starting to sound more and more like Ron Paul.

Thank Gawd!!

reps are finally starting to talk the talk, now if we can just get them all to walk the walk.

When the dims pulled out the medicare crap and harped on it only, they were saying; "We don't want to fix the problem. We just want to pick party over country and say reps want granny dead and children to starve."

sadly, the dems bought it hook line and sinker. No free thinking needed.

You do realize that even ron paul doesn't walk the walk especially when it comes to things like earmarks which claims to be against een though he requests them but doesn't return the money when it goes to his own state, don't you? LOL
Why would ANYONE? R, D or I be against cutting out corporate welfare for these oil companies?

The other thing is that I have seen at least a few on the left mention the subsidies for oil companies before so why is it that when ryan says something the assumption is that he is the first to "raise the issue?" LOL

However, my guess is that the energy subsidies he and the right would want to get rid of are those that go toward research for alternative fuels such as wind, solar and ethanol.


Are you saying you want the oil subs to become Green subs?


Why ask a question instead of responding to the content??

What i actaully said seems to be clear to me. However, do you have a question about anything specific that I actually said? If so please be specific about what you didn't understand and I will gladly explain it to you.

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