Russia's ally the Taliban.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
You can't make this stuff up.

The Kremlin wants a role in Afghanistan 30 years after the Soviet withdrawal

The Kremlin’s comeback
Thirty years after the Soviet Union’s humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, Moscow wants back in.


Soviet troops haul equipment on the outskirts of Kabul in October 1986 during the Soviet-Afghan war. (Viktor Habarov/PhotoXPress)

Story by Missy Ryan and Amie Ferris-Rotman
OCTOBER 12, 2018


Russia has been cultivating ties with the Taliban to increase its influence in Afghanistan three decades after Moscow’s humiliating defeat there helped hasten the Soviet Union’s collapse.

Understanding Russia’s global influence

Russian engagement with the militants drew attention, and some flak, when the Kremlin invited Taliban representatives to Moscow for a meeting in September....
I'm not sure if this^ story is true or not. Today, the fake news about Russia have been cooked on a daily basis.

But what sh*t you can't make up is US ally the Saudis who dismember a journalist in their Embassy and are going to be still the best ally and the best friend.

Double standards, my dear friend, double standards in USA politics always. "He is a son of the bi*ch, but he's our son of the bi*ch", that has been the main American approach for decades.

“But He’s Our Son of a Bitch”
I am cursed with a good memory-------the original "Taliban" which were then called
simply MUJAHADIN from Pakistan-------were there in Afghanistan for the PURPOSE
were, at that time-----a natural ally for ISIS and BIN LADEN (1980 s) Pakistanis
loved them---------and even more weird -----some idiots in the WHITE HOUSE did too.
You can't make this stuff up.

The Kremlin wants a role in Afghanistan 30 years after the Soviet withdrawal

The Kremlin’s comeback
Thirty years after the Soviet Union’s humiliating defeat in Afghanistan, Moscow wants back in.


Soviet troops haul equipment on the outskirts of Kabul in October 1986 during the Soviet-Afghan war. (Viktor Habarov/PhotoXPress)

Story by Missy Ryan and Amie Ferris-Rotman
OCTOBER 12, 2018


Russia has been cultivating ties with the Taliban to increase its influence in Afghanistan three decades after Moscow’s humiliating defeat there helped hasten the Soviet Union’s collapse.

Understanding Russia’s global influence

Russian engagement with the militants drew attention, and some flak, when the Kremlin invited Taliban representatives to Moscow for a meeting in September....

and end will be the same, like in 1991 ))
I think their main goal is to drive the US out, and cause chaos.

When they occupied Afghanistan, there was some internal fighting. Actually the Afghan Communist Party had taken power in a coup a couple years earlier, but was losing a civil war.
I think their main goal is to drive the US out, and cause chaos.

When they occupied Afghanistan, there was some internal fighting. Actually the Afghan Communist Party had taken power in a coup a couple years earlier, but was losing a civil war.

The Russians were in Afghanistan for the sake of IMPERIALISM-----back there ---sorta circa the 1980s. The "Taliban" were ISIS type people seeking to impose
"PURE SHARIAH" on Afghanistan and THE WORLD---- Naïve USA ---decided to
ALLY with the TALIBAN because they were "anti-Russian" We actually ARMED
Taliban scum. Taliban are STILL NATIONAL HEROES amongst the large illiterate
caste of Pakistanis (back then in the 1980s, even educated Pakistanis loved them)

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