Russian Warships En Route


Photo credits: wordpress

They just passed through the Strait of Bosphorus in Turkey.

Getting ready to stand up against a US act of aggression.

Beautiful Photo!
The Russian navy isn't what it used to be, but you would be fools to do dismiss Russia. After all, the be honest the U.S hasn't won a war in over 100 years. A hot war with Russia won't produce many survivors.

They're bluffing. All the pundits agree

I'm sorry dude, but I disagree. I disagree because I now how important it is for the 3 world powers to control central Asia. This will not end well, but if it does I'll gladly say I was wrong and rejoice in the fact that millions didn't die. :eusa_angel:
The Russian navy isn't what it used to be, but you would be fools to do dismiss Russia. After all, the be honest the U.S hasn't won a war in over 100 years. A hot war with Russia won't produce many survivors.

They're bluffing. All the pundits agree

I'm sorry dude, but I disagree. I disagree because I now how important it is for the 3 world powers to control central Asia. This will not end well, but if it does I'll gladly say I was wrong and rejoice in the fact that millions didn't die. :eusa_angel:

Are you telling Obama to blink ?
lets just all pray that all of those who will send the missles to Syria (or wherever they send them) are very nearsighted and forgot to bring their glasses/contact lenses on board. Hm, maybe "Sol Rosenberg" is the lead missle man.
lets just all pray that all of those who will send the missles to Syria (or wherever they send them) are very nearsighted and forgot to bring their glasses/contact lenses on board. Hm, maybe "Sol Rosenberg" is the lead missle man.

no worries--it's just a Russian ally---the same Russians who gave them the WMDs in the first place.
and why hasn't Obama told the world that all of the chemical warfare from Sadams time in Iraq were moved to Syria? {Bush Lied, ha?} we all know Sadam moved his chemical bombs to neighboring countries before the inspectors came along. now we all find out they are in Syria.

photo credits: Wordpress

they just passed through the strait of bosphorus in turkey.

Russian warships cross Bosphorus, en route to Syria
The Kremlin's chief of staff says Russia has been sending warships to the Mediterranean Sea for possible evacuation of Russian citizens from Syria.
Russian Ships Near Syria to Evacuate Civilians - ABC News

China has reportedly sent warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships as tensions build in preparation for a potential military strike on Syria which could come as soon as next week.
» Report: China Sends Warships to Coast of Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obviously Russia and China's intent is to influence the vote of congress. I serious doubt the US Congress has the guts to back Obama. Looks like the Russians and Assad will win this one.
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The Kremlin's chief of staff says Russia has been sending warships to the Mediterranean Sea for possible evacuation of Russian citizens from Syria.
Russian Ships Near Syria to Evacuate Civilians - ABC News

China has reportedly sent warships to the coast of Syria to “observe” the actions of US and Russian ships as tensions build in preparation for a potential military strike on Syria which could come as soon as next week.
» Report: China Sends Warships to Coast of Syria Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Obviously Russia and China's intent is to influence the vote of congress. I serious doubt the US Congress has the guts to back Obama. Looks like the Russians and Assad will win this one.

If there is no war we all win.

and it's a damn shame that foreign fleets have more influence over congress than the American people do.
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File photo and old story. Read the link or find your own. Ships coming through the straights are the same ones we have known about for some time now. Russian's made formal announcement today that these ships were coming so there would be no mistake about the purpose of their mission. They have withdrawn ships that would have been a threat to the US NAVY, except for one lone submarine that would be commiting suicide if it made an offensive posture. It is there as part of their force protection. The so called "missile shield" is a single cruiser with the ability to launch 28 SAMS. It's purpose is to provide protection to the two ships carrying Russian marines who would be tasked with assisting with the evacuation of Russian civilians. Another ship playing a part is an intel vessel. These ships will all be near their port and have the task of protecting the port and it's assets. Believe what you want. The only thing the Russian's care about is keeping their only port in the Med. Without it they are totaly dependent of Turkey and moving through a narrow straight. Otherwise, they have thrown Syria under the bus.
Where's our Commander-In-Chump?
I just read a blurb released after this thread was started that said Russians are sending all those boats over there to evacuate Russian personnel. Another article-there are 7 opinions they have found around the world: Diplomacy or military intervention in Syria? 7 opinions from around the globe. - ?Serious diplomacy? -
The article said three Russian ships passed through the Bosphorus.
File photo and old story. Read the link or find your own. Ships coming through the straights are the same ones we have known about for some time now. Russian's made formal announcement today that these ships were coming so there would be no mistake about the purpose of their mission. They have withdrawn ships that would have been a threat to the US NAVY, except for one lone submarine that would be commiting suicide if it made an offensive posture. It is there as part of their force protection. The so called "missile shield" is a single cruiser with the ability to launch 28 SAMS. It's purpose is to provide protection to the two ships carrying Russian marines who would be tasked with assisting with the evacuation of Russian civilians. Another ship playing a part is an intel vessel. These ships will all be near their port and have the task of protecting the port and it's assets. Believe what you want. The only thing the Russian's care about is keeping their only port in the Med. Without it they are totaly dependent of Turkey and moving through a narrow straight. Otherwise, they have thrown Syria under the bus.

Only one thing is important enough to them to fight for ? Well that's a comforting thought.

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