Russian Grassland Peoples Invaded Central Europe


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
(ONLY) 4,500 years ago.


I always love reading this stuff as it's pure speculation in spite of the so-called “scientific proof”. One of my favorite authors in Jean Auel and I think her fictional works may be far closer to the truth.

Any, the full story is @ DNA reveals the origins of modern Europeans Daily Mail Online
I have always believed the that all Caucasians including the Semitic peoples of the Middle East originated in central Asia especially in the Eurasian steppes. I could see it by looking at the Indo-European language tree. True Semitic languages are quite different from the Indo-Europeans, but all that means is that they have been in the Middle East for a very long time. I also believe that they arrive in the Middle East before or during the last ice age and displaced the original Negroid inhabitants. Not only did the people of the steppes invade Western Europe they also moved into South Asia. Both the Greeks in Europe and the Aryans in South Asia appeared at about the same time.

So in a way we are all Russians, but I wouldn’t want to live there.
Several years ago, I read Winston Churchill's book about the History of the English-Speaking Peoples where he discussed the amazing variety of migrations from the east into present-day Europe.

When and if I ever get the chance and time, I think I'll go to Project Gutenberg and download it to read again.
Several years ago, I read Winston Churchill's book about the History of the English-Speaking Peoples where he discussed the amazing variety of migrations from the east into present-day Europe.

When and if I ever get the chance and time, I think I'll go to Project Gutenberg and download it to read again.

(ONLY) 4,500 years ago.


I always love reading this stuff as it's pure speculation in spite of the so-called “scientific proof”. One of my favorite authors in Jean Auel and I think her fictional works may be far closer to the truth.

Any, the full story is @ DNA reveals the origins of modern Europeans Daily Mail Online

I love jean m Auel’s stories of the earth’s children series, but I have my doubts about the anthropology and prehistory. For example boats over twenty five years ago seams unlikely to me. And Ayla’s invention of horse back riding is another one. The evidence of domesticated horses only goes back about six thousand years which would be long after the time of Ayla. But they are good stories and I wish would write more; they would not have to be as long as novels.

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