Russian Christmas gifts to ISIS

Many Greeting from Putin to ISIS yesterday.

Just for remembrance, how Deep State fought ISIS before

Merry Christmas Shitheads!

I know you wanted a new suicide vest or a sex-goat for Christmas. But Pooty-Clause was all out of those this year, so you'll all be getting a bomb instead.

Many Greeting from Putin to ISIS yesterday.

Just for remembrance, how Deep State fought ISIS before

Yesterday and every day. Info from last month:

Syrian armed forces supported by the Russian Air Force have regained control of 87.4 percent of the country, Russia’s military said, adding that Russian warplanes had destroyed over 96,000 terrorist targets in the course of the two-year campaign.

Since September 30, 2015, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of the Russian jets and helicopters to Syria at the request of the Syrian government, they have conducted more than 30,000 sorties, annihilating more than 96,000 targets, according to data cited in the publication.

Among the terrorist positions destroyed in the raids were 8,332 command posts, over 53,700 militants of terrorist groups, and almost a thousand training camps, as well as 6,769 oil and ammunition depots.

Since the launch of a two-year bombing campaign, Russian warplanes have inflicted serious damage to the oil infrastructure seized by IS, which is believed to be the main source of income for the terrorists.

A total of 212 oil fields and 184 oil plants and refineries that fell into hands of ISIS were destroyed by the Russian Air Force.
Over 87% of Syrian territory liberated from ISIS – Russian MoD

Today 98% of Syria is deliberated from ISIS.
Many Greeting from Putin to ISIS yesterday.

Just for remembrance, how Deep State fought ISIS before

Yesterday and every day. Info from last month:

Syrian armed forces supported by the Russian Air Force have regained control of 87.4 percent of the country, Russia’s military said, adding that Russian warplanes had destroyed over 96,000 terrorist targets in the course of the two-year campaign.

Since September 30, 2015, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of the Russian jets and helicopters to Syria at the request of the Syrian government, they have conducted more than 30,000 sorties, annihilating more than 96,000 targets, according to data cited in the publication.

Among the terrorist positions destroyed in the raids were 8,332 command posts, over 53,700 militants of terrorist groups, and almost a thousand training camps, as well as 6,769 oil and ammunition depots.

Since the launch of a two-year bombing campaign, Russian warplanes have inflicted serious damage to the oil infrastructure seized by IS, which is believed to be the main source of income for the terrorists.

A total of 212 oil fields and 184 oil plants and refineries that fell into hands of ISIS were destroyed by the Russian Air Force.
Over 87% of Syrian territory liberated from ISIS – Russian MoD

Today 98% of Syria is deliberated from ISIS.

Well done, unfortunately western MSM presstitutes continuously begin to lie ISIS was destroyed by USA and very rarely mention the Russian role.
It is the same like with WW2.
Almost everybody below 40 years old would tell you Hitler was defeated by USA, UK and France and they will very amazed to know the contribution of Russia.
Many Greeting from Putin to ISIS yesterday.

Just for remembrance, how Deep State fought ISIS before

Yesterday and every day. Info from last month:

Syrian armed forces supported by the Russian Air Force have regained control of 87.4 percent of the country, Russia’s military said, adding that Russian warplanes had destroyed over 96,000 terrorist targets in the course of the two-year campaign.

Since September 30, 2015, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of the Russian jets and helicopters to Syria at the request of the Syrian government, they have conducted more than 30,000 sorties, annihilating more than 96,000 targets, according to data cited in the publication.

Among the terrorist positions destroyed in the raids were 8,332 command posts, over 53,700 militants of terrorist groups, and almost a thousand training camps, as well as 6,769 oil and ammunition depots.

Since the launch of a two-year bombing campaign, Russian warplanes have inflicted serious damage to the oil infrastructure seized by IS, which is believed to be the main source of income for the terrorists.

A total of 212 oil fields and 184 oil plants and refineries that fell into hands of ISIS were destroyed by the Russian Air Force.
Over 87% of Syrian territory liberated from ISIS – Russian MoD

Today 98% of Syria is deliberated from ISIS.

Well done, unfortunately western MSM presstitutes continuously begin to lie ISIS was destroyed by USA and very rarely mention the Russian role.
It is the same like with WW2.
Almost everybody below 40 years old would tell you Hitler was defeated by USA, UK and France and they will very amazed to know the contribution of Russia.


When Russia entered the Syrian civil war in September 2015 the then US secretary of defense, Ash Carter, predicted catastrophe for the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin was ‘pouring gasoline on the fire’ of the conflict, he said, and his strategy of fighting Isis while backing the Assad regime was ‘doomed to failure’. Two years on, Putin has emerged triumphant and Bashar al-Assad’s future is secure. They will soon declare victory over Isis inside the country.

The dismal failure turned out to be our cynical effort to install a Sunni regime in Damascus. We would train, fund and arm jihadis, foreign and domestic, in partnership with the Gulf Arab despots.
How Putin came to rule the Middle East | The Spectator

With forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and his Russia and Iranian allies now bearing down on the last militant-controlled towns, the defeat of the Islamic State in Syria could be imminent

more than three years ago, the rebels -- with some assistance from Western and Sunni Arab backers -- controlled a hefty amount of Syria and were in a far better position to demand Assad's removal as part of a settlement. Russian airpower and Iranian-allied ground forces, however, have sharply turned the tables to Assad's advantage
U.S. Moves Toward Open-ended Presence in Syria After Islamic State is Routed
Many Greeting from Putin to ISIS yesterday.

Just for remembrance, how Deep State fought ISIS before

Yesterday and every day. Info from last month:

Syrian armed forces supported by the Russian Air Force have regained control of 87.4 percent of the country, Russia’s military said, adding that Russian warplanes had destroyed over 96,000 terrorist targets in the course of the two-year campaign.

Since September 30, 2015, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of the Russian jets and helicopters to Syria at the request of the Syrian government, they have conducted more than 30,000 sorties, annihilating more than 96,000 targets, according to data cited in the publication.

Among the terrorist positions destroyed in the raids were 8,332 command posts, over 53,700 militants of terrorist groups, and almost a thousand training camps, as well as 6,769 oil and ammunition depots.

Since the launch of a two-year bombing campaign, Russian warplanes have inflicted serious damage to the oil infrastructure seized by IS, which is believed to be the main source of income for the terrorists.

A total of 212 oil fields and 184 oil plants and refineries that fell into hands of ISIS were destroyed by the Russian Air Force.
Over 87% of Syrian territory liberated from ISIS – Russian MoD

Today 98% of Syria is deliberated from ISIS.

Well done, unfortunately western MSM presstitutes continuously begin to lie ISIS was destroyed by USA and very rarely mention the Russian role.
It is the same like with WW2.
Almost everybody below 40 years old would tell you Hitler was defeated by USA, UK and France and they will very amazed to know the contribution of Russia.


When Russia entered the Syrian civil war in September 2015 the then US secretary of defense, Ash Carter, predicted catastrophe for the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin was ‘pouring gasoline on the fire’ of the conflict, he said, and his strategy of fighting Isis while backing the Assad regime was ‘doomed to failure’. Two years on, Putin has emerged triumphant and Bashar al-Assad’s future is secure. They will soon declare victory over Isis inside the country.

The dismal failure turned out to be our cynical effort to install a Sunni regime in Damascus. We would train, fund and arm jihadis, foreign and domestic, in partnership with the Gulf Arab despots.
How Putin came to rule the Middle East | The Spectator

With forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and his Russia and Iranian allies now bearing down on the last militant-controlled towns, the defeat of the Islamic State in Syria could be imminent

more than three years ago, the rebels -- with some assistance from Western and Sunni Arab backers -- controlled a hefty amount of Syria and were in a far better position to demand Assad's removal as part of a settlement. Russian airpower and Iranian-allied ground forces, however, have sharply turned the tables to Assad's advantage
U.S. Moves Toward Open-ended Presence in Syria After Islamic State is Routed

And what's about erection of Eretz - the Great Israel which needs Syrian territories.
It is well-understandable why Putin is so hated in western MSM presstitute propaganda
Many Greeting from Putin to ISIS yesterday.

Just for remembrance, how Deep State fought ISIS before

Yesterday and every day. Info from last month:

Syrian armed forces supported by the Russian Air Force have regained control of 87.4 percent of the country, Russia’s military said, adding that Russian warplanes had destroyed over 96,000 terrorist targets in the course of the two-year campaign.

Since September 30, 2015, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of the Russian jets and helicopters to Syria at the request of the Syrian government, they have conducted more than 30,000 sorties, annihilating more than 96,000 targets, according to data cited in the publication.

Among the terrorist positions destroyed in the raids were 8,332 command posts, over 53,700 militants of terrorist groups, and almost a thousand training camps, as well as 6,769 oil and ammunition depots.

Since the launch of a two-year bombing campaign, Russian warplanes have inflicted serious damage to the oil infrastructure seized by IS, which is believed to be the main source of income for the terrorists.

A total of 212 oil fields and 184 oil plants and refineries that fell into hands of ISIS were destroyed by the Russian Air Force.
Over 87% of Syrian territory liberated from ISIS – Russian MoD

Today 98% of Syria is deliberated from ISIS.

Well done, unfortunately western MSM presstitutes continuously begin to lie ISIS was destroyed by USA and very rarely mention the Russian role.
It is the same like with WW2.
Almost everybody below 40 years old would tell you Hitler was defeated by USA, UK and France and they will very amazed to know the contribution of Russia.


When Russia entered the Syrian civil war in September 2015 the then US secretary of defense, Ash Carter, predicted catastrophe for the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin was ‘pouring gasoline on the fire’ of the conflict, he said, and his strategy of fighting Isis while backing the Assad regime was ‘doomed to failure’. Two years on, Putin has emerged triumphant and Bashar al-Assad’s future is secure. They will soon declare victory over Isis inside the country.

The dismal failure turned out to be our cynical effort to install a Sunni regime in Damascus. We would train, fund and arm jihadis, foreign and domestic, in partnership with the Gulf Arab despots.
How Putin came to rule the Middle East | The Spectator

With forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and his Russia and Iranian allies now bearing down on the last militant-controlled towns, the defeat of the Islamic State in Syria could be imminent

more than three years ago, the rebels -- with some assistance from Western and Sunni Arab backers -- controlled a hefty amount of Syria and were in a far better position to demand Assad's removal as part of a settlement. Russian airpower and Iranian-allied ground forces, however, have sharply turned the tables to Assad's advantage
U.S. Moves Toward Open-ended Presence in Syria After Islamic State is Routed

And what's about erection of Eretz - the Great Israel which needs Syrian territories.
It is well-understandable why Putin is so hated in western MSM presstitute propaganda

Pentagon wants to stay in Syria too.
U.S. Moves Toward Open-ended Presence in Syria After Islamic State is Routed

However all the foreign military presence in Syria except for is illegal: Russia has been invited by Syrian legitimate government and the others came by themselves without invitation.

The International Law says: Any military intervention into any country in the world from outside is legally possible in two cases: either at request from the lawful government or with the decision of UN Security Council.
Many Greeting from Putin to ISIS yesterday.

Just for remembrance, how Deep State fought ISIS before

Yesterday and every day. Info from last month:

Syrian armed forces supported by the Russian Air Force have regained control of 87.4 percent of the country, Russia’s military said, adding that Russian warplanes had destroyed over 96,000 terrorist targets in the course of the two-year campaign.

Since September 30, 2015, when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the deployment of the Russian jets and helicopters to Syria at the request of the Syrian government, they have conducted more than 30,000 sorties, annihilating more than 96,000 targets, according to data cited in the publication.

Among the terrorist positions destroyed in the raids were 8,332 command posts, over 53,700 militants of terrorist groups, and almost a thousand training camps, as well as 6,769 oil and ammunition depots.

Since the launch of a two-year bombing campaign, Russian warplanes have inflicted serious damage to the oil infrastructure seized by IS, which is believed to be the main source of income for the terrorists.

A total of 212 oil fields and 184 oil plants and refineries that fell into hands of ISIS were destroyed by the Russian Air Force.
Over 87% of Syrian territory liberated from ISIS – Russian MoD

Today 98% of Syria is deliberated from ISIS.

Well done, unfortunately western MSM presstitutes continuously begin to lie ISIS was destroyed by USA and very rarely mention the Russian role.
It is the same like with WW2.
Almost everybody below 40 years old would tell you Hitler was defeated by USA, UK and France and they will very amazed to know the contribution of Russia.


When Russia entered the Syrian civil war in September 2015 the then US secretary of defense, Ash Carter, predicted catastrophe for the Kremlin. Vladimir Putin was ‘pouring gasoline on the fire’ of the conflict, he said, and his strategy of fighting Isis while backing the Assad regime was ‘doomed to failure’. Two years on, Putin has emerged triumphant and Bashar al-Assad’s future is secure. They will soon declare victory over Isis inside the country.

The dismal failure turned out to be our cynical effort to install a Sunni regime in Damascus. We would train, fund and arm jihadis, foreign and domestic, in partnership with the Gulf Arab despots.
How Putin came to rule the Middle East | The Spectator

With forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad and his Russia and Iranian allies now bearing down on the last militant-controlled towns, the defeat of the Islamic State in Syria could be imminent

more than three years ago, the rebels -- with some assistance from Western and Sunni Arab backers -- controlled a hefty amount of Syria and were in a far better position to demand Assad's removal as part of a settlement. Russian airpower and Iranian-allied ground forces, however, have sharply turned the tables to Assad's advantage
U.S. Moves Toward Open-ended Presence in Syria After Islamic State is Routed

And what's about erection of Eretz - the Great Israel which needs Syrian territories.
It is well-understandable why Putin is so hated in western MSM presstitute propaganda

Pentagon wants to stay in Syria too.
U.S. Moves Toward Open-ended Presence in Syria After Islamic State is Routed

However all the foreign military presence in Syria except for is illegal: Russia has been invited by Syrian legitimate government and the others came by themselves without invitation.

The International Law says: Any military intervention into any country in the world from outside is legally possible in two cases: either at request from the lawful government or with the decision of UN Security Council.

Assad shall kick Pentagon out, otherwise Deep State & Israel will create a 'color' revolution for destroying of Syria within.

Israel will give its Plan of creating of the Greater Israel ( Eretz ) never up


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