Russian and American History: Tied Together

Boy, now that was as one sided as one can get on the history of the period, of course it's brevity and lack of wit is aimed at demonizing one man...
It certainly is one point of view.

Who can explain FDR's actions with respect to his backing of Stalin's communists?

No genocide, no massacres, capture of American soldiers, no duplicity of any sort dimmed FDR's ardor for 'Uncle Joe."

Explain it?

Well obviously it means that FDR was a Communist, a supporter of Stalin, and by extension, complicit in his crimes against humanity.
Does that about sum it up?

Who can explain FDR's actions with respect to his backing of Stalin's communists?

Not you, eh?
You mean that's not the answer you were looking for? Maybe I just don't understand the question. Could you clarify a little more specifically what kind of answer you're trying to elicit here?
I never asked admin to check out your deletions, PC; that is you lying. [you claimed to ask the "admin" to check into same....
....and they found no such thing]. Show me exactly where I did that. You can't.

You simply lie, just like Koshergrl. There is no reason you be posting conspiracy in politics.
I never asked admin to check out your deletions, PC; that is you lying. [you claimed to ask the "admin" to check into same....
....and they found no such thing]. Show me exactly where I did that. You can't.

You simply lie, just like Koshergrl. There is no reason you be posting conspiracy in politics.

This is your post #81:

"(2) did you change your original OP from the Cheka becoming the SS to training the SS? Yes, you did. The SS and cheka have been removed from your OP and arguments on page one. That has been reported to admin."

So....what is this...your fifth...sixth lie?

You don't even lie well.

It must burn you so that I never lie, and you get caught over and over, lying.
I never asked admin to check out your deletions, PC; that is you lying. [you claimed to ask the "admin" to check into same....
....and they found no such thing]. Show me exactly where I did that. You can't.

You simply lie, just like Koshergrl. There is no reason you be posting conspiracy in politics.

This is your post #81:

"(2) did you change your original OP from the Cheka becoming the SS to training the SS? Yes, you did. The SS and cheka have been removed from your OP and arguments on page one. That has been reported to admin."

So....what is this...your fifth...sixth lie?

You don't even lie well.

It must burn you so that I never lie, and you get caught over and over, lying.
A report is not asking them to check it out. It is a record on file for your lying and eventual placement of every FDR OP by you automatically in the conspiracy forum.
First thing you do is deflect and as always, refuse to answer a simple question. Instead you bring up your claims about unconditional surrender, which by the way, I seem to recall a thread on that subject where your concept was destroyed by multiple posters who showed it to be what I call most of your imaginative ideas, nonsense. Your concept is based on this silly idea you have that Germany could have gotten rid of Hitler and surrendered or Hitler himself was willing to surrender.

Next you mention Roosevelt sacrificing 20,000 troops to the gulags hoping that no one will notice you are blaming Roosevelt for doing something after he was dead and buried. The conspiracy theory about troops abandoned in Russia involve personnel and incidents that happened immediately following the surrender of Germany and had absolutely nothing to do with the deceased FDR. If it occurred as you claim the culprits would have been Eisenhower, Marshall and Truman.

The claim that 20,000 troops were abandoned to the Soviets following WWII theory, is a conspiracy theory. Your link to the Alliance of Families does not work. The idea has not gained traction as a valid factual account of what happened to the large numbers of American MIA's who went unaccounted for from European battlefields after WWII.

National Alliance of Families

That article does not address or support your claims about Roosevelt abandoning POW's at the end of WWII. Nor does it address or respond to my challenges to your claims. Sanders and Sauter base much of their work on research that originated with Ashcroft and Brown and was first published as "A Chain of Prisoners" in 1989. Not even they tried to make the link you have attempted to make. You have alleged involvement of FDR in a conspiracy theory that is alleged to have occurred after his death and posted a link that offers not a shred of evidence or even accusation of his involvement. At first you posted a link to nowhere and after being called out on it you offer a link about the topic in general, but does not back up your claim in any way. You use every dishonest trick in the book.

"That article does not address or support your claims about Roosevelt abandoning POW's at the end of WWII."

Let's see how effortlessly I can prove you to be a liar.

1. Were there 20,000-25,000 American troops held by our Russian "allies"???

2. Did Uncle Joe's minions refuse repatriation of 20,000-25,000 American troops?

3. Who was the President of the United States during the time the 20,000-25,000 American troops were taken prisoner by our Russian "allies"?

4. As the 20,000-25,000 American troops were not repatriated by our Russian "allies," would the term "abandoned" be accurate?

1. Deserted; forsaken.
abandoned - definition of abandoned by The Free Dictionary

In your face, boyyyyyyeeeeeee!
Your first two questions can only be answered with opinions. The figures for the alleged POW's come from POW's rescued from German POW camps by Russians as they overran the camps in eastern Germany. These POW's were repatriated by the Russians. Roosevelt was not alive as these things were happening. The 25,000 to 20,000 figure comes from discrepancies in the number of POW's being held at the various German camps holding American POW's. Tens of thousands of American POW's were not captured on the battlefield by Russian troops. The American's and Russian's were not battling each other. Other than being rescued and released out of the German camps, American's found their way into Russian control from emergency landing of aircraft, mostly all bombers who flew towards the Russian lines and crash landed behind them. Those men were usually accounted for and returned right away.

You third question has been answered. Truman was President while the German camps were being overrun and Americans being repatriated by the Russians. Any controversy about the numbers occurred during the Truman Presidency.

Your final question has been answered. You are promoting a conspiracy theory about the abandonment of troops after WWII to the Russian's. The official response from the US and Russian governments has been that this conspiracy theory is based on accounting era's. It is embellished by accounts that show the possibility of a few dozen English speaking soldiers left behind. One report indicated as many as a couple of hundred. This is usually thought to be American, Canadian and British combined. It is also speculated that these could have been willing stay behinds. Over 73,000 Americans were returned. It is not hard to imagine that some may have chosen to stay behind.

So there you go. Your claim that Roosevelt left behind 20,000 American troops in the hands of Stalin is 100% fraudulent misinformation embellished with some doses of dishonesty and topped with lies.

Can you imagine a real American President telling the communist war-lord 'those 20,000 American soldiers you've sentenced to your gulags.....well....forget about 'em! No prob!'

Roosevelt did.

And Truman paid no attention, either.

b. "Despite the total victory in Europe by Allied forces,thousands and thousands of US soldiers -- perhaps as many as 20,000 -- were never repatriated from prisoner of war (POW) camps, prisons and forced labor and concentration camps.

These American soldiers were being held in Nazi prison camps, along with other Allied POWs and some Nazi captives, when they were overrun by the Red Army. Thus, hundreds of thousands of Allied POWs who had been held by the Nazis, as well as millions of Western European citizens, or Displaced Persons, came under Red Army control. Indeed, this number increased because General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander in Europe, decided to stop the US and British drive eastward into Germany, in order to wait for Soviet forces driving West, so that US and Soviet forces could meet in Berlin.

The Soviet rationale for not repatriating Allied soldiers and citizens, however, was motivated by more complex and more repugnant reasons than credits along. In the memoirs of former Secretary of State under President Truman, James F. Byrnes, there appears an illuminating conversation the Secretary had with Molotov, the Soviet Commissar of Foreign Affairs. In September, 1945, several weeks after Japan's surrender, Byrnes recounted that while in London:

'Mr. Molotov came to see me, on instructions from Moscow... [Molotov] wanted to complain of the way in which the surrender terms [with Japan] were being carried out. He complained particularly about the way the Japanese Army was being demobilized. It was dangerous, he said, merely to disarm the Japanese and send them home; they should be held as prisoners of war. We should do what the Red Army was doing with the Japanese it had taken in Manchuria--make them work...No one can say accurately how many Japanese prisoners have been taken to the Soviet Union.

In mid-1947, the best guess was that approximately 500,000 were still there.'

" The Soviet rationale for not repatriating Allied soldiers and citizens,...."

Roosevelt's attitude toward Stalin: give him anything.....anything....he wants.

BTW....Roosevelt's government acquiesced to Stalin's setting up of the UN, the embodiment of international socialism (communism) with a Stalin spy as its first Secretary General....
....and Russia with three votes to the United State's one.

Thank you, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Roosevelt's attitude toward Stalin: give him anything.....anything....he wants.

You just gave a run down of details about how Truman abandoned the POW's to Stalin, but you begin and end your disjointed rant with accusations that FDR did it. Your own link at Darby's Rangers debunks your account. Eisenhower asked about the 20,000 figure a few days after VE Day. Eventually he agreed that all but a few Americans had been returned. This was long after Roosevelt was out of the picture. All the links you are providing on this topic, including you latest one, put the blame squarely on Eisenhower. It was Eisenhower who was tasked with determining the fate of allied POW's and it was Eisenhower who said all the Americans had been returned. And all of this Eisenhower involvement was done without involvement or influence from FDR because FDR was dead.
I never asked admin to check out your deletions, PC; that is you lying. [you claimed to ask the "admin" to check into same....
....and they found no such thing]. Show me exactly where I did that. You can't.

You simply lie, just like Koshergrl. There is no reason you be posting conspiracy in politics.

This is your post #81:

"(2) did you change your original OP from the Cheka becoming the SS to training the SS? Yes, you did. The SS and cheka have been removed from your OP and arguments on page one. That has been reported to admin."

So....what is this...your fifth...sixth lie?

You don't even lie well.

It must burn you so that I never lie, and you get caught over and over, lying.
A report is not asking them to check it out. It is a record on file for your lying and eventual placement of every FDR OP by you automatically in the conspiracy forum.

So....caught in the you're admitting to contacting 'admin' .....

...but they could not verify any lie on my part?

That's because I never lie.

I'm so disappointed that your pants aren't actually on fire.

".... It is a record on file for your lying...."
There is no such record, is there.
You're both insane and and a congenital liar.

I love smashing the custard pie in your kisser.
Don't ever change.
You lie all the time, as has been shown on this thread alone.

It was reported to admin as a record of fact, not for "checking out", which are your words.
PC has gotten all she asked for. Her so called facts were challenged and debunked. Not just her conclusions made from distortions of quotes, the actual alleged facts. As a bonus she has been shown to be dishonest by attempting to hoist a conspiracy theory on FDR that has always in the past been hung on Truman and Eisenhower.
PC has gotten all she asked for. Her so called facts were challenged and debunked. Not just her conclusions made from distortions of quotes, the actual alleged facts. As a bonus she has been shown to be dishonest by attempting to hoist a conspiracy theory on FDR that has always in the past been hung on Truman and Eisenhower.

6, Even with full knowledge of every horrific massacre, genocide, slaughter by Stalin and the communists..... in his own words....
...this is what Roosevelt said about his pal, Uncle Joe.....

In a letter to FDR, dated January 29, 1943, Ambassador William Bullitt warned Roosevelt about what would happen if he continued pursuing the policies of appeasement toward Stalin that formed the foundation of the American war strategy.

He pleaded with FDR not to 'permit our war to prevent Nazi domination of Europe to be turned into a war to establish Soviet domination of Europe.' He predicted the Soviet annexation of half of Europe; George Kennan identified that letter as the earliest warning of what would be the result of FDR's policies.
"For the President Personal & Secret: Correspondence Between Franklin D. Roosevelt and William C. Bullitt," Orville H. Bullitt, p. 575-590

FDR replied: "Bill, I don't dispute your facts, they are accurate, I don't dispute the logic of your reasoning. I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man.
Harry [Hopkins, Stalin's spy who actually lived in the Roosevelt White House] says he's not and that he doesn't want anything in the world but security for his country, and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace."
William C. Bullitt, "How We Won The War and Lost The Peace," Life Magazine, August 30, 1948, p. 94

".... that if I give him everything I possibly can..."

"I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man." Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Should be his epitaph.
This OP has been revealed to be a piece of junk as usual.

End of story.
Here, in his own words, based on his attitudes and experience....

Franklin Delano Roosevelt tells the world about Joseph Stalin

".... that if I give him everything I possibly can..."

"I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man." Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Therein lies the explanation for Roosevelt's accommodations to, and for, communism, genocide, oppression.

...and, the explanation for his demands that the Democrat Party put a communist on the ticket as his vice-president.

"I have just had a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man" should be his epitaph.
I have a hunch that PC will never be taken as an acceptable source on FDR or WWII history. :lol:
The most important unanswered question about FDR is whether the southern White House maintained as a historical site in Warm Springs, Georgia counts as a fourth national memorial to FDR. Some may argue that because it is maintained as a state park it is not an actual national memorial.
Bank of Appetizers

The Cold War changed the economic landscape and how we looked at competition in the global market.

Post-USSR Moscow is still reeling from the collapse, and Burger King successes are not helping Russians.

Let's face it, the Soviet Union was the first super-power to challenge America's reach socially and economically (and even politically). Russia and the USA should certainly be tied together, therefore, in the annals of history.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of the global free market, America has seen new international competitors --- Japan, China, and the European Union.

If you look at the politically-challenged region of North Korea-South Korea, you feel the global reach of capitalism (i.e., Samsung and Korean Air) and its impact on free market negotiations. In many ways, Seoul is the new Hong Kong.

When I think of a hospitable Korean Air stewardess, I think about the new language of transit-negotiations, and the Cold War really 'catalyzed' all of this.



The biggest con job in international relation may have been the FDR- second front one with Stalin. It was a typical "it's in the mail" con job, but Stalin could do nothing but bite the bullet. The American lives that were saved because of that con job must have been enormous and many an American may have owed FDR a thanks because he survived. I wonder how the Russian history books portray FDR in that and other areas of WWII?

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