Russia Sending Arms To The Kurds Battling The Islamic State


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Well, Obumbler won't do it and they're the only truly effective force against IS. The only problem is, that like the USA, the arms are going to the central government in Bagdhad. But, I personally wonder how much the Russians are directly giving them.

Read story @ War News Updates: Russia Sending Arms To The Kurds Battling The Islamic State and Lavrov: Russia sending arms to KRG via Baghdad
I would much rather Russian boys die for ME oil we don't need opposed to our men and women.
I would much rather Russian boys die for ME oil we don't need opposed to our men and women.



This has nothing nada and I'm not kidding you to do with oil.
This all has to do with a gas line. Oh and of course the Sunnis hating the Shias and we beat each other up shit.

It's a gas line.

This is what is so sad about this. We have unleashed hell on so many so the Saudis could run a gas line thru Syria.
I'm fine with Russia giving them weapons and killing ISIS..............Kill them all and end this shit.......

No problem..................Have at it Russia.
One word for what is going on over there... Tribal.
We do not understand
Turkey is not going to just sit back and watch the Kurds get armed by Russia. Turkey going to airstrike Russians? And then expect America to cover their butt? Could be.
Turkey is not going to just sit back and watch the Kurds get armed by Russia. Turkey going to airstrike Russians? And then expect America to cover their butt? Could be.
Turkey will not hit the the same time they don't want the Kurds getting power either..............They have moved into Syria several times already, and they have used it to kill Kurds already...................

I believe they made the offer a good while back to engage ISIS...............only if they can kill the Kurds 1st..............

All in all, it's a bloody mess............

We are supporting groups that oppose Assad.................
The Russians and Syrians are killing the ones we support.
We support with air strikes the Kurds............
And the Turks sweep in and kill some of them.......
Now the Iranians and Hezballah are coordinating with Russian air strikes to take the region..........

My God..............what a bloody mess.
Turkey is not going to just sit back and watch the Kurds get armed by Russia. Turkey going to airstrike Russians? And then expect America to cover their butt? Could be.
Turkey will not hit the the same time they don't want the Kurds getting power either..............They have moved into Syria several times already, and they have used it to kill Kurds already...................

I believe they made the offer a good while back to engage ISIS...............only if they can kill the Kurds 1st..............

All in all, it's a bloody mess............

We are supporting groups that oppose Assad.................
The Russians and Syrians are killing the ones we support.
We support with air strikes the Kurds............
And the Turks sweep in and kill some of them.......
Now the Iranians and Hezballah are coordinating with Russian air strikes to take the region..........

My God..............what a bloody mess.
Now wait. If we are supporting, but they are attacking, does that mean we are supporting the attacking or attacking the supporting? (kidding, yeah, 'bloody mess' sums it up about as good as anything.)

I agree Turkey striking Russia targets directly is not likely. It is, however, just one more element in the "what if" column. What a screwed up "what if" it would be too. A little closer every day.
Turkey is not going to just sit back and watch the Kurds get armed by Russia. Turkey going to airstrike Russians? And then expect America to cover their butt? Could be.
Turkey will not hit the the same time they don't want the Kurds getting power either..............They have moved into Syria several times already, and they have used it to kill Kurds already...................

I believe they made the offer a good while back to engage ISIS...............only if they can kill the Kurds 1st..............

All in all, it's a bloody mess............

We are supporting groups that oppose Assad.................
The Russians and Syrians are killing the ones we support.
We support with air strikes the Kurds............
And the Turks sweep in and kill some of them.......
Now the Iranians and Hezballah are coordinating with Russian air strikes to take the region..........

My God..............what a bloody mess.
Now wait. If we are supporting, but they are attacking, does that mean we are supporting the attacking or attacking the supporting? (kidding, yeah, 'bloody mess' sums it up about as good as anything.)

I agree Turkey striking Russia targets directly is not likely. It is, however, just one more element in the "what if" column. What a screwed up "what if" it would be too. A little closer every day.
Given the bloody mess...................We should get out............and let the Russians handle it...............
The only winners in this are the undertakers......................Everybody is killing everybody there................Let Russia handle it, and keep watch.
With our safeties off of course.....................

It's a Death Match in the arena.
Turkey is not going to just sit back and watch the Kurds get armed by Russia. Turkey going to airstrike Russians? And then expect America to cover their butt? Could be.
Turkey will not hit the the same time they don't want the Kurds getting power either..............They have moved into Syria several times already, and they have used it to kill Kurds already...................

I believe they made the offer a good while back to engage ISIS...............only if they can kill the Kurds 1st..............

All in all, it's a bloody mess............

We are supporting groups that oppose Assad.................
The Russians and Syrians are killing the ones we support.
We support with air strikes the Kurds............
And the Turks sweep in and kill some of them.......
Now the Iranians and Hezballah are coordinating with Russian air strikes to take the region..........

My God..............what a bloody mess.
Now wait. If we are supporting, but they are attacking, does that mean we are supporting the attacking or attacking the supporting? (kidding, yeah, 'bloody mess' sums it up about as good as anything.)

I agree Turkey striking Russia targets directly is not likely. It is, however, just one more element in the "what if" column. What a screwed up "what if" it would be too. A little closer every day.
Given the bloody mess...................We should get out............and let the Russians handle it...............
The only winners in this are the undertakers......................Everybody is killing everybody there................Let Russia handle it, and keep watch.
With our safeties off of course.....................

It's a Death Match in the arena.
No. We should lead. There is a way to address this without everyone going nuclear. All we need is a good leader. .... uh, what was your suggestion again?
Turkey is not going to just sit back and watch the Kurds get armed by Russia. Turkey going to airstrike Russians? And then expect America to cover their butt? Could be.
Turkey will not hit the the same time they don't want the Kurds getting power either..............They have moved into Syria several times already, and they have used it to kill Kurds already...................

I believe they made the offer a good while back to engage ISIS...............only if they can kill the Kurds 1st..............

All in all, it's a bloody mess............

We are supporting groups that oppose Assad.................
The Russians and Syrians are killing the ones we support.
We support with air strikes the Kurds............
And the Turks sweep in and kill some of them.......
Now the Iranians and Hezballah are coordinating with Russian air strikes to take the region..........

My God..............what a bloody mess.
Now wait. If we are supporting, but they are attacking, does that mean we are supporting the attacking or attacking the supporting? (kidding, yeah, 'bloody mess' sums it up about as good as anything.)

I agree Turkey striking Russia targets directly is not likely. It is, however, just one more element in the "what if" column. What a screwed up "what if" it would be too. A little closer every day.
Given the bloody mess...................We should get out............and let the Russians handle it...............
The only winners in this are the undertakers......................Everybody is killing everybody there................Let Russia handle it, and keep watch.
With our safeties off of course.....................

It's a Death Match in the arena.
No. We should lead. There is a way to address this without everyone going nuclear. All we need is a good leader. .... uh, what was your suggestion again?
Let the arena decide.............and deal with the winner in the end..............................

The best thing for the world is that ISIS and the Caliphate ends..................the only way that happens is they get killed by someone..............whether us or them.

The FSA, which is being killed by Russia now, could never have held had they won...............Russia will finish them off first, and the only way to stop that is by direct Russians.................That isn't gonna happen..................

Assad is a SOB, but an old Marine once said to me.................some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.....................let them kill ISIS and restore Assad.............and then make damned sure Iran and the Hezballah don't take advantage of allying with Assad in the end...............because their goal is Israel..........................

Either way...........let them spend the money and blood there.................stand back and let the cage match happen...........Russia will force a winner now..............let them fight for it.
Turkey is not going to just sit back and watch the Kurds get armed by Russia. Turkey going to airstrike Russians? And then expect America to cover their butt? Could be.
Turkey will not hit the the same time they don't want the Kurds getting power either..............They have moved into Syria several times already, and they have used it to kill Kurds already...................

I believe they made the offer a good while back to engage ISIS...............only if they can kill the Kurds 1st..............

All in all, it's a bloody mess............

We are supporting groups that oppose Assad.................
The Russians and Syrians are killing the ones we support.
We support with air strikes the Kurds............
And the Turks sweep in and kill some of them.......
Now the Iranians and Hezballah are coordinating with Russian air strikes to take the region..........

My God..............what a bloody mess.
Now wait. If we are supporting, but they are attacking, does that mean we are supporting the attacking or attacking the supporting? (kidding, yeah, 'bloody mess' sums it up about as good as anything.)

I agree Turkey striking Russia targets directly is not likely. It is, however, just one more element in the "what if" column. What a screwed up "what if" it would be too. A little closer every day.
Given the bloody mess...................We should get out............and let the Russians handle it...............
The only winners in this are the undertakers......................Everybody is killing everybody there................Let Russia handle it, and keep watch.
With our safeties off of course.....................

It's a Death Match in the arena.
No. We should lead. There is a way to address this without everyone going nuclear. All we need is a good leader. .... uh, what was your suggestion again?
Let the arena decide.............and deal with the winner in the end..............................

The best thing for the world is that ISIS and the Caliphate ends..................the only way that happens is they get killed by someone..............whether us or them.

The FSA, which is being killed by Russia now, could never have held had they won...............Russia will finish them off first, and the only way to stop that is by direct Russians.................That isn't gonna happen..................

Assad is a SOB, but an old Marine once said to me.................some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.....................let them kill ISIS and restore Assad.............and then make damned sure Iran and the Hezballah don't take advantage of allying with Assad in the end...............because their goal is Israel..........................

Either way...........let them spend the money and blood there.................stand back and let the cage match happen...........Russia will force a winner now..............let them fight for it.
That explains Shia/Sunni but why is Russia involved? I believe the world is going into WWIII for much the same reason the world went into WWII; economics. After WWI Germany was force to pay war damages. Rather than have the country implode Germany went to war. Russia is doing the same thing. The U.S. is squeezing Russia financially and rather than implode Russia is going to war, world war, if that is what it takes. Looks like China is putting its money on the other guy.
Turkey will not hit the the same time they don't want the Kurds getting power either..............They have moved into Syria several times already, and they have used it to kill Kurds already...................

I believe they made the offer a good while back to engage ISIS...............only if they can kill the Kurds 1st..............

All in all, it's a bloody mess............

We are supporting groups that oppose Assad.................
The Russians and Syrians are killing the ones we support.
We support with air strikes the Kurds............
And the Turks sweep in and kill some of them.......
Now the Iranians and Hezballah are coordinating with Russian air strikes to take the region..........

My God..............what a bloody mess.
Now wait. If we are supporting, but they are attacking, does that mean we are supporting the attacking or attacking the supporting? (kidding, yeah, 'bloody mess' sums it up about as good as anything.)

I agree Turkey striking Russia targets directly is not likely. It is, however, just one more element in the "what if" column. What a screwed up "what if" it would be too. A little closer every day.
Given the bloody mess...................We should get out............and let the Russians handle it...............
The only winners in this are the undertakers......................Everybody is killing everybody there................Let Russia handle it, and keep watch.
With our safeties off of course.....................

It's a Death Match in the arena.
No. We should lead. There is a way to address this without everyone going nuclear. All we need is a good leader. .... uh, what was your suggestion again?
Let the arena decide.............and deal with the winner in the end..............................

The best thing for the world is that ISIS and the Caliphate ends..................the only way that happens is they get killed by someone..............whether us or them.

The FSA, which is being killed by Russia now, could never have held had they won...............Russia will finish them off first, and the only way to stop that is by direct Russians.................That isn't gonna happen..................

Assad is a SOB, but an old Marine once said to me.................some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.....................let them kill ISIS and restore Assad.............and then make damned sure Iran and the Hezballah don't take advantage of allying with Assad in the end...............because their goal is Israel..........................

Either way...........let them spend the money and blood there.................stand back and let the cage match happen...........Russia will force a winner now..............let them fight for it.
That explains Shia/Sunni but why is Russia involved? I believe we are going into WWIII for much the same reason we went into WWII; economics. After WWI Germany was force to pay war damages. Rather than have the country implode Germany went to war. Russia is doing the same thing. The U.S. is squeezing Russia financially and rather that implode Russia is going to war, world war, if that is what it takes. Looks like China is putting its money on the other guy.
We are pounding the Ruble...............aka Saudi Arabia has increased production and made oil and gas prices drop................Which is in Direct Response to BRICS.............................They want the Petro Dollar gone.............and we want it to stay................

They don't want to lose the European market either.................and Europe wants the competition of oil and gas from other suppliers so they don't get black mailed by the Russians either...............................

aka the pipeline deals...........Saudi to Europe pipeline, which is why we want Assad dead. They are there to make sure that doesn't happen............and are now in direct combat in close proximity to our planes making sorties at the same time.

The Ruskies are hitting the Rebels against Assad first...........the ones we are backing to shore up their position with Assad. It is in your face Gun Boat Diplomacy......................and it could go badly..............should a few stray rounds go off....................

The whole region is on fire..............And all of North Africa is on fire as well........................
It is regional, and could lead to WWIII.
Now wait. If we are supporting, but they are attacking, does that mean we are supporting the attacking or attacking the supporting? (kidding, yeah, 'bloody mess' sums it up about as good as anything.)

I agree Turkey striking Russia targets directly is not likely. It is, however, just one more element in the "what if" column. What a screwed up "what if" it would be too. A little closer every day.
Given the bloody mess...................We should get out............and let the Russians handle it...............
The only winners in this are the undertakers......................Everybody is killing everybody there................Let Russia handle it, and keep watch.
With our safeties off of course.....................

It's a Death Match in the arena.
No. We should lead. There is a way to address this without everyone going nuclear. All we need is a good leader. .... uh, what was your suggestion again?
Let the arena decide.............and deal with the winner in the end..............................

The best thing for the world is that ISIS and the Caliphate ends..................the only way that happens is they get killed by someone..............whether us or them.

The FSA, which is being killed by Russia now, could never have held had they won...............Russia will finish them off first, and the only way to stop that is by direct Russians.................That isn't gonna happen..................

Assad is a SOB, but an old Marine once said to me.................some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.....................let them kill ISIS and restore Assad.............and then make damned sure Iran and the Hezballah don't take advantage of allying with Assad in the end...............because their goal is Israel..........................

Either way...........let them spend the money and blood there.................stand back and let the cage match happen...........Russia will force a winner now..............let them fight for it.
That explains Shia/Sunni but why is Russia involved? I believe we are going into WWIII for much the same reason we went into WWII; economics. After WWI Germany was force to pay war damages. Rather than have the country implode Germany went to war. Russia is doing the same thing. The U.S. is squeezing Russia financially and rather that implode Russia is going to war, world war, if that is what it takes. Looks like China is putting its money on the other guy.
We are pounding the Ruble...............aka Saudi Arabia has increased production and made oil and gas prices drop................Which is in Direct Response to BRICS.............................They want the Petro Dollar gone.............and we want it to stay................

They don't want to lose the European market either.................and Europe wants the competition of oil and gas from other suppliers so they don't get black mailed by the Russians either...............................

aka the pipeline deals...........Saudi to Europe pipeline, which is why we want Assad dead. They are there to make sure that doesn't happen............and are now in direct combat in close proximity to our planes making sorties at the same time.

The Ruskies are hitting the Rebels against Assad first...........the ones we are backing to shore up their position with Assad. It is in your face Gun Boat Diplomacy......................and it could go badly..............should a few stray rounds go off....................

The whole region is on fire..............And all of North Africa is on fire as well........................
It is regional, and could lead to WWIII.


I love you and I will give you your fourth child!


I just want to be able to run the dog today. Can you do something about these asswhipes?
Now wait. If we are supporting, but they are attacking, does that mean we are supporting the attacking or attacking the supporting? (kidding, yeah, 'bloody mess' sums it up about as good as anything.)

I agree Turkey striking Russia targets directly is not likely. It is, however, just one more element in the "what if" column. What a screwed up "what if" it would be too. A little closer every day.
Given the bloody mess...................We should get out............and let the Russians handle it...............
The only winners in this are the undertakers......................Everybody is killing everybody there................Let Russia handle it, and keep watch.
With our safeties off of course.....................

It's a Death Match in the arena.
No. We should lead. There is a way to address this without everyone going nuclear. All we need is a good leader. .... uh, what was your suggestion again?
Let the arena decide.............and deal with the winner in the end..............................

The best thing for the world is that ISIS and the Caliphate ends..................the only way that happens is they get killed by someone..............whether us or them.

The FSA, which is being killed by Russia now, could never have held had they won...............Russia will finish them off first, and the only way to stop that is by direct Russians.................That isn't gonna happen..................

Assad is a SOB, but an old Marine once said to me.................some people need a boot on their neck for their own good.....................let them kill ISIS and restore Assad.............and then make damned sure Iran and the Hezballah don't take advantage of allying with Assad in the end...............because their goal is Israel..........................

Either way...........let them spend the money and blood there.................stand back and let the cage match happen...........Russia will force a winner now..............let them fight for it.
That explains Shia/Sunni but why is Russia involved? I believe we are going into WWIII for much the same reason we went into WWII; economics. After WWI Germany was force to pay war damages. Rather than have the country implode Germany went to war. Russia is doing the same thing. The U.S. is squeezing Russia financially and rather that implode Russia is going to war, world war, if that is what it takes. Looks like China is putting its money on the other guy.
We are pounding the Ruble...............aka Saudi Arabia has increased production and made oil and gas prices drop................Which is in Direct Response to BRICS.............................They want the Petro Dollar gone.............and we want it to stay................

They don't want to lose the European market either.................and Europe wants the competition of oil and gas from other suppliers so they don't get black mailed by the Russians either...............................

aka the pipeline deals...........Saudi to Europe pipeline, which is why we want Assad dead. They are there to make sure that doesn't happen............and are now in direct combat in close proximity to our planes making sorties at the same time.

The Ruskies are hitting the Rebels against Assad first...........the ones we are backing to shore up their position with Assad. It is in your face Gun Boat Diplomacy......................and it could go badly..............should a few stray rounds go off....................

The whole region is on fire..............And all of North Africa is on fire as well........................
It is regional, and could lead to WWIII.
Well, sounds like unless someone figures out what to do about the Petro Dollar this is WWIII.

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