Russia says it will treat US-led coalition planes west of the Euphrates as targets


Nov 14, 2012
Enough is enough. Russia reacts. US-led coalition planes and drones are now targets.


Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during a ceremony of receiving passports by ten young Russians in Moscow's Kremlin, Russia, Monday, June 12, 2017

Russia says it will treat US-led coalition planes west of the Euphrates as targets
The Russian economy cannot support war with the United States, and Putin knows it.
Putin once again shows that he does not comprehend the power of the US military.
Putin once again shows that he does not comprehend the power of the US military.
The US military depends on air superiority and against Russia they won´t have it.
Don't count on it.
The US struggled to defeat Iraq in 2003 despite using 30 % of its overall military capacity. You want to defeat Russia? Give it a tought.
We don't need ground troops to defeat Russia in the Middle East. The shield of the US Navy and the USAF will simply grind up Russian assets. Putin can't afford a war financially either.
Putin once again shows that he does not comprehend the power of the US military.
The US military depends on air superiority and against Russia they won´t have it.
Don't count on it.
The US struggled to defeat Iraq in 2003 despite using 30 % of its overall military capacity. You want to defeat Russia? Give it a tought.

That's because US politicians no longer fight to win, and haven;t since WWII. Unleash the military.
Putin once again shows that he does not comprehend the power of the US military.
The US military depends on air superiority and against Russia they won´t have it.
Don't count on it.
The US struggled to defeat Iraq in 2003 despite using 30 % of its overall military capacity. You want to defeat Russia? Give it a tought.
I think you're confused. The US went through Iraq like the proverbial shit through a goose. Don't equate a guerilla resistance on the ground with an armed conflict between two formal militaries. Russia would be hard put to keep anything in the air should the US decide to take command of the air space.
Putin once again shows that he does not comprehend the power of the US military.
He can't sit back and eat this shit forever. You willing to risk a nuclear exchange over Syria? Or is this still about Hillary for you? I'm pretty sure you idiots will go the distance for that.
Putin once again shows that he does not comprehend the power of the US military.
He can't sit back and eat this shit forever. You willing to risk a nuclear exchange over Syria? Or is this still about Hillary for you? I'm pretty sure you idiots will go the distance for that.
Stop babbling. No one is going nuclear. Putin's and Russia's influence must be pushed back to the Russian border.
Putin once again shows that he does not comprehend the power of the US military.
The US military depends on air superiority and against Russia they won´t have it.
Don't count on it.
The US struggled to defeat Iraq in 2003 despite using 30 % of its overall military capacity. You want to defeat Russia? Give it a tought.
We don't need ground troops to defeat Russia in the Middle East. The shield of the US Navy and the USAF will simply grind up Russian assets. Putin can't afford a war financially either.
Syria´s coast is full of Russian vessels.
Putin once again shows that he does not comprehend the power of the US military.
The US military depends on air superiority and against Russia they won´t have it.
Don't count on it.
The US struggled to defeat Iraq in 2003 despite using 30 % of its overall military capacity. You want to defeat Russia? Give it a tought.

That's because US politicians no longer fight to win, and haven;t since WWII. Unleash the military.
It is because your ground troops have no idea what they are fighting for. They lack of fighting spirit. Not the best equipment can balance this out. 40 % of your soldiers miss their targets intentionally. The fierce Iraqi resistance was eliminated with 40.000 air strikes, most of them A-10 strikes.
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Putin once again shows that he does not comprehend the power of the US military.
He can't sit back and eat this shit forever. You willing to risk a nuclear exchange over Syria? Or is this still about Hillary for you? I'm pretty sure you idiots will go the distance for that.
Stop babbling. No one is going nuclear. Putin's and Russia's influence must be pushed back to the Russian border.
Why don´t you go back to your border? Syria invited Russia, the US is illegally in Syria.
I have read the comments here and... damn, there are so many idiots...

Let's check some facts.
Russia is in Syria on legal grounds, the USA no. It means that the USA and coalition are intervents who must be fought against.
The USA in Syria supports so-called "moderate rebels" who fight together with ISIS against Syrian army. The USA is bombing Syrian army's positions, Syrian airbase, now they have splashed Syrian plane...
The USA initiated media attack against Russia and Syria when they were fighting in Aleppo to make it free from terrorists.
American friends led by the American authorities organized that war in Syria.

And now tell me who is evil and who must be kept inside own borders? For me is obvious- the USA! Or I'd rather say TSA (terroristic states of America).

Do you really think Putin and Russians in common do not comprehend the power of the US military?
I guess vise versa - remember when Russian first strike by Kalibr missiles was done? They shot from the Caspian Sea. Tomahawks cannot fly that far! Do you remember how suddenly Russian base appeared in Latakia (Syria) and nobody noticed the process. Remember Donald Cook's accident in the Black Sea when Aegys system was switched off by SU-24?

Your authorities lead the world to its nuclear collapse and only Putin's calm and wise reaction keeps the piece for now.

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