Russia is a Super Power: Opinion on The Hill

In fact, the Russians believe that they can win a nuclear war against the USA.

In fact, they have some - SCO - Shanghai Pact, CSTO - Tashkent Pact. But yes, they are useless as NATO.
No its worse...CHINA believes they can win a nuclear war by causing the US and RUSSIA to have a nuke war weakening the US allowing CHINA to take over the pieces. Russi by itself is not a threat....
In fact, the Russians believe that they can win a nuclear war against the USA.

I would not go that far :)
some Russians may believe... - it would be more correct... :)

Or I would put it another way - Russia will win a limited nuclear war in 3d countries territory.
This is when it is good not to have allies :lol:
Nuclear war will be happening in Poland or some Estonia.

Though, I would nuke Poland anyway, wherever we were fighting, even if in Pacific... just for fun... :)
be more specific, how and against what targets?
you see, the US is helpless.
Because the US cannot do a thing against Russia without immediately bringing situation to toral nuclear war.
While Russia can nuke dozens of US bases abroad, aircraft carriers, US allies without risk of nuclear annihilation of the human kind :)

because Russia is a peaceful country which sticks to own territory (which includes Ukraine, of course.).. :)
be more specific, how and against what targets?
We have 1500 operable nuclear weapons on multiple platforms. Ballistic missiles, submarines, bombers, cruise missiles.

That is a lot of targets
I don't ask with what the US may retaliate, but against what targets?

will the US start nuckear war against Russian territory to get 100% own destruction?
Where do you live?
It may be a target
Russia's nuclear stockpile alone makes them a "super-power." Their military is outsized, but they lack the economic resources to support a conventional war campaign for more than a couple of weeks. Plus, they have always had problems with obsolete and inoperable weapons systems. They can rattle their swords, but beyond a first strike capability there is very little behind that threat.

Economically, their natural gas resources make them extremely powerful in Western Europe. The Europeans NEED Russia's natural gas, and that tempers everyone's ability to confront Russia. "If you fuck with us, we will send you a very belligerent letter!"

I cannot imagine why "we" have not begun selling LNG to Europe. We have those resources in abundance, and it would harm Russia greatly, taking away their greatest source of hard currency. I can only assume that "we" think such a move might start a war, with Russia attacking our tankers.

so, the US will commit a suicide :)
or, better to say, you are insane if you think the US elite really wants own death :)
The US always warned of severe retaliation if nuclear weapons are used

That has not changed
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Russia's nuclear stockpile alone makes them a "super-power." Their military is outsized, but they lack the economic resources to support a conventional war campaign for more than a couple of weeks. Plus, they have always had problems with obsolete and inoperable weapons systems. They can rattle their swords, but beyond a first strike capability there is very little behind that threat.

Economically, their natural gas resources make them extremely powerful in Western Europe. The Europeans NEED Russia's natural gas, and that tempers everyone's ability to confront Russia. "If you fuck with us, we will send you a very belligerent letter!"

I cannot imagine why "we" have not begun selling LNG to Europe. We have those resources in abundance, and it would harm Russia greatly, taking away their greatest source of hard currency. I can only assume that "we" think such a move might start a war, with Russia attacking our tankers.

I can give you an answer.
Because China pays more :lol:
Europe is freezing now and cries about energy crisis because only Russia keeps supplying Europe with record volumes of gas, while Qatar and the US direct most of their gas to premium Asian markets.. :)

As Mrs. Nuland said in 2014 - f*ck the EU... :)
The US always warned of severe retaliation if nuclear weapons are used

Tbat has not changed
if Russia nukes US territory - then I may start thinking that the US may risk total self destruction via massive nuclear strike against Russia.

but to make a suicide for sake of a dozen military bases overseas - don't make me laugh.
the US will not do so even if Russia nukes all NATO members..
if Russia nukes US territory - then I may start thinking that the US may risk total self destruction via masive nuklear strike against Russia.

but to make a suicide for sake of a dozen military bases overseas - don't make me laugh.
the US will not do so even if Russia nukes all NATO members..
Russia is no longer talking to barking dogs about serious things anymore. Only to the US.
We have 1500 nuclear weapons

90 % still allows 150 to get through
Russia has ABD (more than 100 missiles in Moscow region) and S-400 and S-500 can intercept incoming MIRVs in atmosphere. Russian population is particularly evacuated, particularly - in shelters. "Moscow subways - the largest bunker in the world! ". You still can destroy Moscow and kill one million Russian civilians (high price, but absolutely acceptable for them). But then the Russian will launch anti-value strikes and kill, say, half of American population in few days.
You are Biden. The Russians have eliminated 90% of your arsenal, killed less than 5 million Americans, but 327 million people are still alive. You still have 150 warheads, you can make a jesture - destroy Moscow, but then your country will be totally destroyed. Or you can accept Russian peaceful proposals - dismiss NATO, return Alaska, be a poor small nuclear state like the modern UK, don't attack anybody else.
What would you choose? To kill less than one million Russians and 150-250 million Americans or to save the USA (significant part of it)?
They call it "post-attack coercion into peace".

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