Russia Did Not Hack The Election....


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Read the entire article and check out the links contained within. Obama and his minions are lying through their teeth.

The only people ā€œhackingā€ the US election have been the two political parties. The Democratic Party actively conspired against Bernie Sanders and actively stole thirteen primaries from Bernie Sanders using electronic ballot tampering. The Democratic Party also organized roughly three million dead, duplicate, and illegal alien voters. The Republican Party used various means to repress a million black voters.

Defence and intelligence Norway | The Russians Did Not ā€œHackā€ the US Election ā€“ a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy

The ā€œleaksā€ from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to WikiLeaks were a combination of disgruntled NSA officials furious with Hillary Clintonā€™s mis-handling of classified materials (including sending emails with classified information to IP addresses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar), and a DNC insider with authorized access who shared copies ā€“ all this according to William Binney, Julian Assange, and Craig Murray.
Nobody hacked the election, there was a leak from DNC, which revealed the truth about corrupt Democrats. So, Dems are making a lot of noise, hoping to manipulate the public opinion. Pretty simple and cheap.

Six months after the FBI first said it was investigating the hack of the Democratic National Committeeā€™s computer network, the bureau has still not requested access to the hacked servers, a DNC spokesman said. No US government entity has run an independent forensic analysis on the system.
The FBI Never Asked For Access To Hacked Computer Servers
ā€œThe Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was supposedly hacked by Russia,ā€ the president-elect tweeted after the DNC reportedly confirmed that the bureau failed to send their own staff to check the servers.

ā€œSo how and why are they so sure about hacking if they never even requested an examination of the computer servers? What is going on?,ā€ the next US president asked.
ā€˜What is going on?ā€™ Trump wonders why FBI never requested access to the DNCā€™s ā€˜hacked serversā€™
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Read the entire article and check out the links contained within. Obama and his minions are lying through their teeth.

The only people ā€œhackingā€ the US election have been the two political parties. The Democratic Party actively conspired against Bernie Sanders and actively stole thirteen primaries from Bernie Sanders using electronic ballot tampering. The Democratic Party also organized roughly three million dead, duplicate, and illegal alien voters. The Republican Party used various means to repress a million black voters.

Defence and intelligence Norway | The Russians Did Not ā€œHackā€ the US Election ā€“ a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy

The ā€œleaksā€ from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to WikiLeaks were a combination of disgruntled NSA officials furious with Hillary Clintonā€™s mis-handling of classified materials (including sending emails with classified information to IP addresses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar), and a DNC insider with authorized access who shared copies ā€“ all this according to William Binney, Julian Assange, and Craig Murray.
The author of your link provides no evidence for his assertions but then again, either does President Obama or the CIA for their assertions. After the Iraq WMD swindle, you'd be a fool to believe anything the CIA says without evidence.

As a Bernie loving left-wing liberal progressive, I'm embarrassed that people are actually buying into this shit.

You are lying.

Why are you lying?

Do you think that lying to a bunch of geezers on a messageboard is going to alter reality?

Goddamn you're dumb.

Russia hacked the DNC emails to throw the election.

Trump used those hacked emails in his campaign.

Trump is a traitor.
Read the entire article and check out the links contained within. Obama and his minions are lying through their teeth.

The only people ā€œhackingā€ the US election have been the two political parties. The Democratic Party actively conspired against Bernie Sanders and actively stole thirteen primaries from Bernie Sanders using electronic ballot tampering. The Democratic Party also organized roughly three million dead, duplicate, and illegal alien voters. The Republican Party used various means to repress a million black voters.

Defence and intelligence Norway | The Russians Did Not ā€œHackā€ the US Election ā€“ a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy

The ā€œleaksā€ from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to WikiLeaks were a combination of disgruntled NSA officials furious with Hillary Clintonā€™s mis-handling of classified materials (including sending emails with classified information to IP addresses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar), and a DNC insider with authorized access who shared copies ā€“ all this according to William Binney, Julian Assange, and Craig Murray.
Yet another Russia loving Trump supporter.

You are lying.

Why are you lying?

Do you think that lying to a bunch of geezers on a messageboard is going to alter reality?

Goddamn you're dumb.

Russia hacked the DNC emails to throw the election.

Trump used those hacked emails in his campaign.

Trump is a traitor.

Lol, Trump exploited the stupidity and corruption from leaked emails from the incompetent DNC and that makes him a traitor?

Do you know what the hell the word 'traitor' actually means, doofus?

You are lying.

Why are you lying?

Do you think that lying to a bunch of geezers on a messageboard is going to alter reality?

Goddamn you're dumb.

Russia hacked the DNC emails to throw the election.

Trump used those hacked emails in his campaign.

Trump is a traitor.
Take your Geritol old lady and be quiet while the rational adults converse.
Read the entire article and check out the links contained within. Obama and his minions are lying through their teeth.

Russia absolutely did hack in the United States in order to influence our election.

Despite what Trump's minions keep trying to say otherwise.
Lol, Trump exploited the stupidity and corruption from leaked emails from the ... DNC and that makes him a traitor?
Yes. He knew those emails came from Putin. He had contacts through Bannon and Tillerson, so it's not like he had no idea.
So how would Trump know that Putin personally stole those emails and leaked them?

You are not exactly a member of Mensa, are you?
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You are lying.

Why are you lying?

Do you think that lying to a bunch of geezers on a messageboard is going to alter reality?

Goddamn you're dumb.

Russia hacked the DNC emails to throw the election.

Trump used those hacked emails in his campaign.

Trump is a traitor.
Says a lying libtard.

You are lying.

Why are you lying?

Do you think that lying to a bunch of geezers on a messageboard is going to alter reality?

Goddamn you're dumb.

Russia hacked the DNC emails to throw the election.

Trump used those hacked emails in his campaign.

Trump is a traitor.
You are a fucking idiot, Grandma. Neither the DNC nor Podesta claimed that the content of the exposed emails were not authentic. They WROTE WHAT WAS IN THE EMAILS. The TRUTH was exposed and you don't like the truth. Of course Trump used the truth about Hillary's corruption and lying to persuade sensible people to vote against her. It's numbnuts like you that would vote for the bitch not matter what crimes she and Slick Willy committed.

Trump is not a traitor. Both Hillary and Obama ARE!
Read the entire article and check out the links contained within. Obama and his minions are lying through their teeth.

The only people ā€œhackingā€ the US election have been the two political parties. The Democratic Party actively conspired against Bernie Sanders and actively stole thirteen primaries from Bernie Sanders using electronic ballot tampering. The Democratic Party also organized roughly three million dead, duplicate, and illegal alien voters. The Republican Party used various means to repress a million black voters.

Defence and intelligence Norway | The Russians Did Not ā€œHackā€ the US Election ā€“ a Few Facts from a Former CIA Spy

The ā€œleaksā€ from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to WikiLeaks were a combination of disgruntled NSA officials furious with Hillary Clintonā€™s mis-handling of classified materials (including sending emails with classified information to IP addresses in Saudi Arabia and Qatar), and a DNC insider with authorized access who shared copies ā€“ all this according to William Binney, Julian Assange, and Craig Murray.
Yet another Russia loving Trump supporter.
I don't love Russia and I hate communism. I do support many of Trump's goals.

You are lying.

Why are you lying?

Do you think that lying to a bunch of geezers on a messageboard is going to alter reality?

Goddamn you're dumb.

Russia hacked the DNC emails to throw the election.

Trump used those hacked emails in his campaign.

Trump is a traitor.
When your password is password, you deserve what you get. He represents you which proved you are dumb.
Read the entire article and check out the links contained within. Obama and his minions are lying through their teeth.

Russia absolutely did hack in the United States in order to influence our election.

Despite what Trump's minions keep trying to say otherwise.
Kinda like when Ted Kennedy conspired with Russia to effect the 1984 election? You need to be quiet before look look more ignorant.

You are lying.

Why are you lying?

Do you think that lying to a bunch of geezers on a messageboard is going to alter reality?

Goddamn you're dumb.

Russia hacked the DNC emails to throw the election.

Trump used those hacked emails in his campaign.

Trump is a traitor.
When your password is password, you deserve what you get. He represents you which proved you are dumb.

The DNC fixed their security issues. They now communicate via smoke signals.
Lol, Trump exploited the stupidity and corruption from leaked emails from the ... DNC and that makes him a traitor?

Yes. He knew those emails came from Putin. He had contacts through Bannon and Tillerson, so it's not like he had no idea.
The emails did not come from Putin. They came from the DNC and people that emailed back and forth with Podesta, including Podesta himself. The exposing of the TRUTH about Democrats usually hurts them because they are dishonest and corrupt to the core. The fact that they were exposed by the uncovered emails really pisses you off so you blame it on Trump....or Putin. Either way, you're a fucking idiot!

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