Russell Brand on Question Time


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
Any fellow Brits witness this clown get savaged by UKIP's Nigel Farage? For any of you wondering what we're going on about (that means you, America) over the last week we've been waiting to see messrs. Farage and Brand go toe-to-toe on BBC 1's Question Time. Naturally, I assumed the Biased Broadcasting Corporation would season the audience with hippies and bolshevicks, but on this occasion they hadn't (or couldn't). Brand, who looks decidedly French, bleated a few populist platitudes, then the intellectual gang rape commenced. First Farage, a dependable Anglo-Saxon if I ever did see one, swatted away the hairy pest's arguments aside and Brand made the mistake of using sexist language in the presence of Mary Creagh, an obvious feminist agitator from the Labour backbenches who scolded Brand. Unfortunately for Brand, the monstering was far from over. After incurring the wrath of Marxist bra-burners, he then attracted fierce criticism from a disabled member of the audience who demanded that Brand produce evidence of Mr. Farage insulting Britain's disabled, which couldn't. After that Brand made most sensible decision of his entire life: remain silent. It isn't on iPlayer, yet, but Britain's broadsheets are raving about the encounter and have unanimously declared Farage the victor. Even that otherwise treasonous rag, The Guardian, has conceded that Farage won the joust.
To be fair, Nigel Farage is the intellectual superior of most anyone. That being said Russell Brand does know who the enemies are. Here he is on Max Keisers' show from a few months back.

And here he is along with Alec Baldwin. (Haven't seen this one yet)

Nigel Farage? That the guy who was recently discovered to have been playing Candy Crush (a girls game BTW) during 2+ hrs of official gov't proceedings? THAT Nigel?
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Nigel Farage? That the guy who was recently discovered to have been playing Candy Crush (a girls game BTW) during 2+ hrs of official gov't proceedings? THAT Nigel?

No, Dot. That Nigel was Nigel Mills, a Tory backbencher, whereas Nigel Farage is an MEP and leader of UKIP. Nice try, though.
So, what is happening? Why are we all so excited?

It is interesting to see that so many Briton believe that all their problems will be solved once UKIP comes to the power. Milk will be flowing in the rivers. Honey will be raining from the sky.

What is UKIP's propoasl to turn UK Into a land of milk and honey? Persecute all non-white folks. Quit EU.

Although, I believe that EU is a waste of time for UK but I do not think quitting EU and persecuting minorities will tun UK into a land of milk and honey. It is not going to happen. It will only happen with a culture of hard work and fair play.
UKIP understands that Global Warming is a fraud, the EU is a fraud and that Banksters are ruining the country.

Why do people think there is a "magic bullet" solution for their problems? It started after WWII, it may take that long to fix it.

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