Rush Limbaugh's love affair with Donald Trump appears to be ending


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
"I think, folks, it's safe to say that Donald Trump thinks that he got schlonged in Iowa."

“If the New York Times came out and said this is the best talk show in the country, I would panic. I would think it's over. I would say, ‘What am I doing wrong?’”

"If Trump were more aware of why the Republican base is ticked off at its own party, then he would probably not have talked about how accomplished and successful he would be with Schumer and Pelosi and so forth."

"Ted Cruz has committed a crime: He won. Nobody's supposed to do that when Trump is involved. If somebody does that, there has to be some illegitimate explanation, like he's from Canada, or he cheated with Dr. Carson or what have you. And, as a caller just said, he's losing me on this. I don't understand anger at Canada. The anger ought to be at what's happening to the country."

“Trump calling fraud on the Iowa caucuses and saying that it should be done over might be the best proof yet that Trump is not your typical Republican establishment candidate. No matter what happens, Republican establishment candidates almost never complain when they lose elections.”

Pearls of Wisdom - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Wise up, Rush, Donald Trump is not one of us, and never was one of us, and never will be one of us.

And Trump manages to keep from self-imploding long enough to get elected, he will PROVE he is not one of us when he uses executive orders to do whatever crazy shit he thinks up next without regard to how much it costs the taxpayers or how it runs up the national debt.

In other words, he will be just like Obama.

And for once, Democrats and Republicans will unite in one goal, taking out Trump by any means necessary.
Rush Limbaugh has an audience of millions listening to him.

How many people are listening to you?
Rush Limbaugh has an audience of millions listening to him.

How many people are listening to you?

So you are finally realizing what we have been saying for months. So sad it is probably too late.
We might end up with open conventions by both parties. Wouldn't that be interesting?
"I think, folks, it's safe to say that Donald Trump thinks that he got schlonged in Iowa."

“If the New York Times came out and said this is the best talk show in the country, I would panic. I would think it's over. I would say, ‘What am I doing wrong?’”

"If Trump were more aware of why the Republican base is ticked off at its own party, then he would probably not have talked about how accomplished and successful he would be with Schumer and Pelosi and so forth."

"Ted Cruz has committed a crime: He won. Nobody's supposed to do that when Trump is involved. If somebody does that, there has to be some illegitimate explanation, like he's from Canada, or he cheated with Dr. Carson or what have you. And, as a caller just said, he's losing me on this. I don't understand anger at Canada. The anger ought to be at what's happening to the country."

“Trump calling fraud on the Iowa caucuses and saying that it should be done over might be the best proof yet that Trump is not your typical Republican establishment candidate. No matter what happens, Republican establishment candidates almost never complain when they lose elections.”

Pearls of Wisdom - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Wise up, Rush, Donald Trump is not one of us, and never was one of us, and never will be one of us.

And Trump manages to keep from self-imploding long enough to get elected, he will PROVE he is not one of us when he uses executive orders to do whatever crazy shit he thinks up next without regard to how much it costs the taxpayers or how it runs up the national debt.

In other words, he will be just like Obama.

And for once, Democrats and Republicans will unite in one goal, taking out Trump by any means necessary.

dems and the rep elite are already united against trump, which is why i support him. limbaugh is a rubio butt monkey.
Rush is establishment and always has been.
And the Establishment has ordered their "Water Boy" to start supporting Rubio, and suddenly he is calling Rubio a "Reagan CON$ervative."

February 03, 2016
RUSH: I made the point analyzing the results in Iowa that Rubio is heavily influenced by Reagan

RUSH: Rubio is somebody whose life story and ideology are much closer to Reagan than, say, a Mitt Romney or a McCain or take your pick of whoever, Bob Dole

RUSH: And every time I've spoken with him [Rubio], he has sounded like he's talking to me. It's like I'm talking to myself.

RUSH: I don't see Marco Rubio as anything other than a legitimate, full-throated conservative.
Rush is establishment and always has been.
And the Establishment has ordered their "Water Boy" to start supporting Rubio, and suddenly he is calling Rubio a "Reagan CON$ervative."

February 03, 2016
RUSH: I made the point analyzing the results in Iowa that Rubio is heavily influenced by Reagan

RUSH: Rubio is somebody whose life story and ideology are much closer to Reagan than, say, a Mitt Romney or a McCain or take your pick of whoever, Bob Dole

RUSH: And every time I've spoken with him [Rubio], he has sounded like he's talking to me. It's like I'm talking to myself.

RUSH: I don't see Marco Rubio as anything other than a legitimate, full-throated conservative.

Marco made a complete ars of himself last night, repeating the same tired line over and over. He probably doomed his chances at the nomination.
"I think, folks, it's safe to say that Donald Trump thinks that he got schlonged in Iowa."

“If the New York Times came out and said this is the best talk show in the country, I would panic. I would think it's over. I would say, ‘What am I doing wrong?’”

"If Trump were more aware of why the Republican base is ticked off at its own party, then he would probably not have talked about how accomplished and successful he would be with Schumer and Pelosi and so forth."

"Ted Cruz has committed a crime: He won. Nobody's supposed to do that when Trump is involved. If somebody does that, there has to be some illegitimate explanation, like he's from Canada, or he cheated with Dr. Carson or what have you. And, as a caller just said, he's losing me on this. I don't understand anger at Canada. The anger ought to be at what's happening to the country."

“Trump calling fraud on the Iowa caucuses and saying that it should be done over might be the best proof yet that Trump is not your typical Republican establishment candidate. No matter what happens, Republican establishment candidates almost never complain when they lose elections.”

Pearls of Wisdom - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Wise up, Rush, Donald Trump is not one of us, and never was one of us, and never will be one of us.

And Trump manages to keep from self-imploding long enough to get elected, he will PROVE he is not one of us when he uses executive orders to do whatever crazy shit he thinks up next without regard to how much it costs the taxpayers or how it runs up the national debt.

In other words, he will be just like Obama.

And for once, Democrats and Republicans will unite in one goal, taking out Trump by any means necessary.
I'm gonna be sure to tune in to Limbaugh today. It could be interesting.

Evidently Rubio's debate "performance" was terrible, just after Limbaugh & Hannity showed him a ton of love last week. Oops!

If Rush has turned on Trump and has decided that Rubio is radioactive, that would leave Cruz and perhaps a new darling.

This is all a calculated game, let's see how conservative talk radio plays it.

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