Rush Limbaugh

Why didn't it last long Comrade?

Pogo, you are such an: pick your choice.

There are more lefty Americans than Righty Americans. Ain't my opinion, it's a fact.

Pogue, Leftism is the advocacy of the false rights of the collective over the true inlaienable rights of the Individual.

The ONLY RIGHTS which are INALIENABLE are those endowed by GOD... Leftism, BY DEFINITION: REJECTS GOD... Where it accepts the potential of God's existance, IT REJECTS HIS AUTHORITY, where it rejects his authority IT REJECTS THE AUTHORITY OF our inalienable rights...

Now "American' is a word that means something... and it either means 'one that stands upon and in defense of the principles in which America was founded... which are ANTITHETICAL to the false principles which YOU ESPOUSE... left-think in general... OR one believes that "American" is merely a statement of geography wherein one is simply a person who occupies space within the geographic scope of that place called "America."

And my experience shows that the left, when engaged in an argument wherein their 'feelings' are set against the principles on which America was founded, will inevitably demand that 'all ''American" means is that the individual lives in the Americas...'

So you can cry about how many leftists you feel reside in the US military... but the fact remains that not one of them is an American as they're NOT advocates of the principles on which America was founded... they're advocates of that from which America sought to free itself ...

Of course you gals will always run to point out what staunch advocates of 'individual freedom' ya are by pointing to the folowing finite list of freedoms:

The false right to promote sexual deviancy...
The false right to promote illicit drug use...
The false right to murder the human beings least able to defend themselves...

All activities which inevitably can only promote the injury of another ... decadent activity, which can only lead to personal ruin; Ruin which once realized, you feel OTHERS must be forced to pony up the product of THEIR labor to subsidize the ruined.

With true RIGHTS Pogue, there are inherent, inescapable responsibilities and not ONE of the would-be RIGHTS the left advances as the shining beacon of liberty, can be exercised through the maintenance of ones' responsibility to not exercise that right to the detriment of another. Inevitably, the practices inherent in your would-be rights LEADS TO YOU NEEDING SOMEONE ELSE TO PICK UP YOUR TAB AND CARRY YOUR SORRY ASS... and Pogue, while we're ALL human beings and we all fail at some point; and perhaps need someone to carry us for a bit... WE DON'T HAVE A RIGHT TO DEMAND THAT THEY DO SO! And THAT is the distinction...

Where I need help, I ask for it... I damn well do not expect that I DESERVE HELP because I fucked something up... I'm not ENTITLED TO BE CARRIED. As an American I will carry those known to me to need help; and so doing, HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE... and I will hope that when I need help, that they'll have the strength and the compassion to carry me AND HOLD ME ACCOUNTABLE... BUT AMERICANS DO NOT DEMAND THAT THEY BE CARRIED WITHOUT BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR OUR MISTAKES... THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT DEMAND THAT THERE BE A RIGHT TO MAKE MISTAKES: A RIGHT! And you're no different, Dumbass. The simple fact is , Pogue, that there is no right to make mistakes and force another so subsidize you while you suffer the consequences of those MISTAKES, because it is one's responsibility to not exercise one's OWN RIGHTS... to the detriment of the RIGHTS of another.

The American way is tenable, viable and sustains itself... Left-think is not, will never be BECAUSE IT CANNOT.

See the difference...

(Now if you should try to respond... have the sack to form an intellectually sound, logically valid argument wherein you show how left-think can be even potentially in step with the principles on which the founders laid down and on which America rests...
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no amount of bill o'reilly's aclu bashing can disguise the fact that such a doctrine is a clear establishment of a religious principle through a governmental organ if it were to be applied in the legal realm.

yep... That's exactly what it is... And it's precisely what the us is founded upon and it's not changin'... At least not until you win the war and given your position on the right to own and use a firearm in defense of your rights... That ain't too likely.

Now friends when you see me reiterate the point: there are no leftist americans!

recall this post where the left finds the us constitution to be 'aclu-unconstitutional'...

Need anything else?

Now can we please stop with the centrist guflaws to compromise with these subversive fucks, and get busy with the uneinviable but necessary work of stripping these idiots of their means to vote and stripping them to the last man and woman from every facet of federal government.

Of course we can't do it for the states... But we can stop sending federal money to states with a single secularist working in an elected capacity anywhere in that state... But hey... They're entited to fail and we've no business telling them how they can do it.

father time's impotent little neg-rep said:
amazing that you advocate taking away rights not because of someone's actions but opinions they have.

PI said:
oh... I am not advocating taking anyone rights... There is no right to subvert my freedom through the advocacy of secularism; so there's no right to take.

Now what's more interesting to me is how you've learned to avoid publically contesting me... Relegating your flaccid little responses to posting neg-reps...

Rofl... Whatta gutless little feminized gal you've proven to be.

So that's your excuse? That by merely advocating their position they are somehow taking away your freedom? That by merely expressing ideas that they are taking away your freedom and deserved to be punished? The stupidity boggles the mind (not to mention the hypocrisy of you claiming to care about the constitution then advocating something that spits in the face of the 1st amendment right to say whatever we want).

Although glad to know you don't care about the rights of those you disagree with or the idea that in a republic everyone should have a voice in how government works.

Again sis, I was not advocating for ANY RIGHT TO BE TAKEN FROM ANY ONE...

There is no right to advocate for the usurpation of the right of another... Leftism, and the leftism espoused by this idiot, which you've come to endorse, by default, is no exception.

ROFL... it's hilarious that you'd come to defend a position wherein the would-be RIGHT being declared IN and OF itself SEEKS TO REMOVE THE VERY PREMISE ON WHICH THE "RIGHT" ITSELF RESTS...

Again let's review... The issue HERE is that the left wants to declare that the concept of Divine endowment of inalienable Human Rights is UNCONSTITUTIONAL... A notion which COMES TO THE US CONSTITUTION AS IT'S SOURCE; a document which is founded SOLEY UPON THE CERTAINTY OF THAT CONCEPT; and the ONLY PURPOSE OF WHICH is to limit the scope of government from infringing upon and in so doing usurping the means of the individual to exercise those inalienable rights...


MAn that is so deluded that it can only be seen to illustrate nothing BUT the DECEPTION AND TRICKERY INHERENT IN PURE EVIL

ROFLMNAO... That is HYSTERICAL: you run to claim that this is a RIGHT and that my position is somehow wrongheaded and anththetical to the principles of freedom, because it seeks to promote freedom by preventing those who would destroy it from doing so...

Ya see the point here friends? It's unconstitutional, it stands in the teeth of tyranny to defend freedom from a proposed "RIGHT" to destroy the very idea on which Freedom rests...

That is some kind of TWISTED! But's it's typical of the talk of CHANGE to which we've been so liberally treated, here lately...
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Neither should 1 year olds then

Are you missing something? That's precisely the point that I was making about Rush's inconsistency.

Well of course ya would... you're a communist and no communist worth her salt would ever pass up a chance to cry 'PSYCHOTIC' when facing effective opposition... Pravda was FULL of such rants back in the day...

And hey... it serves reason; I mean IF you could return an intellectually sound, logically valid argument... YA WOULD... and given that ideologically you've no means to compete; your ideological underpinnings are crap... you're most closely held feelings are absolute nonsense... and that those same 'special feelings' are responsible for having developed tyrannies that MURDERED hundreds of millions of people, despite the very best of intentions which have long since paved an interstate to hell, what choice do ya really have?

ROFL... I mean COME ON MAN! You just declared the US Constitution UNCONSTITUTIONAL... based upon the 'religious principles' which established the protections which you want to hide behind so you can destroy it...

Absolutely HYSTERICAL...

I am an anarcho-communist, not a Marxist. But considering that you know little of Marxist theory, socialist theory, or indeed, life in general, it's not surprising to me that you'd mention Pravda.

There's nothing "effective" about your claims, Pubertus. You simply favor a clear violation of the Establishment Clause.
Neither should 1 year olds then

Are you missing something? That's precisely the point that I was making about Rush's inconsistency.

Except Rush wasn't being inconsistent... Fetuses as well as their seniors, the 1 yr olds have the same rights that you have... The divine endowment of inalienable rights... A point Rush made, which you quoted TWICE and simply chose to ignore. A point which once exposed you responded by declaring inalienable rights endowed by their creator to be ACLU: UnConstitutional... and it was HYSTERICAL... in at least two contexts and on several levels.

Well of course ya would... you're a communist and no communist worth her salt would ever pass up a chance to cry 'PSYCHOTIC' when facing effective opposition... Pravda was FULL of such rants back in the day...

And hey... it serves reason; I mean IF you could return an intellectually sound, logically valid argument... YA WOULD... and given that ideologically you've no means to compete; your ideological underpinnings are crap... you're most closely held feelings are absolute nonsense... and that those same 'special feelings' are responsible for having developed tyrannies that MURDERED hundreds of millions of people, despite the very best of intentions which have long since paved an interstate to hell, what choice do ya really have?

ROFL... I mean COME ON MAN! You just declared the US Constitution UNCONSTITUTIONAL... based upon the 'religious principles' which established the protections which you want to hide behind so you can destroy it...

Absolutely HYSTERICAL...

ag said:
I am an anarcho-communist, not a Marxist. But considering that you know little of Marxist theory, socialist theory, or indeed, life in general, it's not surprising to me that you'd mention Pravda.

Yeah and I'm a Z28 Camaro-railroad boxcar... It's a subjective opinion rooted in a oxymoronic delusion... Now what?

What I know about you is that you're an imbecile of the lowest order, who needs to define herself in oxymoronic, pedantic poli-sci theories; and whose wholly incapable of recognizing practical history which vastly more than TRUMPS pendantic poli-sci theory...

I will say this however, for an non-Marxist Communist, you sure do seem to embrace the same ideoligical failures the Marxist embraced and this whole thing where you're trying to use the Principles inherent in the US Constitution to destroy it... COMRADE! THAT IS SO FREAKIN' "BOLSHEVIK!"

ag said:
There's nothing "effective" about your claims, Pubertus. You simply favor a clear violation of the Establishment Clause.

What violation is that sis? And puhhHLEASE... GET SPECIFIC... Show me where the 'establishment clause' of the US Constitution and where ANYTHING that I've said stands in conflict with that clause...

And when you fail to do so... We'll let you brey on about how ineffective my argument is...
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I'll have to think about what to contribute to this clownfest. The problem is that no amount of rational argument will make you see what an idiot you are. And when I get sick of your grating nonsense and leave, you'll declare yourself the victor.
AG said:
There's nothing "effective" about your claims, Pubertus. You simply favor a clear violation of the Establishment Clause.

PI said:
What violation is that sis? And puhhHLEASE... GET SPECIFIC... Show me where the 'establishment clause' of the US Constitution and where ANYTHING that I've said stands in conflict with that clause...

And when you fail to do so... We'll let you brey on about how ineffective my argument is...

I'll have to think ...

Eventually, it's BOUND to happen... but based upon the drivel you're spewin'... there's little chance of ya stumbling over it today; and with history as a guide... little to none in the long term forcast.

Now do ya wanna count THAT as a failure or... do ya want t otake another blind stab at it?
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How about a little one-on-one thread where you advance this nonsense, I eviscerate it, and I then add a poll to determine the victor? That would prevent any false claims of victory by you.
Anarcho-communist but not a Marxist? What's the difference? Neither one is obtainable if you start out with human beings as the basic foundation of your society.
Anarcho-communist but not a Marxist? What's the difference? Neither one is obtainable if you start out with human beings as the basic foundation of your society.

Anarchism and Marxism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anarchism and Marxism have been split ever since the Marx/Bakunin split at the First Internationale. And unlike Marxism, forms of anarchism have been successfully implemented in the past.
Good grief, here we go again with the minutiae again....why one behavior is illegal and bad...but another is good and far-sighted.

Though they are really the same behaviors, no?
How about a little one-on-one thread where you advance this nonsense, I eviscerate it, and I then add a poll to determine the victor? That would prevent any false claims of victory by you.

Well am I naked in this fantasy of yours? 'cause I'm 'not very comfortable with that...

First... you're not going to fair any better with a thread change... given that i've kicked your impotent junk around this forum in every thread in which you've been spotted...

Second, a poll isn't going to determine anything accept that you're prone to appealing to popularity, which is another hint of your communist tendencies.

But... you feel free to set up whatever ya like Scooter and you can count on two things... More of the same pain and ... Oh! I guess that's about all ya have.

But I'm in... roll it out state your resolution and let me know where ya ended up.
Well am I naked in this fantasy of yours? 'cause I'm 'not very comfortable with that...

First... you're not going to fair any better with a thread change... given that i've kicked your impotent junk around this forum in every thread in which you've been spotted...

Second, a poll isn't going to determine anything accept that you're prone to appealing to popularity, which is another hint of your communist tendencies.

But... you feel free to set up whatever ya like Scooter and you can count on two things... More of the same pain and ... Oh! I guess that's about all ya have.

But I'm in... roll it out state your resolution and let me know where ya ended up.

True Debates - Debate Politics Forums

Go register.
Anarcho-communist but not a Marxist? What's the difference? Neither one is obtainable if you start out with human beings as the basic foundation of your society.

Anarchism and Marxism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Anarchism and Marxism have been split ever since the Marx/Bakunin split at the First Internationale. And unlike Marxism, forms of anarchism have been successfully implemented in the past.

Anarchism split from Marxism the day someone on the Anarchy card decided to write down THE RULES... What a BUZZ KILL!

Anarchy is a joke, Arachists are fools, punks and general malcontents... Communist on the other hands are fools, punks, general malcontents... and LAZY FUCKS that need someone else to float their always insufficient means.

So IMAGINE the potential stored in someone that 'feels' that their personality combines BOTH of the traits of those cultural powerhouses... There isn't enough DOPE ON THE PLANET and when ya add to that the finite Dorito resources... it's a non-starter.
Anarchism split from Marxism the day someone on the Anarchy card decided to write down THE RULES... What a BUZZ KILL!

Anarchy is a joke, Arachists are fools, punks and general malcontents... Communist on the other hands are fools, punks, general malcontents... and LAZY FUCKS that need someone else to float their always insufficient means.

So IMAGINE the potential stored in someone that 'feels' that their personality combines BOTH of the traits of those cultural powerhouses... There isn't enough DOPE ON THE PLANET and when ya add to that the finite Dorito resources... it's a non-starter.

You know nothing whatsoever about political economy, so I wouldn't expect you to comprehend the tenets of either philosophy.
Well am I naked in this fantasy of yours? 'cause I'm 'not very comfortable with that...

First... you're not going to fair any better with a thread change... given that i've kicked your impotent junk around this forum in every thread in which you've been spotted...

Second, a poll isn't going to determine anything accept that you're prone to appealing to popularity, which is another hint of your communist tendencies.

But... you feel free to set up whatever ya like Scooter and you can count on two things... More of the same pain and ... Oh! I guess that's about all ya have.

But I'm in... roll it out state your resolution and let me know where ya ended up.

True Debates - Debate Politics Forums

Go register.

ROFLMNAO... Are you seriously advertising for another forum in this idiocy?

Look SIS... Just start a thread, state the purpose in the OP... Design your little poll and hock up the resolution through which ya want to embarass yourself and PM me with a link...

Then just brace yourself and wait for the pain...

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