Rush Limbaugh Tribute. Once-a-Century American Icon and Renaissance Man --Correctly Predicted the Fall of Roe v Wade


Platinum Member
Jan 17, 2022
Every century or so, the world is blessed with a true Renaissance Man. That is, someone who is a true original, someone who invents a new way of doing things, someone is the among the best in the world at two, maybe three things.

Leonardo Da Vinci was certainly one.
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Edison

In the 21st century, the world and country have been blessed with two; Donald J. Trump, and Rush Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh was the best in the world in at least five areas:

  • He was the top journalist in the world. Ever. By every measure: audience size, longevity, influence, compensation and originality. Nobody even approaches Limbaugh. Not Cronkite. Not Murrow. Not even close.
  • He was the top historian of all time. Rush had a superior intellect and memory. He was uniquely skilled in evaluating events and their relevance to the current situation. He presented history three hours a day for 30 years.
  • Rush was the most influential political entity in history. No conservative politician made a move without clearing it with Rush, not even the great Donald Trump. No conservative politician ever crossed Rush without paying a severe political price. Rush also had the ability to marginalize leftwing politicians by ridiculing them. He singularly made Elizabeth Warren a laughingstock, coining the moniker “Pocahontas”. He made Bill Clinton into a simple cheating lecherous buffoon. He made 0bama into an incompetent empty-suit Communist. He made Reagan into a revered icon. His word alone made or broke people.
  • Rush was a political prognosticator nonpareil. He saw the potential in Donald Trump long before anyone else did. He forecast numerous events. In fact, in September 2020, Rush predicted the very event we are celebrating today, the overturning of Roe v Wade:
Rush Limbaugh celebrates: "This is huge. This could be ... the end of Roe v. Wade"

And finally, Rush was most riveting personality in media by far. He is the ONLY one anyone has ever known who can hold an audience spellbound for three hours on radio. Rush was so interesting and spontaneous and funny that you hated when he had guests, and you hated commercial interruption. He was an original. Imagine someone who can take the mic in the least popular most mundane time slot 12-3 weekdays. On the radio, no less. And make it a must-hear event. That was Rush. He is SO missed. He would be SO pleased at the cataclysmic event he helped bring about. Without Rush, we wouldn’t have Trump. Without Trump, we wouldn’t have had three GREAT conservative justices, and without them, we wouldn’t have Roe v Wade going down.

Here’s to a GREAT GREAT Renaissance Man.
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Every century or so, the world is blessed with a true Renaissance Man. That is, someone who is a true original, someone who invents a new way of doing things, someone is the among the best in the world at two, maybe three things.

Leonardo Da Vinci was certainly one.

Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Edison

In the 21st century, the world and country have been blessed with two; Donald J. Trump, and Rush Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh was the best in the world in at least three areas:

  • He was the top journalist. Ever. By every measure: audience size, longevity, influence, compensation and originality. Nobody even approaches Limbaugh. Not Cronkite. Not Murrow. Not even close.
  • He was the top historian of all time. Rush had a superior intellect and memory. He was uniquely skilled in evaluating events and their relevance to the current situation. He presented history three hours a day for 30 years.
  • Rush was the most influential political entity in history. No conservative politician made a move without clearing it with Rush, not even the great Donald Trump. No conservative politician ever crossed Rush without paying a severe political price. Rush also had the ability to marginalize leftwing policians by ridiculing them. He singularly made Elizabeth Warren a laughingstock, coining the moniker “Pocahontas”. He made Bill Clinton into a simple cheating lecherous buffoon. He made 0bama into an incompetent empty-suit Communist.
  • Rush was a political prognosticator nonpareil. He saw the potential in Donald Trump long before anyone else did. He forecast numerous events. In fact, in September 2020, Rush predicted the very event we are celebrating today, the overturning of Roe v Wade:
Rush Limbaugh celebrates: "This is huge. This could be ... the end of Roe v. Wade"

And finally, Rush was most riveting personality in media by far. He is the ONLY one anyone has ever known who can hold an audience spellbound for three hours on radio. Rush was so interesting and spontaneous and funny that you hated when he had guests, and you hated commercial interruption. He was an original. Imagine someone who can take the mic in the least popular most mundane time slot 12-3 weekdays. On the radio, no less. And make it a must-hear event. That was Rush. He is SO missed. He would be SO pleased at the cataclysmic event he helped bring about. Without Rush, we wouldn’t have Trump. Without Trump, we wouldn’t have had three GREAT conservative justices, and without them, we wouldn’t have Roe v Wade going down.

Here’s to a GREAT GREAT Renaissance Man.
This has been a real shit yr for libberturders.......lololol.7 mos left will be brooootal....lolol
Every century or so, the world is blessed with a true Renaissance Man. That is, someone who is a true original, someone who invents a new way of doing things, someone is the among the best in the world at two, maybe three things.

Leonardo Da Vinci was certainly one.

Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Edison

In the 21st century, the world and country have been blessed with two; Donald J. Trump, and Rush Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh was the best in the world in at least three areas:

  • He was the top journalist. Ever. By every measure: audience size, longevity, influence, compensation and originality. Nobody even approaches Limbaugh. Not Cronkite. Not Murrow. Not even close.
  • He was the top historian of all time. Rush had a superior intellect and memory. He was uniquely skilled in evaluating events and their relevance to the current situation. He presented history three hours a day for 30 years.
  • Rush was the most influential political entity in history. No conservative politician made a move without clearing it with Rush, not even the great Donald Trump. No conservative politician ever crossed Rush without paying a severe political price. Rush also had the ability to marginalize leftwing policians by ridiculing them. He singularly made Elizabeth Warren a laughingstock, coining the moniker “Pocahontas”. He made Bill Clinton into a simple cheating lecherous buffoon. He made 0bama into an incompetent empty-suit Communist.
  • Rush was a political prognosticator nonpareil. He saw the potential in Donald Trump long before anyone else did. He forecast numerous events. In fact, in September 2020, Rush predicted the very event we are celebrating today, the overturning of Roe v Wade:
Rush Limbaugh celebrates: "This is huge. This could be ... the end of Roe v. Wade"

And finally, Rush was most riveting personality in media by far. He is the ONLY one anyone has ever known who can hold an audience spellbound for three hours on radio. Rush was so interesting and spontaneous and funny that you hated when he had guests, and you hated commercial interruption. He was an original. Imagine someone who can take the mic in the least popular most mundane time slot 12-3 weekdays. On the radio, no less. And make it a must-hear event. That was Rush. He is SO missed. He would be SO pleased at the cataclysmic event he helped bring about. Without Rush, we wouldn’t have Trump. Without Trump, we wouldn’t have had three GREAT conservative justices, and without them, we wouldn’t have Roe v Wade going down.

Here’s to a GREAT GREAT Renaissance Man.
Limbaugh was the same as the pundits on the left, just howling at the other side of the moon. These political shock jocks, left or right, aren't worth the powder and lead to blow them all to hell.
Every century or so, the world is blessed with a true Renaissance Man. That is, someone who is a true original, someone who invents a new way of doing things, someone is the among the best in the world at two, maybe three things.

Leonardo Da Vinci was certainly one.

Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Edison

In the 21st century, the world and country have been blessed with two; Donald J. Trump, and Rush Limbaugh.

Rush Limbaugh was the best in the world in at least five areas:

  • He was the top journalist in the world. Ever. By every measure: audience size, longevity, influence, compensation and originality. Nobody even approaches Limbaugh. Not Cronkite. Not Murrow. Not even close.
  • He was the top historian of all time. Rush had a superior intellect and memory. He was uniquely skilled in evaluating events and their relevance to the current situation. He presented history three hours a day for 30 years.
  • Rush was the most influential political entity in history. No conservative politician made a move without clearing it with Rush, not even the great Donald Trump. No conservative politician ever crossed Rush without paying a severe political price. Rush also had the ability to marginalize leftwing politicians by ridiculing them. He singularly made Elizabeth Warren a laughingstock, coining the moniker “Pocahontas”. He made Bill Clinton into a simple cheating lecherous buffoon. He made 0bama into an incompetent empty-suit Communist. He made Reagan into a revered icon. His word alone made or broke people.
  • Rush was a political prognosticator nonpareil. He saw the potential in Donald Trump long before anyone else did. He forecast numerous events. In fact, in September 2020, Rush predicted the very event we are celebrating today, the overturning of Roe v Wade:
Rush Limbaugh celebrates: "This is huge. This could be ... the end of Roe v. Wade"

And finally, Rush was most riveting personality in media by far. He is the ONLY one anyone has ever known who can hold an audience spellbound for three hours on radio. Rush was so interesting and spontaneous and funny that you hated when he had guests, and you hated commercial interruption. He was an original. Imagine someone who can take the mic in the least popular most mundane time slot 12-3 weekdays. On the radio, no less. And make it a must-hear event. That was Rush. He is SO missed. He would be SO pleased at the cataclysmic event he helped bring about. Without Rush, we wouldn’t have Trump. Without Trump, we wouldn’t have had three GREAT conservative justices, and without them, we wouldn’t have Roe v Wade going down.

Here’s to a GREAT GREAT Renaissance Man.

Sheesh, are the two of you related or what? I liked Rush—up to a point. He was great for killing time while the wife was at an appointment or taking forever in some store, and I was stuck in some parking lot somewhere.
I saw him once walking down the street in Palm Beach with his entourage of toadies like some kind of hip-hop star. Real man of the people you had there.
Greatest propagandist since Goebbels. Credited with dumbing down Dirty Don's Base.

Every time you hear some numbnuts say femi-Nazi or Envo-Nazi or even Demo-Nazi, you can't thank the great turdball. Now his rabid and vitriolic vernacular has been mainstreamed by the Neo-GOP.

Awesome job, selling it.
It would be interesting to see what Rush would have to say about how the Democrat Party's lies and corruption that are being exposed and how the Press is trying to cover it all up.
If we had an honest Press the Democrat Party would go extinct.
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The Maha Rushdie was without peer. His Rush Limbaugh Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies was the largest free educational institution in the world. The Institute endowed the Attila the Hun Chair that El Rushbo sat with pride on for decades.

Of all of Limbaugh's achievements, the one he was most proud of was when he followed the footsteps of his hero, MLK, and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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