Rush Limbaugh calls for racial segregation

Oh Newsweek said must be true :lol:
Oh MessiahRushie said must be true :cuckoo:

I never said rush was a good source for anything, you were the one using newsweek (which has shown bias over the last 4 years) as a good source.

But feel free to stay in that little bubble and assume what you will.

RAVI you got some audio clips or transcripts of rush actually being racist? Or are you crying wolf there?
Oh Newsweek said must be true :lol:
Oh MessiahRushie said must be true :cuckoo:

I never said rush was a good source for anything, you were the one using newsweek (which has shown bias over the last 4 years) as a good source.

But feel free to stay in that little bubble and assume what you will.

RAVI you got some audio clips or transcripts of rush actually being racist? Or are you crying wolf there?
Why do you need them? The way he purposely misrepresented Newsweek's article to make it sound as if only white people can be racist is proof enough for me. The guy uses any tool he can to give the impression that white people are singled out for hatred. It's ridiculous. He's nothing but a race baiter.
September 17, 2009
RUSH: But remember, folks, what drove all this yesterday, this was hilarious, was Newsweek, Newsweek magazine saying that we're born racist. We're born racist. Oh, white children are born racist, not all, not we, white kids are born racist. And by six months...

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life |
How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.

Oh Newsweek said must be true :lol:
Oh MessiahRushie said must be true :cuckoo:

I never said rush was a good source for anything, you were the one using newsweek (which has shown bias over the last 4 years) as a good source.

But feel free to stay in that little bubble and assume what you will.

Well, there you go again with that CON$ervative Perpetual Dumb Act.

I gave the Newsweek article to show how America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy DELIBERATELY misrepresented it as RACIST to rationalize his own RACISM by first saying "Newsweek" said "we're born racists," which "Newsweek" didn't say, and then HE made it even more RACIST by adding "Newsweek" said only "WHITE" kids are born RACIST.

Anticipating your CON$ervative Dumb Act, I even highlighted it in such a way that even the dumbest of the dumb wouldn't miss it, but STILL you chose to play dumb. :cuckoo:
What race does Rush belong too? Swine?
Survey says....


I don't understand why Rush goes on and on about immigrants. Isn't he a naturalized citizen? After all, he's Swinese from Swineland.
The man's living depedns on making such inflammatory statements.

He's no less making his living pandering to racists than the Grand Wizard of the Klan.

Of course ,he's making a far better livig racebaiting than the GW of the Klan, too,

That's because Rush is smart enough to have corporate backing for his racebaiting activites.

Racism on loan from GOD with help from the EIB netowrk!
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Oh MessiahRushie said must be true :cuckoo:

I never said rush was a good source for anything, you were the one using newsweek (which has shown bias over the last 4 years) as a good source.

But feel free to stay in that little bubble and assume what you will.

RAVI you got some audio clips or transcripts of rush actually being racist? Or are you crying wolf there?
Why do you need them? The way he purposely misrepresented Newsweek's article to make it sound as if only white people can be racist is proof enough for me. The guy uses any tool he can to give the impression that white people are singled out for hatred. It's ridiculous. He's nothing but a race baiter.

I don't listen to or follow anything Rush does so I am ingorant as to the topic matter you are using, thats why I asked for a link. EIther a full transcript or full audio so I may listen to the segment in its entire context is preferable.

You could be right, i'd like to judge for myself.
September 17, 2009
RUSH: But remember, folks, what drove all this yesterday, this was hilarious, was Newsweek, Newsweek magazine saying that we're born racist. We're born racist. Oh, white children are born racist, not all, not we, white kids are born racist. And by six months...

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life |
How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.

Oh MessiahRushie said must be true :cuckoo:

I never said rush was a good source for anything, you were the one using newsweek (which has shown bias over the last 4 years) as a good source.

But feel free to stay in that little bubble and assume what you will.

Well, there you go again with that CON$ervative Perpetual Dumb Act.

I gave the Newsweek article to show how America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy DELIBERATELY misrepresented it as RACIST to rationalize his own RACISM by first saying "Newsweek" said "we're born racists," which "Newsweek" didn't say, and then HE made it even more RACIST by adding "Newsweek" said only "WHITE" kids are born RACIST.

Anticipating your CON$ervative Dumb Act, I even highlighted it in such a way that even the dumbest of the dumb wouldn't miss it, but STILL you chose to play dumb. :cuckoo:
Do you have the full transcript of that portion of his show, or a full audio clip so I can listen and decide if you are being accurate or if you're trying to pull a few sentances out of context to prove your point?

Or you can just prove that i'm right by continuing to use insults instead of intellect.

Thanks ravi (for the link not the insult ;)). I'll comment back when i'm done reading.

Where is he being racist? I don't see that, I see him talking about race/racism/race baiting/race lying a lot but I don't see him actually making any racist statements.

I see him quoting other people calling him racist.

Help me out Ravi, I'm trying to be open about this here.....

Why do you need them? The way he purposely misrepresented Newsweek's article to make it sound as if only white people can be racist is proof enough for me. The guy uses any tool he can to give the impression that white people are singled out for hatred. It's ridiculous. He's nothing but a race baiter.

Now i read the transcript and read the Newsweek article Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life | Yes Rush exaggerated but he did so on purpose to call attention to what HE SEES "as the media trying to distract from obama's failures"

He explains himself right here from your link.

rush said:
You know, now, that last voice was Kate Snow, and she actually called the office yesterday. She called H.R., and H.R., chief of staff, said, "You're missing the point. This was cynicism. This was sarcasm." And what it was really about, what they've all left off of this -- and I don't think they even know, I think they get whatever news sources, Media Matters, the slime pit, or maybe the Huffington Puffington Post, whatever it is. But remember, folks, what drove all this yesterday, this was hilarious, was Newsweek, Newsweek magazine saying that we're born racist. We're born racist. Oh, white children are born racist, not all, not we, white kids are born racist. And by six months, I mean they're able to distinguish black from white and yellow and brown and they know to hate everybody. And parents are at a stand still, don't know what to do about it. It's a Newsweek story!

When I read the Newsweek article then read Rush's comments your claim of him being racist loses a lot of validity.

Do you have some transcripts of rush actually being racist?
“I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”
Raw Story » Limbaugh: We need segregated buses

I can't believe you guys are so stupid you don't recognize sarcasm. He's saying that's what OBAMA promotes, you fucking idiots.
"I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”

Ravi should be slapped. She pulls this shit deliberately.
Did the Newsweek article actually say this:

Oh, white children are born racist, not all, not we, white kids are born racist. And by six months, I mean they're able to distinguish black from white and yellow and brown and they know to hate everybody. And parents are at a stand still, don't know what to do about it. It's a Newsweek story!
Rush hates black people, that much is apparent.

Wrong again, Raving Lunatic.

It is not at all "apparent." And, it is not even a rational, fair or accurate thing to say.

It is just your misbegotten and ill-considered, preconceived and amazingly stupid opinion.

It's apparent to those of us who really are rational. All Them drugs had to do something to his brain. His theory is that it's ok for him to be racist because he is upfront about it, it's ok to play those lame parodies on the air because he's an entertainer and he thinks it's funny so it must be... :cuckoo:

I think they should segregate his fat ass.
September 17, 2009
RUSH: But remember, folks, what drove all this yesterday, this was hilarious, was Newsweek, Newsweek magazine saying that we're born racist. We're born racist. Oh, white children are born racist, not all, not we, white kids are born racist. And by six months...

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life |
How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.

I never said rush was a good source for anything, you were the one using newsweek (which has shown bias over the last 4 years) as a good source.

But feel free to stay in that little bubble and assume what you will.

Well, there you go again with that CON$ervative Perpetual Dumb Act.

I gave the Newsweek article to show how America's Hemorrhoid, Stuttering LimpBoy DELIBERATELY misrepresented it as RACIST to rationalize his own RACISM by first saying "Newsweek" said "we're born racists," which "Newsweek" didn't say, and then HE made it even more RACIST by adding "Newsweek" said only "WHITE" kids are born RACIST.

Anticipating your CON$ervative Dumb Act, I even highlighted it in such a way that even the dumbest of the dumb wouldn't miss it, but STILL you chose to play dumb. :cuckoo:
Do you have the full transcript of that portion of his show, or a full audio clip so I can listen and decide if you are being accurate or if you're trying to pull a few sentances out of context to prove your point?

Or you can just prove that i'm right by continuing to use insults instead of intellect.
And that question is exactly why you are a CON$ervative. You are too LAZY to do a little googling to find out something for yourself. That's why you let your MessiahRushie think for you.

And I never take his quotes "out of context" or change words to create the desired context like he does all the time!!! You are clearly projecting.

As I have explained before, all you have to do to get the transcript of the quotes I use is to put them in "QUOTATION MARKS" and google them. I prefer that you do that because if I supply the link, you CON$ are programmed to say I got the quotes from some Lib site. If you google my quotes, you will find it is extremely rear that any Lib site used them.

Knowing you are still too lazy to google the LimpBoy quote I posted where he gives his OWN rationalization for his racist, race baiting rant the day before I will do your work for you.
Here is the link:
The Daily Tweak: Media Puts Focus on Race to Cover Obama's Failures
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Oh MessiahRushie said must be true :cuckoo:

I never said rush was a good source for anything, you were the one using newsweek (which has shown bias over the last 4 years) as a good source.

But feel free to stay in that little bubble and assume what you will.

RAVI you got some audio clips or transcripts of rush actually being racist? Or are you crying wolf there?
Why do you need them? The way he purposely misrepresented Newsweek's article to make it sound as if only white people can be racist is proof enough for me. The guy uses any tool he can to give the impression that white people are singled out for hatred. It's ridiculous. He's nothing but a race baiter.

He's a race baiter, yes...whether that makes him a racist or not, I couldn't say for sure...he's definitely a lying sensationalist entertainer who misrepresents situations so he can turn them into issues.

I don't keep up to date on him...I listened to him maybe 15 years ago for about a the beginning of the week I thought, "Wow, this guy is cool, he's funny and informative." the end of the week I realized he was just a bloviating windbag.

A couple of years ago over at Hannity before I got banned from there, I got into it with the I put together a thread about how he lied regarding the accounting of a story on PBS regarding Salmon Pak in that time I could access his transcripts...more recently when I tried to reconstruct the thread on another board I found that you have to be a member of his site to access the info...anyway, back then I started that thread...I quoted the actual interview from PBS and then took what Rush had to say about the quotes...he misrepresented it so blatantly, it was pathetic...he fucking lied.

Guess how many responses that thread got from the Limburger lovers...


Every time someone would mention how wonderful Rush is, I'd link to that thread and not one would come and try and defend him...they just shut the fuck up and wandered on as if nothing ever happened.

"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."

~ Sir Winston Churchill
I suppose that's true. You need not be a racist to use people as tools or to practice race baiting. No telling with Rush if he's a racist, but he certainly uses blacks as tools and engages in race baiting.
Rush hates black people, that much is apparent.

Wrong again, Raving Lunatic.

It is not at all "apparent." And, it is not even a rational, fair or accurate thing to say.

It is just your misbegotten and ill-considered, preconceived and amazingly stupid opinion.

It's apparent to those of us who really are rational. * * * *

A group of people that excludes you, then.

It is not "apparent" at all.

It is just your biased, subjective and erroneous belief.

Your belief and a true statement are not necessarily the same things. In this case, they are in opposition, in fact.

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