Rush asks women to film sex and post it online. Do Republicans disagree? (crickets)

He was making fun of her. As she should be made fun of. She has gone in front of the world to proclaim that if she attends a catholic university and wants to be a slut, they are obligated to pay for her birth control.

She's a laughable figure.

Do I need to point out that when Rush says, "If we are going to pay for your contraceptives", he's not talking about a "single" women. The government isn't giving contraception to a "single" woman.

WTF are you babbling about, you pitiable idiot?

OF COURSE the government is giving contraception to single women. And married women.

Oh, hilarious. So funny. You don't know the difference between "single" women and "a" single woman.
Do I need to point out that when Rush says, "If we are going to pay for your contraceptives", he's not talking about a "single" women. The government isn't giving contraception to a "single" woman.

WTF are you babbling about, you pitiable idiot?

OF COURSE the government is giving contraception to single women. And married women.

Oh, hilarious. So funny. You don't know the difference between "single" women and "a" single woman.

God DAYUM you are one distorted meaningless hack.

If the government gives free contraception to single women, you shit head, then (this requires logic, so get an adult to help you out) it must necessarily give birth control to a single woman. Then another. Then another.

rderp, you pathetic hack whore, you are either literally a mental retard or you are just incapable of honesty.
WTF are you babbling about, you pitiable idiot?

OF COURSE the government is giving contraception to single women. And married women.

Oh, hilarious. So funny. You don't know the difference between "single" women and "a" single woman.

God DAYUM you are one distorted meaningless hack.

If the government gives free contraception to single women, you shit head, then (this requires logic, so get an adult to help you out) it must necessarily give birth control to a single woman. Then another. Then another.

rderp, you pathetic hack whore, you are either literally a mental retard or you are just incapable of honesty.

But Rush wasn't really talking about "a" single woman.

If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."​

"No woman deserves to be disrespected in this manner. This language is an attack on all women, and has been used throughout history to silence our voices.
"The millions of American women who have and will continue to speak out in support of women's health care and access to contraception prove that we will not be silenced."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos
I just love yahoos who think they can speak for me. As a woman, I am not in the least offended by what Limbaugh said. Of course, I don't expect my neighbors to pay for my birth control, either.

And, any yahoo who speaks about what I should be offended by, is a presumptuous man (and woman).

Piss off; I can take care of myself and I don't need some loser journalist to decide for me what is going to offend me.

And, piss off Deanie-do for assuming the same.

Fucking patriarch bullshit.
Oh, hilarious. So funny. You don't know the difference between "single" women and "a" single woman.

God DAYUM you are one distorted meaningless hack.

If the government gives free contraception to single women, you shit head, then (this requires logic, so get an adult to help you out) it must necessarily give birth control to a single woman. Then another. Then another.

rderp, you pathetic hack whore, you are either literally a mental retard or you are just incapable of honesty.

But Rush wasn't really talking about "a" single woman.

So what?

If they give it to that group of human beings collectively known as WOMEN, you idiot, then they have to do so by giving it to A woman, then another woman. Even a particular woman.

You are seriously stupid and dishonest, you hack whore.
God DAYUM you are one distorted meaningless hack.

If the government gives free contraception to single women, you shit head, then (this requires logic, so get an adult to help you out) it must necessarily give birth control to a single woman. Then another. Then another.

rderp, you pathetic hack whore, you are either literally a mental retard or you are just incapable of honesty.

But Rush wasn't really talking about "a" single woman.

So what?

If they give it to that group of human beings collectively known as WOMEN, you idiot, then they have to do so by giving it to A woman, then another woman. Even a particular woman.

You are seriously stupid and dishonest, you hack whore.

color me impressed that you know what he's talking about. I don't have a CLUE.

If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."​

"No woman deserves to be disrespected in this manner. This language is an attack on all women, and has been used throughout history to silence our voices.
"The millions of American women who have and will continue to speak out in support of women's health care and access to contraception prove that we will not be silenced."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos
I just love yahoos who think they can speak for me. As a woman, I am not in the least offended by what Limbaugh said. Of course, I don't expect my neighbors to pay for my birth control, either.

And, any yahoo who speaks about what I should be offended by, is a presumptuous man (and woman).

Piss off; I can take care of myself and I don't need some loser journalist to decide for me what is going to offend me.

And, piss off Deanie-do for assuming the same.

Fucking patriarch bullshit.

As a hermaphrodite, deanie does get to have half an opinion on this matter.... :thup:
Really, if she wants to be paid for having sex, she should do something for the money she gets. Posting videos on line would make her some money and she could write off her birth control as a business expense.
Wait a second.....
I am getting reports of a Gloria Alred sighting.....
Cha ching Cha ching....
Good thing El Rushbo has some deep pockets...
Even though the lush LIED about promiscuity, we would do well to remember that, just like pathetic $illy $arah, the whole point is to get their name in the news.

As we have seen REPEATEDLY!!, lush (and $arah) will cheerfully LIE to accomplish that because, even bad publicity is good publicity.

Its not as though they have a reputation to protect!

Its all about MONEY.
Ms Fluke just made a public statement.

She is everything the R's are not. She is intelligent, educated and well-spoken. She has character and is far above that disgusting fat waste of skin.

75 Dems have signed a letter to Boehner, "urging" him to denounce the disgusting LIES that fatso told his 20 million stupid dittohead listeners.

Anyone wanna bet Boehner doesn't have the balls to do it? Remember, Boehner calls lushbo for orders, instructions because he can't do his job without permission from fat lushbo.

Pathetic hypocrit rw's run along behind.
Two rw's, Annie and T - attack the op instead of what lushbo said.

Watch the rest line up to attack rdean, me, other libs - EVERYTHING except what the fat pig said (with apologies to pigs everywhere).

why do you give a flying fuck what this guy has to say?.....i know why Dean why do you?....who gives a fuck what this guy or any other talking head has to say?....if you are that scared of these kind of people then you got problems......
Ms Fluke just made a public statement.

She is everything the R's are not. She is intelligent, educated and well-spoken. She has character and is far above that disgusting fat waste of skin.

75 Dems have signed a letter to Boehner, "urging" him to denounce the disgusting LIES that fatso told his 20 million stupid dittohead listeners.

Anyone wanna bet Boehner doesn't have the balls to do it? Remember, Boehner calls lushbo for orders, instructions because he can't do his job without permission from fat lushbo.

Pathetic hypocrit rw's run along behind.

I was just watching her talk on TV. She's young. I think they said 24. She's dressed like a professional lawyer. Articulate. Seems far removed from the youngsters Rush visits overseas.

If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch."​

"No woman deserves to be disrespected in this manner. This language is an attack on all women, and has been used throughout history to silence our voices.
"The millions of American women who have and will continue to speak out in support of women's health care and access to contraception prove that we will not be silenced."

U.S. News - Limbaugh: Contraception advocate should post online sex videos
I just love yahoos who think they can speak for me. As a woman, I am not in the least offended by what Limbaugh said. Of course, I don't expect my neighbors to pay for my birth control, either.

And, any yahoo who speaks about what I should be offended by, is a presumptuous man (and woman).

Piss off; I can take care of myself and I don't need some loser journalist to decide for me what is going to offend me.

And, piss off Deanie-do for assuming the same.

Fucking patriarch bullshit.

As a hermaphrodite, deanie does get to have half an opinion on this matter.... :thup:
I wouldn't trust Deanie-do or the journalist to think for my Westie, let alone for me.

The fact that each of them think that they can, is what is offensive. THIS woman needs no man to think or decide for her, least of all Deanie-do or a journalist.

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