Rupert's dilemma.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Now that the disgraced star of the network, the guy caught talking about the lies and the liars in internal communications discussing the Big Lie, has doubled down..........

Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 footage sparks bipartisan outrage

Fox News host Tucker Carlson whipped up a firestorm Tuesday on Capitol Hill, sparking bipartisan backlash and igniting tensions with Capitol Police by downplaying the Jan. 6 Capitol riot on his prime-time program as “mostly peaceful chaos.” His show divided Republicans, with a number of GOP senators ripping his portrayal of the incursion at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, who rarely offers opinions on political issues, said the Monday night show was filled with “offensive and misleading conclusions about the Jan. 6 attack. The program conveniently cherry-picked from the calmer moments of our 41,000 hours of video. The commentary fails to provide context about the chaos and violence that happened before or during these less tense moments,” Manger wrote in a memo to lawmakers.

“Those of you who contributed to the effort to allow this country’s legislative process to continue know firsthand what actually happened.” The segment was the first of two installments planned for this week relying on security footage granted to Carlson by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). Carlson was expected to air more clips from the footage during his show on Tuesday evening.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a scathing rebuke of Carlson and Fox on Tuesday, holding up a copy of the memo and saying he wanted to associate himself “with the opinion of the chief of the Capitol police about what happened on Jan. 6.”

........what is Rupert to do? Settling the Dominion case is essentially an admission Faux purposely lied to its audience about the outcome of the election. Not settling will result in a financial disaster. Especially because after Dominion there's Smartmatic.

NEW YORK, Feb 14 (Reuters) - A New York state appeals court rejected Fox News' bid to dismiss a multibillion-dollar defamation lawsuit accusing the network of falsely accusing an electronic voting systems company of helping rig the 2020 U.S. presidential election to favor Joe Biden over Donald Trump.

In a 5-0 decision, the Appellate Division in Manhattan said Smartmatic USA alleged in "detailed fashion" how Fox News and some anchors and guests "effectively endorsed and participated in (defamation) with reckless disregard for, or serious doubts about" whether the company engaged in election fraud.

Firing the people who lied on air or the people behind the scenes who knew the lies were being told would effectively shut down the station. Not firing them means what little credibility Faux had is demolished.

Can Faux suffer any more reputational harm than it already has no matter what they do? I don't think so. Not unless Rupert really comes clean and acknowledges the entire business model at Faux is based on lying to the audience to keep them infotained.

Firing the people who lied on air or the people behind the scenes who knew the lies were being told would effectively shut down the station. Not firing them means what little credibility Faux had is demolished.
If that ever happened, CBSNBCABCMSNBCCNNNPRPBS would have all been shut down decades ago.

You moonbats truly don't have a single shred of self-awareness.
It's clear by your deflection that your ilk are running scared over the whole thing and the revelations are shaking the dem and rino world to it's core.
Deflection from what? You're the one who can't deal with the truth of my post.
There's a simple reason MAGAnuts don't want to face the revelations about Faux's support of the Big Lie. It's because they'd have to give up on the entire fantasy that Biden stole the election. The fantasy that Trump was robbed. Once that domino falls it sets off a chain reaction calling most if not all of the fatuous right wing media narrative in to question.
Now that the disgraced star of the network, the guy caught talking about the lies and the liars in internal communications discussing the Big Lie, has doubled down..........

Tucker Carlson’s Jan. 6 footage sparks bipartisan outrage

Fox News host Tucker Carlson whipped up a firestorm Tuesday on Capitol Hill, sparking bipartisan backlash and igniting tensions with Capitol Police by downplaying the Jan. 6 Capitol riot on his prime-time program as “mostly peaceful chaos.” His show divided Republicans, with a number of GOP senators ripping his portrayal of the incursion at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, who rarely offers opinions on political issues, said the Monday night show was filled with “offensive and misleading conclusions about the Jan. 6 attack. The program conveniently cherry-picked from the calmer moments of our 41,000 hours of video. The commentary fails to provide context about the chaos and violence that happened before or during these less tense moments,” Manger wrote in a memo to lawmakers.

“Those of you who contributed to the effort to allow this country’s legislative process to continue know firsthand what actually happened.” The segment was the first of two installments planned for this week relying on security footage granted to Carlson by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.). Carlson was expected to air more clips from the footage during his show on Tuesday evening.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) issued a scathing rebuke of Carlson and Fox on Tuesday, holding up a copy of the memo and saying he wanted to associate himself “with the opinion of the chief of the Capitol police about what happened on Jan. 6.”

........what is Rupert to do? Settling the Dominion case is essentially an admission Faux purposely lied to its audience about the outcome of the election. Not settling will result in a financial disaster. Especially because after Dominion there's Smartmatic.

NEW YORK, Feb 14 (Reuters) - A New York state appeals court rejected Fox News' bid to dismiss a multibillion-dollar defamation lawsuit accusing the network of falsely accusing an electronic voting systems company of helping rig the 2020 U.S. presidential election to favor Joe Biden over Donald Trump.

In a 5-0 decision, the Appellate Division in Manhattan said Smartmatic USA alleged in "detailed fashion" how Fox News and some anchors and guests "effectively endorsed and participated in (defamation) with reckless disregard for, or serious doubts about" whether the company engaged in election fraud.

Firing the people who lied on air or the people behind the scenes who knew the lies were being told would effectively shut down the station. Not firing them means what little credibility Faux had is demolished.

Can Faux suffer any more reputational harm than it already has no matter what they do? I don't think so. Not unless Rupert really comes clean and acknowledges the entire business model at Faux is based on lying to the audience to keep them infotained.

LOL, destroying FOX will play into the hand of TRUMP.
LOL, destroying FOX will play into the hand of TRUMP.
Faux has destroyed itself.

A Calamitous Day At The ‘Fair And Balanced’ Network​

I’m not sure longtime Fox News critics and observers could have imagined a day like Tuesday ever coming to pass. The cable news net’s lies, fabrications, bamboozlement, and misinformation all came home to roost in spectacular fashion.

On a day that not so long ago would have seen Fox News preening over its top star’s bogus Monday night segment downplaying the Jan. 6 attack, Rupert Murdoch’s baby was instead lambasted by Republicans and law enforcement and humiliated by more revelations from the titanic defamation case pending against it.

Tuesday marked a collision between the Dominion Voting Systems $1.2 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News over its Big Lie claims during the 2020 election and the network’s latest Big Lie: that Jan. 6 was a hoax, a peaceful saunter of the citizenry through the halls of the Capitol. One Big Lie begat another, both centered on the 2020 election and its aftermath. All in service of Donald Trump, its own ratings, and the warped worldview that sustains a propaganda network for more than quarter of a century.

Faux has destroyed itself.

A Calamitous Day At The ‘Fair And Balanced’ Network​

I’m not sure longtime Fox News critics and observers could have imagined a day like Tuesday ever coming to pass. The cable news net’s lies, fabrications, bamboozlement, and misinformation all came home to roost in spectacular fashion.

On a day that not so long ago would have seen Fox News preening over its top star’s bogus Monday night segment downplaying the Jan. 6 attack, Rupert Murdoch’s baby was instead lambasted by Republicans and law enforcement and humiliated by more revelations from the titanic defamation case pending against it.

Tuesday marked a collision between the Dominion Voting Systems $1.2 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News over its Big Lie claims during the 2020 election and the network’s latest Big Lie: that Jan. 6 was a hoax, a peaceful saunter of the citizenry through the halls of the Capitol. One Big Lie begat another, both centered on the 2020 election and its aftermath. All in service of Donald Trump, its own ratings, and the warped worldview that sustains a propaganda network for more than quarter of a century.


The Jan 6 tapes were hidden by democrats. The freaking world is upside down when democrats get away with calling the truth a lie.
Believe me when I say the fact that Carlson is duping his audience, or that Faux is nothing but a collection of liars, is not new. It's just there has never been this degree of irrefutable evidence before.

You're a fucking partisan hack that I would never take seriously, get a clue. Most of the time I don't even read your posts. lol
I congratulate Berg80 for his tireless exposure of the lying Tucker Carlson, who cares only about his top-paid status at Fox and his popularity with Trump cultists — who demand Fox and Tucker tell them exactly what they want to hear.

Tucker’s shameful lying about and support of Trump’s “Big Lie” is now irrefutably confirmed by Tucker’s own words. Only weak-minded ultra-partisan Trump cultists still both respect Tucker Carlson and defend Trump’s “Big Lie” that he won the 2020 election and should rightfully be President today.

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