ROTFLMFAO~Joe Walsh announces Trump primary challenge: 'I'm in'

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
You know I used to listen to this guy when he was a Republican, stopped when they removed his show off a lower rated conservative radio station. The problem with Joe is that his show is back and now with his almost everything anti-Trump, he is bleeding listeners and sponsors. He is the poor mans Morning Joe without Mika. I would bet that MONEY is his goal with Bill Kristol money from the Swamp Republicans behind him . Maybe even a little George Soros funding from one of his MANY political arms. There is NO ONE on either side that can beat Trump....Honestly Trump is a fucking genius....doing what is right for the country to survive presently and setting up the future for all to have a better life. Just ignore him DJT and like all others they will simply wilt and die on the campaign tour!


Former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh announced Sunday morning that he is running for president as a Republican, challenging President Trump in the GOP primary race.

"Friends, I'm in. We can't take four more years of Donald Trump. And that's why I'm running for President," Walsh tweeted. "It won't be easy, but bravery is never easy. But together, we can do it."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Who?? :auiqs.jpg:"Former Illinois Congressman" :21: "The Tea Party favorite sat down with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos" :21: Then there's this gem "Walsh, who served one term in Congress, acknowledged that he has very little chance of defeating the president in the primaries" :21::21::21:
Trump beat 17 real Republicans in 2016. So what makes a fake one think he even has a chance of winning?
Well Trump was a demo and Repub still vote for him

Still the guy is a repub and a former congressman

Now even the repub are sensing weakness
Joe Walsh (R) claims he's running for president now.:huh1:

Some unknown POS RINO says he wants to primary Trump.
I already posted a response to one of his tweets. It was so pathetically stupid I thought it was a joke at first.



Joe Walsh
· Aug 24
"I’m going to retweet this every single day: If Barack Obama had “hereby ordered” private companies to do anything, every Republican & Conservative in America would have completely lost their shit."

Mudwhistle said......:

Excuse me......but Obama DID order private companies to run their companies the way he wanted. You can't tell me you don't remember Chevrolet and Chrysler now? And...Obamacare literally was Obama telling doctors how to run their practices along with being a massive tax increase.

This degenerate is so dangerously stupid and so obviously working for the Democrats I figure he'll flame-out in a matter of days.

Republican Joe Walsh announces he will primary Trump in 2020
Joe Walsh (R) claims he's running for president now.:huh1:

Some unknown POS RINO says he wants to primary Trump.
I already posted a response to one of his tweets. It was so pathetically stupid I thought it was a joke at first.



Joe Walsh
· Aug 24
"I’m going to retweet this every single day: If Barack Obama had “hereby ordered” private companies to do anything, every Republican & Conservative in America would have completely lost their shit."
Mudwhistle said......:

Excuse me......but Obama DID order private companies to run their companies the way he wanted. You can't tell me you don't remember Chevrolet and Chrysler now? And...Obamacare literally was Obama telling doctors how to run their practices along with being a massive tax increase.

This degenerate is so dangerously stupid and so obviously working for the Democrats I figure he'll flame-out in a matter of days.

Republican Joe Walsh announces he will primary Trump in 2020

Walsh was a "Never Trump" NeoCon from the start. He is part of the Bush/Clinton cabal.
Joe Walsh (R) claims he's running for president now.:huh1:

Some unknown POS RINO says he wants to primary Trump.
I already posted a response to one of his tweets. It was so pathetically stupid I thought it was a joke at first.



Joe Walsh
· Aug 24
"I’m going to retweet this every single day: If Barack Obama had “hereby ordered” private companies to do anything, every Republican & Conservative in America would have completely lost their shit."
Mudwhistle said......:

Excuse me......but Obama DID order private companies to run their companies the way he wanted. You can't tell me you don't remember Chevrolet and Chrysler now? And...Obamacare literally was Obama telling doctors how to run their practices along with being a massive tax increase.

This degenerate is so dangerously stupid and so obviously working for the Democrats I figure he'll flame-out in a matter of days.

Republican Joe Walsh announces he will primary Trump in 2020

Walsh was a "Never Trump" NeoCon from the start. He is part of the Bush/Clinton cabal.
This has Romney written all over it.
You know I used to listen to this guy when he was a Republican, stopped when they removed his show off a lower rated conservative radio station. The problem with Joe is that his show is back and now with his almost everything anti-Trump, he is bleeding listeners and sponsors. He is the poor mans Morning Joe without Mika. I would bet that MONEY is his goal with Bill Kristol money from the Swamp Republicans behind him . Maybe even a little George Soros funding from one of his MANY political arms. There is NO ONE on either side that can beat Trump....Honestly Trump is a fucking genius....doing what is right for the country to survive presently and setting up the future for all to have a better life. Just ignore him DJT and like all others they will simply wilt and die on the campaign tour!


Former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh announced Sunday morning that he is running for president as a Republican, challenging President Trump in the GOP primary race.

"Friends, I'm in. We can't take four more years of Donald Trump. And that's why I'm running for President," Walsh tweeted. "It won't be easy, but bravery is never easy. But together, we can do it."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Well, good luck to him.
Walsh was gerrymandered out of office by democrats. Why is he mad at Trump? Personally I'd rather see the other Joe Walsh, former member of the Eagles rock group, run for office.
Bill Kristol has at least found a candidate who has held elected office: Walsh served a single term in the House of Representatives, from 2011 to 2013. But in every other respect, Walsh is a worse candidate and man than either of Kristol’s previous no-chance candidates. At this point, Kristol might consider posting a Craigslist ad for President, then choosing someone at random; he would still likely end up with a more suitable candidate.

The push for Joe Walsh represents more than the last gasp of the #NeverTrump movement. It is a manifestation of their desperation — and their contempt — for Trump, and the Americans that put him in power.

Joe Walsh’s Twitter history is replete with crass, racist, and bigoted tweets.

The #NeverTrump crowd might, confronted with Joe Walsh’s past racism and bigotry, retreat to the facile argument that he is more “fit” for the Presidency than Donald Trump. Walsh is notorious as a deadbeat dad, and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington once named him one of the “most corrupt” politicians in Washington. One wonders what would make a candidate unfit in Bill Kristol’s eyes — beyond, of course, having the surname “Trump.”

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Walsh is just another right wing idiot. He would be just as bad as trump but without all the stupid tweets. His chance of:102: upsetting the orange man are very low. But he will be out there telling the truth about the orange man in the Whitehouse. Hey anything helps.

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