Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and his Campaign


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

As of right now.

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....
As of right now. Let's spend our time supporting Americans and stop the spinning!
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

everyone wants that ONE sentence to end all the speculation and declare one side or the other victorious.

to me, as long as we're fighting like this, no one wins and we all lose.
"no alligation in the indictment.... " (in this indictment)

Yes, they typically try not to tell criminals everything they know before they're ready to drop the hammer...

Trust me, Jared better spend some quality time with his kid, he could be going away for a while.

Also, Trump has to be given an opportunity to come clean... "Yes, Mr. President, we just want clear a few things up. When do you think you can come over and sit down with us..."

I love how they called Trump Campaign officials "One", "Two", "Three" basically idiot rubes taken in by online con-men... This must have Don Jr. tucking his tail right about now...
The liberal rubes are going to hold their breath over this one.


Even they know their 'Trump Collusion' farce is over. That's why they're now moving the goal posts and screeching about getting Trump on 'Obstruction of Justice.' Personally, i think it's time for the Trump witch hunt to end and time to begin investigating Clinton's collusion with the Brits and Russians. It's time for her to finally face justice.
"no alligation in the indictment.... " (in this indictment)

Yes, they typically try not to tell criminals everything they know before they're ready to drop the hammer...

Trust me, Jared better spend some quality time with his kid, he could be going away for a while.

Also, Trump has to be given an opportunity to come clean... "Yes, Mr. President, we just want clear a few things up. When do you think you can come over and sit down with us..."

I love how they called Trump Campaign officials "One", "Two", "Three" basically idiot rubes taken in by online con-men... This must have Don Jr. tucking his tail right about now...
Oh, Hazlnut, how you try so hard to change the facts. NOw take away you biases and say what really was reported today.
"no alligation in the indictment.... " (in this indictment)

Yes, they typically try not to tell criminals everything they know before they're ready to drop the hammer...

Trust me, Jared better spend some quality time with his kid, he could be going away for a while.

Also, Trump has to be given an opportunity to come clean... "Yes, Mr. President, we just want clear a few things up. When do you think you can come over and sit down with us..."

I love how they called Trump Campaign officials "One", "Two", "Three" basically idiot rubes taken in by online con-men... This must have Don Jr. tucking his tail right about now...
Rosenstines statement was that "no American's were involved" which ends any 'collusion' fantasies you might have...
you don't have to be a moron with low expectations to be a trumpling, but it doesn't hurt

Rosenstein answered, “There’s no allegation in this indictment that any American had any knowledge..."

NO COLLUSION -- Rosenstein: No American Was 'A Knowing Participant' In Russian Meddling Indictment

call me crazy, but i bet there's more indictments coming after this one

cons- they'll latch onto anything that keeps the fantasy alive
Well lets look at this logically... IF no American 'KNOWINGLY' helped than there is NO INTENT and thus no criminal offense... GAME OVER!
This is hilarious..... The left wing media is going total nutso....

Rosenstein effectively guts Mueller's investigation and kills it as far as Trump or his campaign are concerned. Flynn's Judge has now made demands to see all relevant evidence on the plea agreement.... and the whole Russia collusion thing is collapsing in on top of itself....

This is better than a three ring circus...
Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....


So why hasn't Mueller closed up shop?
He also cited a non existent crime of Information Warfare.

WTF does he think The Fusion GPS Dossier was that Obama and Clinton Paid Putin for?

Any Day Now Twitter and Facebook are going to be charged with Conspiracy to commit “Information Warefare!”

Last edited:
"no alligation in the indictment.... " (in this indictment)

Yes, they typically try not to tell criminals everything they know before they're ready to drop the hammer...

Trust me, Jared better spend some quality time with his kid, he could be going away for a while.

Also, Trump has to be given an opportunity to come clean... "Yes, Mr. President, we just want clear a few things up. When do you think you can come over and sit down with us..."

I love how they called Trump Campaign officials "One", "Two", "Three" basically idiot rubes taken in by online con-men... This must have Don Jr. tucking his tail right about now...
Rosenstines statement was that "no American's were involved" which ends any 'collusion' fantasies you might have...

no americans were involved in this indictment is what he said

pronoun: this; pronoun: these
  1. 1.
    used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced.
    "is this your bag?"
    • used to introduce someone or something.
      "this is the captain speaking"
    • referring to the nearer of two things close to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by “that”).
      "this is different from that"
  2. 2.
    referring to a specific thing or situation just mentioned.
    "the company was transformed, and Ward had played a vital role in bringing this about"
determiner: this; determiner: these
  1. 1.
    used to identify a specific person or thing close at hand or being indicated or experienced.
    "don't listen to this guy"
    • referring to the nearer of two things close to the speaker (the other, if specified, being identified by “that”).
      "this one or that one?"
  2. 2.
    referring to a specific thing or situation just mentioned.
    "there was a court case resulting from this incident"
  3. 3.
    used with periods of time related to the present.
    "I thought you were busy all this week"
    • referring to a period of time that has just passed.
      "I haven't left my bed these three days"
  4. 4.
    used (chiefly in narrative) to refer to a person or thing previously unspecified.
    "I turned around, and there was this big mummy standing next to us!"
adverb: this
  1. 1.
    to the degree or extent indicated.
    "they can't handle a job this big"


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Rosenstien Exonerated Trump and His Campaign

Just wow....

During the announcement of indictments of foreign actors, Rosenstein exonerated Trump and the campaign. Rosenstine noted;

"The indictment alleges the goal of the Russians was to support then-candidate Trump and hurt Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

It also says that some of the Russians posed as U.S. people and communicated with "unwitting individuals associated with the Trump Campaign and with other political activists to seek to coordinate political activities."

Rosenstein noted that there is no allegation in the indictment that Americans had any knowledge of the operation.

"There is no allegation in the indictment on the outcome of the election," he said."

Rosenstine, has now made it clear that NO AMERICANS WERE INVOLVED! And if no American's were involved Trump and his campaign are now exonerated.....

You wish.

What Mueller did was make Trump EAT a huge serving of CROW.

You can't cry and whine "hoax" anymore.

Not with 17 indictments and three guilty pleas.........that we know about.

This isn't the end. In fact, it's not even the beginning.

This is only where the surface has been barely scratched.

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