Rosenstein conspiracy, sedition, treason exposed

You Orangelings are funny as hell. I taped Sean Hannity aka Poop Pantity last night just for shits-n-giggles. In approximately 40 minutes of actual show he used the phrase "Deep State" or the word "Coup" 27 times. A few more and he would have done it once a minute.

Judging from Easy, Angry Tree Guy and others, the goose step is in full parade mode. Maybe he could cut down just a bit, or add the word "Sedition" to his repertoire just for a change of pace.

Even funnier is that the "Failing New York Times" is no longer "fake news" :lol:
You Orangelings are funny as hell. I taped Sean Hannity aka Poop Pantity last night just for shits-n-giggles. In approximately 40 minutes of actual show he used the phrase "Deep State" or the word "Coup" 27 times. A few more and he would have done it once a minute.

Judging from the Angry Tree Guy and others, the goose step is in full parade mode. Maybe he could cut down just a bit, or add the word "Sedition" to his repertoire just for a change of pace.

Even funnier is that the "Failing New York Times" is no longer "fake news" :lol:
/——/ “just for shit-n-giggles?” What are you, a 14 year old girl? No adult uses that expression. And we don’t believe you just happened to tune it. We say you watch Hannity religiously every night.
And btw, Andrew McCabe may have turned against THE DEEP STATE as he was recently threatened online.

It was said, "Andrew McCabe is playing a dangerous game."

That sounds Ominous, like big time Deep State Machine would take McCabe to a park and have him commit suicide by shooting himself three times in the back of the head just like they did Vince Foster who was going to testify against Clinton.

Good idea - the Deep State MUST be preserved. I'll call Hillary!

Even Rosenstein realizes Trump is crazy
They all know what a danger trump is, yet none of them are standing up and doing anything about it.

Danger? LMAO. The country is doing pretty well.

BHO = Danger. Case in Point = ISIS, BLM, Russia taking Crimea, Russia infiltrating our elections, China stealing out tech.
You're just a typical trump bootlicker.

'The explosive article published by The New York Times said Rosenstein discussed recording Trump and his removal from office in meetings and conversations with Justice Department and FBI officials.'
I thought The New York Times was fake news?

It just got REAL!
OK. So now The New York Times is no longer fake news, right?
And anonymous sources are legit.

Tards like easyt with mental diarrhea have to twist and turn on a dime in order to preserve their narrative. Never mind it reveals them to be hypocritical hacks.

LOL, we told you people what was going on, and you denied, denied, denied. And now?

So what else is coming out BEFORE the midterms? Everything we said, and what you denied, that is what, lol.

So, let us boil all of this down-----------> all the reasons you said Trump was a traitor, a spy, incompetent, and bad will now be proven false to even you people. Will you still hate him?

Of course you will, because as it all comes out, the polls are gonna switch, leaving all of you shell shocked. Once all the reason to distrust Trump disappears, what is left? THE ECONOMY STUPID, lol. And what is everyone going to see? Another quarter over 4%, and a bunch of lying Democrats who tried to take down a sitting President in a silent coup, subverting the will of the American people.

You can take this check to the bank and cash it today-----------> BEFORE the midterms, it is going to be proven that for the last 18 months, your side has been LYING to the American people. Also...……...the whole thing was pulled off by people left over from the OBAMA administration, which will do wonders for his legacy. We have repeatedly told you this was going to happen, and you laughed, and mocked all of us. You either were to lazy to find out if it was true, or were so arrogant that you thought it would never come out. And you know who did it? 3 people, lol. Sean Hannity, Sarah Carter, and Devin Nunes.

And I can tell you the EXACT day they knew it was true---------> The day Nunes went to the Whitehouse after Coates was installed, and went into that secy-secy room. Now, they have those rooms in about 6 places in Washington, and yet he chose the room at the Whitehouse.


LOLOLOLOL, want me to tell ya incompetent ones?

Ya sure?

--------> Because the room at the Whitehouse is the ONLY room that houses archives of Presidential, daily, briefings-) In other words, he was looking at what OBAMA WAS BRIEFED ON, and what agencies were supplying the information for the briefs.

And what has he said repeatedly since? (look at his pressers) That the INFORMATION was not gotten through normal channels-)

Would you like me to translate it, or do you think it is all a conspiracy, eventhough it is all coming out, lol.

TRANSLATION-----------> The information was NOT gotten by the FBI, nor the CIA, nope, nope, nope!

Well then, where did they get it from?

THE STATE DEPARTMENT-) And who's cronies are all over the state department? HILLARY, RHODAM CLINTON'S!

Now do you understand WHY it is being reported EVERYWHERE that 2 of our allies are begging for the information NOT to be released-) They were involved. Now does Downer and Misvhud make sense to you, hehehehehehehe.

And, President Barack, Hussein, Obama knew all about it, as did Comey, Priestep, Brennan, and Clapper. And, oh by the way, someone above Stroczk has been reported as working with THIS administration to sort it all out.

Well, lets see, who was above Strozk? Well, that would be Comey, but he is fired. Then their is the other guy right below him, but he is in front of a grand jury, or did you know that...….so it can't be him, so that only leaves-----------> PRIESTEP! Oh, say it isn't so, lol.

And, if you DOUBT this is all real, then riddle me this batshit crazies----------> as soon as it was released that who is obviously Priestep was working WITH the Trump administration last week, and Trump demanded the release of all pertinent documents along with the TEXTS, what happened?

LOLOLOLOL, Nellie the underbelly Ohr now REFUSES to go in front of congress, (you know, perjury and all that) as well as Strozck now through his lawyer, instantly said he would NOT return in front of them either. (he is already busted)

Since November, I have said...…..along with many others, your SCREWED! And why? Because you can't pass it off as rogue DOJ or FBI, because the Democrats have kept it quiet while lying through their teeth to the American people. Your side KNEW IT, and lied to you too! Now your side is going to reap what they have sown, and no matter what you thought would happen in the midterms, is going to be far far less, if any.

CYA, wouldn't want to be ya-)
Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment

The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.
I guess Drumpf actually hires the worst people instead of the best like he claims. Isnt Rosenstein a Drumpf appointee?

Yep, same with Comey. Btw, not to worry. If Trump idiotically fires Rosenstein right now there is a line of succession - these are career pros, not cutouts. I believe he would have to fire 3 more before he can slip Rudy in there to fire Mueller.

And with 2/3 of American voters wanting Mueller to finish his investigation. They're gonna be PISSED if they see this massacre under way and make the bastards pay at the polls ...

Good times! :)
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Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment

The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.
I guess Drumpf actually hires the worst people instead of the best like he claims. Isnt Rosenstein a Drumpf appointee?

Yep, same with Comey. Btw, not to worry. If Trump idiotically fires Rosenstein right now there is a line of succession - these are career pros, not cutouts. I believe he would have to fire 3 more before he can slip Rudy in there to fire Mueller.

And with 2/3 of American voters wanting Mueller to finish his investigation. They're gonna be PISSED if they see this massacre under way ...

Good times! :)

LOL, Rosensteins power has been taken away, or didn't you know that-) He is under department investigation, which will last till the midterms, then he is gone-) So is Mewler, Sessions, and the rest!
Is discussing invoking the 25th Amendment treason? If so...why have it?

You just hit on it - Trump had just forced Rosenstein to write a stupid lie about how Comey was mean to Hillary, then fired him by tweet while he was at a field office giving a speech. And THEN he tried to yank Comey's plane ride home out from under him.

Then of course, he told the Russians why he did it in front of Russia only media, slipped them a highly classified nugget about Israel, and went on to AGAIN admit why he did it to Lester Holt!

Straight up, Rosenstein was PISSED. Nothing illegal about discussing options.
Napolitano: NYT 'Put a Stick in a Hornet's Nest' With Rosenstein Bombshell
Napolitano said the New York Times effectively "put a stick in a hornet's nest" given the already-icy relationship between Trump and the Justice Department.

He said that if Trump fires Rosenstein and goes on to fire Sessions after the midterm elections, Solicitor General Noel Francisco would become the new acting attorney general.

Napolitano said the firings are just conjecture, but added that Francisco is an "academic" person rather than a political one, despite being a Trump nominee.

"There would be no conflict between the Attorney General and the job of the DOJ [under Francisco, with regard to the Russia probe]. All of [Robert] Mueller's work [could] be passed on to the DOJ."

DO IT!!!!

Hate to tell Andy this, but the second Mueller feels any heat, he's gonna turn over ALL his findings thus far to State AGs, and/or post it online.
When asked about the allegation about talking about eating a wire and asking others to join in Rosenstein did not deny it was said ... HE SAID HE WAS JOKING, using sarcasm.

The President if the United States just fired the Director of the FBI, as Rosenstein advised him to do, and Rosenstein 'jokes' about secretky wearing a hidden microphone to make a recoding to use to remove him from office, 'jokingly' asking Cabinet members to join him?!
Liberals have a pretty f*ed up sense of humor.
- It reminds me if how Hillary testified how she thought Ambassador Steven's more than 60 requests for additional security was a 'joke'.

Rosenstein strenuously denied being serious about wearing a wire, adding that he 'would never do anything to try to remove President Trump from office'.

His name is in FISA warrant documents that involved intentionally falsely presenting Russian-authored Dossier information as legitimate Intel in an attempt to deceive the FISA Court to get warrants to spy on an opposing political party campaign during an election.

- He is on record as having criminally refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas ordering him to release Russia Investigation documents, as he blew through deadline after deadline refusing to release the documents.

- He is the one that authored a report explaining why Comey should be fired, advised President Trump to fire Comey, and once the President exercised his legal authority and fired Comey, he - Rosenstein - called for./ signed onto an Obstruction investigation.

The conspirators, according to the US IG, abandoned traditional / established processes, procedures, and rules regarding investigations ... They modified witness testimony after the fact ... They indicted someone for lying to the FBI - despite Comey testifying that his agents do not think Flynn lied during his interview - yet partisanly protected others who lied to the FBI from indictment ... They set up Papadopoulos up with a meeting arranged by a foreign Hillary supporter / donor and abmn FBI ' Perjury Trap' ... They tried to set up Trump Jr ...

...but Rosenstein was just 'joking' about wearing a wire in an attempt to take down Trump.
When asked about the allegation about talking about eating a wire and asking others to join in Rosenstein did not deny it was said ... HE SAID HE WAS JOKING, using sarcasm.


"What do you want me to do...wear a wire?"
Rod Rosenstein Suggested Secretly Recording Trump and Discussed 25th Amendment

The deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, suggested last year that he secretly record President Trump in the White House to expose the chaos consuming the administration, and he discussed recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Mr. Trump from office for being unfit.
I guess Drumpf actually hires the worst people instead of the best like he claims. Isnt Rosenstein a Drumpf appointee?

Yep, same with Comey. Btw, not to worry. If Trump idiotically fires Rosenstein right now there is a line of succession - these are career pros, not cutouts. I believe he would have to fire 3 more before he can slip Rudy in there to fire Mueller.

And with 2/3 of American voters wanting Mueller to finish his investigation. They're gonna be PISSED if they see this massacre under way and make the bastards pay at the polls ...

Good times! :)

Rudy is his defense atty. He is off the table. Christie however.
When asked about the allegation about talking about eating a wire and asking others to join in Rosenstein did not deny it was said ... HE SAID HE WAS JOKING, using sarcasm.

The President if the United States just fired the Director of the FBI, as Rosenstein advised him to do, and Rosenstein 'jokes' about secretky wearing a hidden microphone to make a recoding to use to remove him from office, 'jokingly' asking Cabinet members to join him?!
Liberals have a pretty f*ed up sense of humor.
- It reminds me if how Hillary testified how she thought Ambassador Steven's more than 60 requests for additional security was a 'joke'.

Rosenstein strenuously denied being serious about wearing a wire, adding that he 'would never do anything to try to remove President Trump from office'.

His name is in FISA warrant documents that involved intentionally falsely presenting Russian-authored Dossier information as legitimate Intel in an attempt to deceive the FISA Court to get warrants to spy on an opposing political party campaign during an election.

- He is on record as having criminally refused to comply with Congressional subpoenas ordering him to release Russia Investigation documents, as he blew through deadline after deadline refusing to release the documents.

- He is the one that authored a report explaining why Comey should be fired, advised President Trump to fire Comey, and once the President exercised his legal authority and fired Comey, he - Rosenstein - called for./ signed onto an Obstruction investigation.

The conspirators, according to the US IG, abandoned traditional / established processes, procedures, and rules regarding investigations ... They modified witness testimony after the fact ... They indicted someone for lying to the FBI - despite Comey testifying that his agents do not think Flynn lied during his interview - yet partisanly protected others who lied to the FBI from indictment ... They set up Papadopoulos up with a meeting arranged by a foreign Hillary supporter / donor and abmn FBI ' Perjury Trap' ... They tried to set up Trump Jr ...

...but Rosenstein was just 'joking' about wearing a wire in an attempt to take down Trump.

Laughing......discussing completely legal and constitutional processes is not sedition. Nor treason. Nor conspiracy. Nor any of the other unhinged, panty shitting hysterics you've offered us.
Having your campaign meet with a Russian government operative to collect dirt on your opponent as part of the Russian government's efforts to support your candidate?

While that same Russian Government is actively attacking the United States to support the same candidate.

And that candidate is both lying his ass off to cover up the meeting with the Russian Operative and compelling others to lie about it? And trying to shut down the investigation looking into that meeting?

While that candidate is also publicly expressing his hope that the Russian government will conduct MORE attacks on the United States?

That's hardly 'talking with the Russians'.

Yeah, and the Mueller inquisition will prove it any day now....

Mueller's investigation I leave to Mueller. Manafort flipped a week ago. And apparently also last week....

President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, has participated over the last month in multiple interview sessions lasting for hours with investigators from the office of special counsel, Robert Mueller, sources tell ABC News.

Michael Cohen spoke to Mueller team for hours; asked about Russia, possible collusion

Keeping your eyes screwed shut just means you won't see it coming.

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