Roosevelt's Historians


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
" Whole generations have been "educated" to believe that the Roosevelt administration is what got this country out of the Great Depression. History text books by famous scholars like Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., of Harvard and Henry Steele Commager of Columbia have enshrined FDR as a historic savior of this country, and lesser lights in the media and elsewhere have perpetuated the legend."
Guess Who? by Thomas Sowell on - A Syndicate Of Talent

1. Historians, in fact, have the highest regard for Roosevelt. Commager, Morris, Leuchtenburg....and the best known such historian, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr....all praise FDR.

Well, most often the basis offered is what the first two have written:

"The character of the Republican ascendancy of the twenties has be pervasively negative; the character of the New Deal was overwhelmingly positive." Guess Who? by Thomas Sowell on - A Syndicate Of Talent

a. That view must mean that the 1920s were an economic disaster, that led to the Great Depression, and the Roosevelt policies and foresight provided the programs, tools, which mitigated, relieved, reformed the economy, leading to economic recovery.

Is there any other way to understand that statement???

b. Schlesinger writes glowingly of Roosevelt's policies....for example:

" Who can now imagine a day when America offered no Social Security, no unemployment compensation, no food stamps, no Federal guarantee of bank deposits, no Federal supervision of the stock market, no Federal protection for collective bargaining, no Federal standards for wages and hours, no Federal support for farm prices or rural electrification, no Federal refinancing for farm and home mortgages, no Federal commitment to high employment or to equal opportunity - in short, no Federal responsibility for Americans who found themselves, through no fault of their own, in economic or social distress?"
The 'Hundred Days' of F.D.R.

No wonder Schlesinger's polls find Franklin Roosevelt at the very top of the list of Presidents!

All wrapped up and tied with a bow!
How can there possibly be any who don't agree with Roosevelt's historians????
And what of the other polls, the Murray-Blessing poll; Chicago Tribune poll; Siena poll; Ridings-McIver poll; CSpan poll; Wall Street Journal poll; Times2008 poll; and the biggie, the American-people-election poll, the latter conducted every four years?
If Republicans could do it over, I think their best bet would have been to try and pass off FDR as a Republican. As goofy as that might sound, if they had tried that from the beginning forty-one percent of Republicans would still be posting on these board that FDR was a loyal Republican.
an influx of capital from the allies for war materials is what got the USA out of the depression. yes roosevlet initiated social programs as a helping hand for people who ere out of work. But a job came attached to them. not just a check mailed to your house with a phone loaded with free minutes. you worked for the government building the infrastructure and you went where the jobs were. you earned your pay by helping to build america. you earned your pay by helping ot build materials for the war effort. you learned the skills you were taught to do the jobs that were required.

What happened to those values? why have liberals of today converted the helping hand to a life launguishing in low income neighborhoods and ghettos? Addicted to alcohol and drugs, uneducated, unskilled with no hope or direction for the future?
And what of the other polls, the Murray-Blessing poll; Chicago Tribune poll; Siena poll; Ridings-McIver poll; CSpan poll; Wall Street Journal poll; Times2008 poll; and the biggie, the American-people-election poll, the latter conducted every four years?
If Republicans could do it over, I think their best bet would have been to try and pass off FDR as a Republican. As goofy as that might sound, if they had tried that from the beginning forty-one percent of Republicans would still be posting on these board that FDR was a loyal Republican.

See what I did you you, reggie?

You are the one who inspired this thread, after all, you regularly point to the historians who praise Roosevelt.

2. And no one, as of yet, has penned any disagreements....
No students of economics?

Of course! How silly of me. Liberals don't have to understand the issues....they just have to nod and vote.

Well, then...let's pile on more!

According to Schlesinger and the other reggie-historians, the evil industrialists of the 1920s kept pay low and prices high, so that workers didn't have the money to buy the products they were making.

a. "Managements disposition [in the 1920s] to maintain prices...meant that workers and farmers were denied the benefits of increases in there own productivity. The consequences was the relative decline of mass purchasing power."
Schlesinger, "The Crisis of the Old Order."
Understanding Bushonomics | Center for American Progress

b. President Coolidge and treasury secretary Andrew Mellon were all about tax cuts for the rich!! You know what's coming: "income inequality!"

Why the heck hasn't the Republican Party been outlawed....and it's proponents thrown in jail???

3. Does this help explain the avalanche of praise for Roosevelt?

" Liberals have their pantheon of presidents, established by the New Deal historians. "Great presidents," in their view, are those who expand the size and scope of the federal government in the interest of the masses against the interests of the classes. By this criterion Franklin Roosevelt is one of the greatest presidents, in a line that includes Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Wilson."
The Presidents - WSJ

Look at that big reggie-smile!
And what of the other polls, the Murray-Blessing poll; Chicago Tribune poll; Siena poll; Ridings-McIver poll; CSpan poll; Wall Street Journal poll; Times2008 poll; and the biggie, the American-people-election poll, the latter conducted every four years?
If Republicans could do it over, I think their best bet would have been to try and pass off FDR as a Republican. As goofy as that might sound, if they had tried that from the beginning forty-one percent of Republicans would still be posting on these board that FDR was a loyal Republican.

See what I did you you, reggie?

You are the one who inspired this thread, after all, you regularly point to the historians who praise Roosevelt.

2. And no one, as of yet, has penned any disagreements....
No students of economics?

Of course! How silly of me. Liberals don't have to understand the issues....they just have to nod and vote.

Well, then...let's pile on more!

According to Schlesinger and the other reggie-historians, the evil industrialists of the 1920s kept pay low and prices high, so that workers didn't have the money to buy the products they were making.

a. "Managements disposition [in the 1920s] to maintain prices...meant that workers and farmers were denied the benefits of increases in there own productivity. The consequences was the relative decline of mass purchasing power."
Schlesinger, "The Crisis of the Old Order."
Understanding Bushonomics | Center for American Progress

b. President Coolidge and treasury secretary Andrew Mellon were all about tax cuts for the rich!! You know what's coming: "income inequality!"

Why the heck hasn't the Republican Party been outlawed....and it's proponents thrown in jail???

3. Does this help explain the avalanche of praise for Roosevelt?

" Liberals have their pantheon of presidents, established by the New Deal historians. "Great presidents," in their view, are those who expand the size and scope of the federal government in the interest of the masses against the interests of the classes. By this criterion Franklin Roosevelt is one of the greatest presidents, in a line that includes Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Wilson."
The Presidents - WSJ

Look at that big reggie-smile!

Nope a small smile with a what are they up to now frown.

The Republicans have put their eggs in the basket of government-size, and even when government was evil it was always what government did, not its size.
Government helping business is great, and government helping people is just as great.
I see government as belonging to the people and the people using it to pursue happiness, now, here, and today, not waiting to get to that big welfare agency in the sky as the people were promised at one time.
FDR transformed us into a modern day Democracy and a Super Power

Quite an accomplishment
And what of the other polls, the Murray-Blessing poll; Chicago Tribune poll; Siena poll; Ridings-McIver poll; CSpan poll; Wall Street Journal poll; Times2008 poll; and the biggie, the American-people-election poll, the latter conducted every four years?
If Republicans could do it over, I think their best bet would have been to try and pass off FDR as a Republican. As goofy as that might sound, if they had tried that from the beginning forty-one percent of Republicans would still be posting on these board that FDR was a loyal Republican.

See what I did you you, reggie?

You are the one who inspired this thread, after all, you regularly point to the historians who praise Roosevelt.

2. And no one, as of yet, has penned any disagreements....
No students of economics?

Of course! How silly of me. Liberals don't have to understand the issues....they just have to nod and vote.

Well, then...let's pile on more!

According to Schlesinger and the other reggie-historians, the evil industrialists of the 1920s kept pay low and prices high, so that workers didn't have the money to buy the products they were making.

a. "Managements disposition [in the 1920s] to maintain prices...meant that workers and farmers were denied the benefits of increases in there own productivity. The consequences was the relative decline of mass purchasing power."
Schlesinger, "The Crisis of the Old Order."
Understanding Bushonomics | Center for American Progress

b. President Coolidge and treasury secretary Andrew Mellon were all about tax cuts for the rich!! You know what's coming: "income inequality!"

Why the heck hasn't the Republican Party been outlawed....and it's proponents thrown in jail???

3. Does this help explain the avalanche of praise for Roosevelt?

" Liberals have their pantheon of presidents, established by the New Deal historians. "Great presidents," in their view, are those who expand the size and scope of the federal government in the interest of the masses against the interests of the classes. By this criterion Franklin Roosevelt is one of the greatest presidents, in a line that includes Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Wilson."
The Presidents - WSJ

Look at that big reggie-smile!

Nope a small smile with a what are they up to now frown.

The Republicans have put their eggs in the basket of government-size, and even when government was evil it was always what government did, not its size.
Government helping business is great, and government helping people is just as great.
I see government as belonging to the people and the people using it to pursue happiness, now, here, and today, not waiting to get to that big welfare agency in the sky as the people were promised at one time.

"Nope a small smile....."


That wasn't enough?

I have to do your job....and you aren't satisfied??

4. Some more?

Roosevelt had 25% unemployment in 1933, but managed it down to about 15% by 1937!!!

a. And this:
"The New Deal achieved a more just society by recognizing groups which had been largely unrepresented- farmers, industrial groups, some ethnic groups- and the new intellectual/administrative group!" Leuchtenburg,

b. "The New Deal, was just what the term implied—a new deal of old cards, no longer stacked against the common man. . . . Probably it saved the capitalist system in the United States.” Samuel Eliot Morison
A History of the American People by Paul Johnson : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

Wow! What more could anyone ask for in a President???

Folks must have agreed.....he got a 523 to 8 landslide in the electoral college.....
jeezz. "...loved and adored....." Schlesinger. (Except for those greedy businessmen!)

c. Just one more?
"The havoc that had been done before Roosevelt took office," Leuchtenburg argues, "was so great that even the unprecedented measures of the New Deal did not suffice to repair the damage." … Some historians say that FDR should have done more deficit spending during the recession of 1937. "
The Mises Review: New Deal or Raw Deal? How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America by Burton Folsom, Jr.

Whew! I'm exhausted.

How'd I do?
See what I did you you, reggie?

You are the one who inspired this thread, after all, you regularly point to the historians who praise Roosevelt.

2. And no one, as of yet, has penned any disagreements....
No students of economics?

Of course! How silly of me. Liberals don't have to understand the issues....they just have to nod and vote.

Well, then...let's pile on more!

According to Schlesinger and the other reggie-historians, the evil industrialists of the 1920s kept pay low and prices high, so that workers didn't have the money to buy the products they were making.

a. "Managements disposition [in the 1920s] to maintain prices...meant that workers and farmers were denied the benefits of increases in there own productivity. The consequences was the relative decline of mass purchasing power."
Schlesinger, "The Crisis of the Old Order."
Understanding Bushonomics | Center for American Progress

b. President Coolidge and treasury secretary Andrew Mellon were all about tax cuts for the rich!! You know what's coming: "income inequality!"

Why the heck hasn't the Republican Party been outlawed....and it's proponents thrown in jail???

3. Does this help explain the avalanche of praise for Roosevelt?

" Liberals have their pantheon of presidents, established by the New Deal historians. "Great presidents," in their view, are those who expand the size and scope of the federal government in the interest of the masses against the interests of the classes. By this criterion Franklin Roosevelt is one of the greatest presidents, in a line that includes Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Wilson."
The Presidents - WSJ

Look at that big reggie-smile!

Nope a small smile with a what are they up to now frown.

The Republicans have put their eggs in the basket of government-size, and even when government was evil it was always what government did, not its size.
Government helping business is great, and government helping people is just as great.
I see government as belonging to the people and the people using it to pursue happiness, now, here, and today, not waiting to get to that big welfare agency in the sky as the people were promised at one time.

"Nope a small smile....."


That wasn't enough?

I have to do your job....and you aren't satisfied??

4. Some more?

Roosevelt had 25% unemployment in 1933, but managed it down to about 15% by 1937!!!

a. And this:
"The New Deal achieved a more just society by recognizing groups which had been largely unrepresented- farmers, industrial groups, some ethnic groups- and the new intellectual/administrative group!" Leuchtenburg,

b. "The New Deal, was just what the term implied—a new deal of old cards, no longer stacked against the common man. . . . Probably it saved the capitalist system in the United States.” Samuel Eliot Morison
A History of the American People by Paul Johnson : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

Wow! What more could anyone ask for in a President???

Folks must have agreed.....he got a 523 to 8 landslide in the electoral college.....
jeezz. "...loved and adored....." Schlesinger. (Except for those greedy businessmen!)

c. Just one more?
"The havoc that had been done before Roosevelt took office," Leuchtenburg argues, "was so great that even the unprecedented measures of the New Deal did not suffice to repair the damage." … Some historians say that FDR should have done more deficit spending during the recession of 1937. "
The Mises Review: New Deal or Raw Deal? How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America by Burton Folsom, Jr.

Whew! I'm exhausted.

How'd I do?

Coming along nicely. Don't overdo it, however, then I would have to take the opposiite tack.
It was scary spending so much and it didn't make sense, I mean the logical choices were to balance the budge and reduce spending. Check out what FDR's second bill to Congress was, after the Bank bills.
Nope a small smile with a what are they up to now frown.

The Republicans have put their eggs in the basket of government-size, and even when government was evil it was always what government did, not its size.
Government helping business is great, and government helping people is just as great.
I see government as belonging to the people and the people using it to pursue happiness, now, here, and today, not waiting to get to that big welfare agency in the sky as the people were promised at one time.

"Nope a small smile....."


That wasn't enough?

I have to do your job....and you aren't satisfied??

4. Some more?

Roosevelt had 25% unemployment in 1933, but managed it down to about 15% by 1937!!!

a. And this:
"The New Deal achieved a more just society by recognizing groups which had been largely unrepresented- farmers, industrial groups, some ethnic groups- and the new intellectual/administrative group!" Leuchtenburg,

b. "The New Deal, was just what the term implied—a new deal of old cards, no longer stacked against the common man. . . . Probably it saved the capitalist system in the United States.” Samuel Eliot Morison
A History of the American People by Paul Johnson : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

Wow! What more could anyone ask for in a President???

Folks must have agreed.....he got a 523 to 8 landslide in the electoral college.....
jeezz. "...loved and adored....." Schlesinger. (Except for those greedy businessmen!)

c. Just one more?
"The havoc that had been done before Roosevelt took office," Leuchtenburg argues, "was so great that even the unprecedented measures of the New Deal did not suffice to repair the damage." … Some historians say that FDR should have done more deficit spending during the recession of 1937. "
The Mises Review: New Deal or Raw Deal? How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America by Burton Folsom, Jr.

Whew! I'm exhausted.

How'd I do?

Coming along nicely. Don't overdo it, however, then I would have to take the opposiite tack.
It was scary spending so much and it didn't make sense, I mean the logical choices were to balance the budge and reduce spending. Check out what FDR's second bill to Congress was, after the Bank bills.

OK....time to straighten out this thread!

5. So....Roosevelt is the political version of the second coming!
Why else would the New Deal public policies continue to dominate American government???

How about we simply leave it as stated by historian Ray Allen Billington, that the New Deal "established for all time the principle of positive government action to rehabilitate and preserve the human resources of the nation."


6. But, .....before we wander off humming the tune, accepting this paean...there was one more witness to quite a bit closer to the scene of the crime than any of the above historians.....

Roosevelt's..... BFF, secretary of the treasury, Henry on finance and compendium of statistics on the economy of the 1930's.
What does Henry say?

" “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”
Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library

"We have never made good on our promises…"

So....if FDR never made good on his promises.......
...what does that tell us about all the fluff from his stenographers....I mean 'historians'????

a. And how about more Leftwing testimony that pokes holes in the views of Liberal historians:
New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”
The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

So....he didn't keep his promises....and his policies failed.....

"Is it possible that the Roosevelt legend is really the Roosevelt myth?"
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal?" page 15.
You know nothing, PC Snow.

The war ended the Depression, and Roosevelt led the country through the Depression and War.

History will always be written that way by the mainstream historians.
December 7th, 1941 got us out of the Great Depression.

Exactly, FDR was afraid to spend money as in a war, despite his request for war powers to battle the depression. To spend money and borrow money in a depression just didn't make sense and to some today, still does not.
"Nope a small smile....."


That wasn't enough?

I have to do your job....and you aren't satisfied??

4. Some more?

Roosevelt had 25% unemployment in 1933, but managed it down to about 15% by 1937!!!

a. And this:
"The New Deal achieved a more just society by recognizing groups which had been largely unrepresented- farmers, industrial groups, some ethnic groups- and the new intellectual/administrative group!" Leuchtenburg,

b. "The New Deal, was just what the term implied—a new deal of old cards, no longer stacked against the common man. . . . Probably it saved the capitalist system in the United States.” Samuel Eliot Morison
A History of the American People by Paul Johnson : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

Wow! What more could anyone ask for in a President???

Folks must have agreed.....he got a 523 to 8 landslide in the electoral college.....
jeezz. "...loved and adored....." Schlesinger. (Except for those greedy businessmen!)

c. Just one more?
"The havoc that had been done before Roosevelt took office," Leuchtenburg argues, "was so great that even the unprecedented measures of the New Deal did not suffice to repair the damage." … Some historians say that FDR should have done more deficit spending during the recession of 1937. "
The Mises Review: New Deal or Raw Deal? How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America by Burton Folsom, Jr.

Whew! I'm exhausted.

How'd I do?

Coming along nicely. Don't overdo it, however, then I would have to take the opposiite tack.
It was scary spending so much and it didn't make sense, I mean the logical choices were to balance the budge and reduce spending. Check out what FDR's second bill to Congress was, after the Bank bills.

OK....time to straighten out this thread!

5. So....Roosevelt is the political version of the second coming!
Why else would the New Deal public policies continue to dominate American government???

How about we simply leave it as stated by historian Ray Allen Billington, that the New Deal "established for all time the principle of positive government action to rehabilitate and preserve the human resources of the nation."


6. But, .....before we wander off humming the tune, accepting this paean...there was one more witness to quite a bit closer to the scene of the crime than any of the above historians.....

Roosevelt's..... BFF, secretary of the treasury, Henry on finance and compendium of statistics on the economy of the 1930's.
What does Henry say?

" “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”
Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library

"We have never made good on our promises…"

So....if FDR never made good on his promises.......
...what does that tell us about all the fluff from his stenographers....I mean 'historians'????

a. And how about more Leftwing testimony that pokes holes in the views of Liberal historians:
New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”
The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

So....he didn't keep his promises....and his policies failed.....

"Is it possible that the Roosevelt legend is really the Roosevelt myth?"
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal?" page 15.

Morganthau was a gentleman farmer, a neighbor of FDR and was a fiscal conservative. He disagreed with FDR on many money issues but FDR kept him on. FDR seemed to like a variety of opinions and Morganthau's was one. If you notice I asked you to look up FDR's second bill to Congress figuring this was where you were headed. Might check out the new bonus bill for veterans at the same time that is if you want to do some real history research.
Coming along nicely. Don't overdo it, however, then I would have to take the opposiite tack.
It was scary spending so much and it didn't make sense, I mean the logical choices were to balance the budge and reduce spending. Check out what FDR's second bill to Congress was, after the Bank bills.

OK....time to straighten out this thread!

5. So....Roosevelt is the political version of the second coming!
Why else would the New Deal public policies continue to dominate American government???

How about we simply leave it as stated by historian Ray Allen Billington, that the New Deal "established for all time the principle of positive government action to rehabilitate and preserve the human resources of the nation."


6. But, .....before we wander off humming the tune, accepting this paean...there was one more witness to quite a bit closer to the scene of the crime than any of the above historians.....

Roosevelt's..... BFF, secretary of the treasury, Henry on finance and compendium of statistics on the economy of the 1930's.
What does Henry say?

" “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”
Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library

"We have never made good on our promises…"

So....if FDR never made good on his promises.......
...what does that tell us about all the fluff from his stenographers....I mean 'historians'????

a. And how about more Leftwing testimony that pokes holes in the views of Liberal historians:
New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”
The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

So....he didn't keep his promises....and his policies failed.....

"Is it possible that the Roosevelt legend is really the Roosevelt myth?"
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal?" page 15.

Morganthau was a gentleman farmer, a neighbor of FDR and was a fiscal conservative. He disagreed with FDR on many money issues but FDR kept him on. FDR seemed to like a variety of opinions and Morganthau's was one. If you notice I asked you to look up FDR's second bill to Congress figuring this was where you were headed. Might check out the new bonus bill for veterans at the same time that is if you want to do some real history research.

My, how deftly you avoided the thrust!

Not only Morganthau was mentioned, but so was a Leftwing study journal.....

and the conclusion of both was that FDR was a failure.

One can only wonder, if the the media, and academia, were not wholly owned subsidiaries of the Left.....the truths that would be known about FDR

...his economic failures,.....

....his acceptance of homicidal regimes....

...his lock-step economic partnerships with Mussolini and Hitler.....

...his megalomania....

Even reggie might have to reconsider....
OK....time to straighten out this thread!

5. So....Roosevelt is the political version of the second coming!
Why else would the New Deal public policies continue to dominate American government???

How about we simply leave it as stated by historian Ray Allen Billington, that the New Deal "established for all time the principle of positive government action to rehabilitate and preserve the human resources of the nation."


6. But, .....before we wander off humming the tune, accepting this paean...there was one more witness to quite a bit closer to the scene of the crime than any of the above historians.....

Roosevelt's..... BFF, secretary of the treasury, Henry on finance and compendium of statistics on the economy of the 1930's.
What does Henry say?

" “We have tried spending money. We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just one interest, and if I am wrong…somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job. I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises…I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started…And an enormous debt to boot!”
Morgenthau Diary, May 9, 1939, Franklin Roosevelt Presidential Library

"We have never made good on our promises…"

So....if FDR never made good on his promises.......
...what does that tell us about all the fluff from his stenographers....I mean 'historians'????

a. And how about more Leftwing testimony that pokes holes in the views of Liberal historians:
New Deal and the National Recovery Administration, concluding that “ on the whole it retarded recovery.”
The Real Deal - Society and Culture - AEI

So....he didn't keep his promises....and his policies failed.....

"Is it possible that the Roosevelt legend is really the Roosevelt myth?"
Folsom, "New Deal or Raw Deal?" page 15.

Morganthau was a gentleman farmer, a neighbor of FDR and was a fiscal conservative. He disagreed with FDR on many money issues but FDR kept him on. FDR seemed to like a variety of opinions and Morganthau's was one. If you notice I asked you to look up FDR's second bill to Congress figuring this was where you were headed. Might check out the new bonus bill for veterans at the same time that is if you want to do some real history research.

My, how deftly you avoided the thrust!

Not only Morganthau was mentioned, but so was a Leftwing study journal.....

and the conclusion of both was that FDR was a failure.

One can only wonder, if the the media, and academia, were not wholly owned subsidiaries of the Left.....the truths that would be known about FDR

...his economic failures,.....

....his acceptance of homicidal regimes....

...his lock-step economic partnerships with Mussolini and Hitler.....

...his megalomania....

Even reggie might have to reconsider....

The ratings will change as new presidents come and go and even as new materials are discovered. It must be unpleasant to create one's history and discover the real historians the boys in the universities disagree, and calling the historians communists, traitors, and other names hasn't seemed to help. There are those historians that write history for the bucks first, and history second but they don't seem to have much clout. But take comfort, even now some are looking to find something that will destroy FDR's presidential rating, and even though they have been looking since 1932, should not destroy hope.
If FDR haters keep citing WW II's command economy as what 'got us out of the Depression', it doesn't make their own economic propaganda look that good in comparison; I guess such contradictions aren't as much of a concern as mindless partisan Democrat bashing.

Every graph I've seen of the 1930's economic growth shows a steep line of increases in GDP, back up to almost pre-Depression levels around 1937-38, with a small dip in 1937 or so, during the Supreme Court battles.

Of course, it's likely the Communists infiltrated the graph making business, like they infiltrated and ran everything else.
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