Ronald Reagan: & for whom the bell tolls

Go back and climb back under the rock you live under. Joe Biden is a millionaire and the president of the United States. My guess is your ass is sucking off disability and you don't have a pot to piss in. And if you voted for Trump, then it is pretty ironic that you would talk about being brain dead. I mean a vote for Trump is not only an indication of being brain dead, but clear indication of, at best, a racist piece of shit white trash with little education and no critical thinking skills.
The irony in this post is mind blowing.
Yes how did that seniuual fool become a millionaire? He has bever held a real job outside of government.

You need to get over Trump he is gone and consigned to the history books. Constantly citing trump is not an argument defending the incompetant Biden
He and Jill made over 11 million dollars in 2017, speaking fees and book sales. His net worth is about a fourth of Mitch McConnell's, where did Mitch's money come from and why do you never anyone bitch about his sorry ass? Been in the senate since 1985, never made more than two hundred grand a year, and has a net worth of close to 35 million dollars.
Here is President Ronald Reagan's final address to the nation before leaving office.

Only a moron would claim this man has dementia.

His own Dr's diagnosed him with Alzheimer's, Beavis.

And he died from it.

His own Dr's diagnosed him with Alzheimer's, Beavis.

And he died from it.

Thanks for posting the obvious, Dumbass.

Th OP made is sound like Reagan had lost his mind like Veggie Joe has while still in office. The two videos I posted destroys that lie.
Thanks for posting the obvious, Dumbass.

Th OP made is sound like Reagan had lost his mind like Veggie Joe has while still in office. The two videos I posted destroys that lie.
Whether or not he had it while in office does not change the fact that he was a lousy President & a first class bullshit artist.
Whether or not he had it while in office does not change the fact that he was a lousy President & a first class bullshit artist.
It amazes me that you think any thinking person puts any value on your troll opinions.
He and Jill made over 11 million dollars in 2017, speaking fees and book sales. His net worth is about a fourth of Mitch McConnell's, where did Mitch's money come from and why do you never anyone bitch about his sorry ass? Been in the senate since 1985, never made more than two hundred grand a year, and has a net worth of close to 35 million dollars.

I have asked about every wealthy politician regardless of party.

Biden is no better and clearly a senile incompetant bastard