Ronald Reagan Did Not Fire David Stockman

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Why Conservatives Lie About David Stockman

I keep seeing and hearing people write and say that Reagan fired David Stockman.

from the historical record: Letter Accepting the Resignation of David A. Stockman as Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Dear Dave:

It is with regret and a high regard for your accomplishments that I accept your resignation as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Not many people, even here in Washington, could name our Nation's Budget Directors for the past twenty years. But just about everyone knows who has held that post for the past four and a half years. Your analytical intelligence and obvious devotion to the public interest quickly made you one of my most important advisers. The fresh approach you brought to budget issues, and your courage in confronting long-established special interests, earned you the respect even of those who opposed us in specific areas. Most importantly, you have shown that it is possible to reduce Federal spending without sacrificing vital human services.


Ronald Reagan

... ... ...

One would think true conservatives would embrace Stockman:

David Stockman: “Crony Capitalism” Has Killed the Free Market and Democracy

David Stockman:


but most of the spankers here @ USMB only regurgitate the crap they get from narrow ideological sources

As usual, you don't know what you're talking about. Cabinet-level officers are almost never ADVERTISED as having been fired, they're told they have to resign, and usually are sent off PUBLICLY with all kinds of praise as to how they were the greatest thing since sliced bread, etc, but everyone "gets" what happened. Except you. :D
Ronald Reagan should be EXHUMED and sworn back in.

Never - and I mean NEVER - have I seen this country more fucked up since he left office.
As usual, you don't know what you're talking about. Cabinet-level officers are almost never ADVERTISED as having been fired, they're told they have to resign, and usually are sent off PUBLICLY with all kinds of praise as to how they were the greatest thing since sliced bread, etc, but everyone "gets" what happened. Except you. :D


Wow!! You must be really, really, really smaht.

David Stockman ran the OMB for Reagan. Stockman fought White House insiders and others while advising Reagan. Stockman servd Reagan and Reagan kept him on.

btw smaht-dope, most cabinet level officers in battles like Stockman was involved in usually retire, resign or get reassigned during a second term.

you are sooooo not so smaht.

Why Conservatives Lie About David Stockman

I keep seeing and hearing people write and say that Reagan fired David Stockman.

from the historical record: Letter Accepting the Resignation of David A. Stockman as Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Dear Dave:

It is with regret and a high regard for your accomplishments that I accept your resignation as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Not many people, even here in Washington, could name our Nation's Budget Directors for the past twenty years. But just about everyone knows who has held that post for the past four and a half years. Your analytical intelligence and obvious devotion to the public interest quickly made you one of my most important advisers. The fresh approach you brought to budget issues, and your courage in confronting long-established special interests, earned you the respect even of those who opposed us in specific areas. Most importantly, you have shown that it is possible to reduce Federal spending without sacrificing vital human services.


Ronald Reagan

... ... ...

I recall everyone saying that Obama fired McChrystal, yet I also read his resignation letter.
CaféAuLait;3871797 said:
Why Conservatives Lie About David Stockman

I keep seeing and hearing people write and say that Reagan fired David Stockman.

from the historical record: Letter Accepting the Resignation of David A. Stockman as Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Dear Dave:

It is with regret and a high regard for your accomplishments that I accept your resignation as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Not many people, even here in Washington, could name our Nation's Budget Directors for the past twenty years. But just about everyone knows who has held that post for the past four and a half years. Your analytical intelligence and obvious devotion to the public interest quickly made you one of my most important advisers. The fresh approach you brought to budget issues, and your courage in confronting long-established special interests, earned you the respect even of those who opposed us in specific areas. Most importantly, you have shown that it is possible to reduce Federal spending without sacrificing vital human services.


Ronald Reagan

... ... ...

I recall everyone saying that Obama fired McChrystal, yet I also read his resignation letter.

Fired is a powerful term. Very few people have been 'fired' by a President (General Douglas MacArthur who was fired by Truman, and Oliver North who was fired by President Reagan, come to mind.

Most cabinet officials do not stay for second terms because of inside admin turf battles.

Facts suck when one is a wingnut or moonbat, but they are what they are.

Reality bites when pushing ideologically based opinions
Stockman was not 'fired' by Reagan. Drugstore Marine Oliver North was fired by Reagan.

Why does it seem like conservatives have to spin and lie about every single thing?

The right loves men like Oliver North.

about Ollie North: His Silver Star is no big deal by the standards of the Vietnam war. In Vietnam a total of 21,630 Silver Stars were awarded to Army personnel. Marines received more than 2500. I have nine altogether (five from Korea and four from Vietnam) and gave back a tenth because the action that I was cited for never happened. All too often in Vietnam, officers got medals just for showing up. North also won the Bronze Star. There were 720,000 awarded by the Army during the Vietnam war. No one can count the stunning acts of heroism that was obscured by the excesses of the medal count. Many Vietnam veterans got medals, but most don't try to exploit them or make more of them than they are worth.

Retired Major General John Singlaub, a man well-known for his physical and moral courage, said, "To people all over the world Ollie North was a hero. But I knew better. There was a wide gap between the media image of Ollie North--the honest, loyal Marine--and the sordid reality of his true character and performance."
- David Hackworth on Oliver North
CaféAuLait;3871797 said:
Why Conservatives Lie About David Stockman

I keep seeing and hearing people write and say that Reagan fired David Stockman.

from the historical record: Letter Accepting the Resignation of David A. Stockman as Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Dear Dave:

It is with regret and a high regard for your accomplishments that I accept your resignation as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Not many people, even here in Washington, could name our Nation's Budget Directors for the past twenty years. But just about everyone knows who has held that post for the past four and a half years. Your analytical intelligence and obvious devotion to the public interest quickly made you one of my most important advisers. The fresh approach you brought to budget issues, and your courage in confronting long-established special interests, earned you the respect even of those who opposed us in specific areas. Most importantly, you have shown that it is possible to reduce Federal spending without sacrificing vital human services.


Ronald Reagan

... ... ...

I recall everyone saying that Obama fired McChrystal, yet I also read his resignation letter.

That's how the game is played, but some don't get it. :rolleyes:
CaféAuLait;3871797 said:
Why Conservatives Lie About David Stockman

I keep seeing and hearing people write and say that Reagan fired David Stockman.

from the historical record: Letter Accepting the Resignation of David A. Stockman as Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Dear Dave:

It is with regret and a high regard for your accomplishments that I accept your resignation as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Not many people, even here in Washington, could name our Nation's Budget Directors for the past twenty years. But just about everyone knows who has held that post for the past four and a half years. Your analytical intelligence and obvious devotion to the public interest quickly made you one of my most important advisers. The fresh approach you brought to budget issues, and your courage in confronting long-established special interests, earned you the respect even of those who opposed us in specific areas. Most importantly, you have shown that it is possible to reduce Federal spending without sacrificing vital human services.


Ronald Reagan

... ... ...

I recall everyone saying that Obama fired McChrystal, yet I also read his resignation letter.

That's how the game is played, but some don't get it. :rolleyes:


Some of you losers see a conspiracy around every corner.

There have been well documented battles within every administration.

because of these battles many people resign and move on, are burnt out, are maybe pressured to leave...but some resign in disgrace or get fired .. FIRED... like conservative darling Oliver North and :eusa_whistle:
Why Conservatives Lie About David Stockman

I keep seeing and hearing people write and say that Reagan fired David Stockman.

from the historical record: Letter Accepting the Resignation of David A. Stockman as Director of the Office of Management and Budget

Dear Dave:

It is with regret and a high regard for your accomplishments that I accept your resignation as Director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Not many people, even here in Washington, could name our Nation's Budget Directors for the past twenty years. But just about everyone knows who has held that post for the past four and a half years. Your analytical intelligence and obvious devotion to the public interest quickly made you one of my most important advisers. The fresh approach you brought to budget issues, and your courage in confronting long-established special interests, earned you the respect even of those who opposed us in specific areas. Most importantly, you have shown that it is possible to reduce Federal spending without sacrificing vital human services.


Ronald Reagan

... ... ...
The CON$ say Stockman was fired because he resigned in PROTEST over deficit spending. To the Right that is heresy!

But have no fear, the CON$ suddenly love him again because he now claims the "Real" unemployment rate is 42.9%

June 30, 2015
RUSH: David Stockman was the former budget director for Ronaldus Magnus until for some reason he was taken to the woodshed and fired. Oh, I know what it was. He disavowed supply-side, which was his own creation. Anyway, Stockman has run a bunch of numbers and has been able to put all of this in context and has concluded that the actual unemployment rate in the United States of America is not 5.5%, and it's not 12.5% or 13%. It is 42.9%
Ed, please get a life. If you don't have one of your own, go rent one from Home Depot

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