Ron Paul qualifies for RNC ballot and is going to Tampa

I love how it's always Ron Paul's fault that republicans laughed at government reduction legislation.

Everyone laughs at Ron Paul's legislation.

He is like 1 for 600+. Nobody supports him.

You live in a fantasy world.

You don't seem to want to try and answer the question of WHY, though. The man authors perfectly good government shrinking conservative legislation while the rest of the congress is worried about steroids in baseball or honoring mother's day or some stupid ass shit, and his colleagues see fit to ignore his attempts to reduce the size and scope of government even though that's their party platform.

Why do you think that is?
I mean, I could see if it was just an issue of not liking him and sticking it to him by ignoring HIS attempts and then coming back with their own attempts and still pushing through some good conservative bills...but they don't do that, do they? They ignore him, and ultimately ignore their platform as well.

I think it's pretty pathetic that you still buy that they're looking to reduce the size of government. They've had DECADES to put their money where their mouth is and all they've done is oversee more growth.
See, Paulie, we both know that Ron Paul would be absolutely incapable of uniting America.

While he is a whacked out Liberal in disguise, even the Leftists wouldn't buy into his 'end the Fed' nonsense. Nobody is buying the horsepucky you are peddling.

Republicans will politely give Paul a chance to speak in the off-hours of the Convention, and after that time Libertarianism will return to its richly deserved total obscurity.
Smells like fear

You can't refute a word of it, Paulie.

Ron Paul would be absolutely incapable of uniting America. He would be a horrible POTUS.

Even though Libertarians are just whacked out Liberals in disguise - which you freaks never even attempt to refute, not even the most freaky hard Leftists wouldn't buy into his 'end the Fed' nonsense.

You guys are peddling bullshit that would never work in the real world.

Stop being suck fucking fools.

Republicans will politely give Paul a chance to speak in the off-hours of the Convention, and after that time Libertarianism will return to its richly deserved total obscurity.
For not reading most of my posts you certainly are in rapid fire reply mode.

Be careful with predictions, kiddo. They can come back and bite you in the balls.
For not reading most of my posts you certainly are in rapid fire reply mode.

This isn't my first rodeo.

Libertarianism didn't work in Deadwood, and it won't work today.

Human Nature sinks it, just like it sinks communism.

Trust me, I know, we're too stupid as a society to be responsible for ourselves and be free. We need you authoritarians to carve out the path for us :thup:

By Adele M. Stan

The Ron Paul campaign's latest hijinks have Mitt Romney operatives in a tizzy.

Mitt Romney may have the Republican presidential nomination all but locked up, but if Ron Paul has his way, Romney will either cut a deal with the iconoclastic Texas congressman, or face an ugly scene in Florida at the party's national convention in Florida. It's still a long march to Tampa, and in the final leg, Paul might just plant his foot in Romney's "Happy Nomination!" cake. Today in Nevada, the statewide Republican convention may offer a glimpse of what Paul has in store for Tampa.

With Newt Gingrich now gone from the GOP presidential race, Romney faces only one challenger, Ron Paul, who has vowed to stay in the race until the bitter end. And lest you think his quest quixotic, word on the street is that the latest antics of the Ron Paul campaign have Romney operatives "in a panic," according to a Paul adviser quoted in the right-wing Daily Caller. For while the political media focused on the Romney-Santorum smackdown and the penguin that attacked Newt, Ron Paul's zealots have been quietly maneuvering to stack the delegate slates in certain states in favor of the John Birch Society's favorite Republican.

Delegate Stratgery: Paul Forces Gain Control of State Parties

More: Does Ron Paul Plan to Turn the GOP Convention into a Food Fight? | Election 2012 | AlterNet
Aw, the GOP Convention could be even more hilarious than usual. Whatever Ron Paul is up to, it's not for him - it's for his teabagger son, Rand Paul. Gee, I wonder who "Rand" was named after...

Ayn Paul has a better ring to it...

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