Ron Paul qualifies for RNC ballot and is going to Tampa

Why are the Libertariantards so interested in the Republican convention?

Is it because the Liberatarian candidate can be expected to get about one-half-of-one percent of the popular vote once again, proving their irrelevancy?

Must be why they leg hump.


Didn't like my answer I take it... I don't really care what your opinion is of why libertarians are in the Republican party because it’s your loss and our gain in the end... Fact is the libertarian moment is growing by leaps and bounds and we are sucking the life out of your party. Have fun with that.
Not enough to actually WIN any states through the primary process

Stealing delegates in back room deals does not make you a man of the people
It's not a back room deal you fucking moron. It's called a convention. When the plurality of delegates is for a certain candidate, that candidate's delegate slate gets elected.

You don't know SHIT about politics.

I do know a SHIT candidate when I see one

Ron Paul has run for president three times and has never done SHIT. He has a loyal Internet following but never gets anyone to actually pull the lever for him

Links to no votes for Paul this go around, I can provide evidence that he has got about 3x that of 4 years ago and pulled around 20% of the overall vote this primary season... Why do you lie so much RW, you have to know it makes everything else you say a possible lie as well?

Odd that I asked for links to Paul getting no votes, you admit what you said was not true only to in the same thread once again claim Paul gets no votes... Little TruthMatters syndrome going on there.

Anyways, vote for Obama RW, he has all teh same policies as Bush only expanded, you should love that.
Not enough to actually WIN any states through the primary process

Stealing delegates in back room deals does not make you a man of the people
It's not a back room deal you fucking moron. It's called a convention. When the plurality of delegates is for a certain candidate, that candidate's delegate slate gets elected.

You don't know SHIT about politics.

I do know a SHIT candidate when I see one

Ron Paul has run for president three times and has never done SHIT. He has a loyal Internet following but never gets anyone to actually pull the lever for him

In retrospect, I don't give a FUCK about levers when he's getting delegates regardless. His supporters go above and beyond showing up to the polling location and casting a vote quick enough to get back home and catch Wheel of Fortune. They actually get INVOLVED.

It should be noted that rightwinger here never misses a Paul thread either :lol:

For an irrelevant guy, Paul sure does command a lot of attention.
It's not a back room deal you fucking moron. It's called a convention. When the plurality of delegates is for a certain candidate, that candidate's delegate slate gets elected.

You don't know SHIT about politics.

I do know a SHIT candidate when I see one

Ron Paul has run for president three times and has never done SHIT. He has a loyal Internet following but never gets anyone to actually pull the lever for him

In retrospect, I don't give a FUCK about levers when he's getting delegates regardless. His supporters go above and beyond showing up to the polling location and casting a vote quick enough to get back home and catch Wheel of Fortune. They actually get INVOLVED.

It should be noted that rightwinger here never misses a Paul thread either :lol:

For an irrelevant guy, Paul sure does command a lot of attention.

RW is scared of a Paul/Obama debate because as it stands RW can safely attack the fact that Mitt is only conservative by rhetoric. Mitt like most Republicans is for big Government on every single level possible, basically Republicans are Democrats and that helps in a debate where you can call people on their extremely poor record where they vote in opposite of their talking points.

Paul on the other has a voting record that matches his rhetoric, this is dangerous to other politicians and Obama because most people who don't even agree with Paul leave feeling like of the 2 politicians talking at least they don't feel Paul lied to them. Paul is an actual conservative where as if someone like Mitt or Bush have power and fuck shit up, despite being very progressive and pro Government it leaves “Small Government” open for attack because that is what people like Mitt and Bush claimed to be. Basically RW gets things his way, when things fail he gets to blame small Government despite never living under such a thing in his entire life.

As it stands now it’s a game of calling each other out on their hypocrisy, Paul is the exception to that rule.
RW is scared of a Paul/Obama debate


Like that would ever happen.

You narco-libertarians live in an absolute fantasy world.

You extreme liberals belong in the Democrat party. Just go there and teach them to be fiscally responsible, and you will have the party of your dreams.
I do know a SHIT candidate when I see one

Ron Paul has run for president three times and has never done SHIT. He has a loyal Internet following but never gets anyone to actually pull the lever for him

In retrospect, I don't give a FUCK about levers when he's getting delegates regardless. His supporters go above and beyond showing up to the polling location and casting a vote quick enough to get back home and catch Wheel of Fortune. They actually get INVOLVED.

It should be noted that rightwinger here never misses a Paul thread either :lol:

For an irrelevant guy, Paul sure does command a lot of attention.

RW is scared of a Paul/Obama debate because as it stands RW can safely attack the fact that Mitt is only conservative by rhetoric. Mitt like most Republicans is for big Government on every single level possible, basically Republicans are Democrats and that helps in a debate where you can call people on their extremely poor record where they vote in opposite of their talking points.

Paul on the other has a voting record that matches his rhetoric, this is dangerous to other politicians and Obama because most people who don't even agree with Paul leave feeling like of the 2 politicians talking at least they don't feel Paul lied to them. Paul is an actual conservative where as if someone like Mitt or Bush have power and fuck shit up, despite being very progressive and pro Government it leaves “Small Government” open for attack because that is what people like Mitt and Bush claimed to be. Basically RW gets things his way, when things fail he gets to blame small Government despite never living under such a thing in his entire life.

As it stands now it’s a game of calling each other out on their hypocrisy, Paul is the exception to that rule.
What's hilarious is that while these idiots sit here and continue to talk about popular vote counts, Paul is probably going to end up with more actual delegates than Gingrich or Santorum and he only got a fraction of their vote totals :lol:
RW is scared of a Paul/Obama debate


Like that would ever happen.

You narco-libertarians live in an absolute fantasy world.

You extreme liberals belong in the Democrat party. Just go there and teach them to be fiscally responsible, and you will have the party of your dreams.

So let me get this straight.... You will vote for Mitt, a guy who's record is closer to Obama's than any other politician out there currently and you're telling me to go to the Democratic party? You know Mitt didn't raise taxes, because he didn't have to... Mitt just got money from the federal Government to pay for Romneycare, kinda like Obama won't raise taxes but just borrow it from China for Obamacare...

You have to know how desperate you sound when you attack these days SF.

You're to easy to beat up btw, lol. Care to point out a society that started under the Republican platform? Come on sniper, you can get close, it's just opposite of what most consider American. Remember they have to like meaningless wars they can't afford, massive deficits, big Government programs like MC/MC part D/SS/ DoEducation, Welfare and son on... Oh, but you also have to be pro life and not allow Gays to get married but be sure unlike the US constitution you find one where you can openly discriminate against one group of people based purely on sexuality... Or maybe this is one of those instances where the FF couldn’t foresee gay people as there were none when they were alive and that’s why they didn’t add it in there.
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RW is scared of a Paul/Obama debate


Like that would ever happen.

You narco-libertarians live in an absolute fantasy world.

You extreme liberals belong in the Democrat party. Just go there and teach them to be fiscally responsible, and you will have the party of your dreams.

So let me get this straight.... You will vote for Mitt

Balanced budgets for four straight years. Ran a functioning government which was 80% hostile to him. Created several major new businesses and successfully turned around many more. Successfully orchestrated our Olympic games. Promises to return healthcare issues to the States as our Federal system mandates.

Then again, you will vote for old Ron Paul who sponsored over 600 bills, all of which were laughed out of Washington except one.

But hey, you are on the right track because just like everyone else here in the real world, Ron Paul wants to 'end the Fed.'

Rolling on the floor, laughing my considerable ass off.

Like that would ever happen.

You narco-libertarians live in an absolute fantasy world.

You extreme liberals belong in the Democrat party. Just go there and teach them to be fiscally responsible, and you will have the party of your dreams.

So let me get this straight.... You will vote for Mitt

Balanced budgets for four straight years. Ran a functioning government which was 80% hostile to him. Created several major new businesses and successfully turned around many more. Successfully orchestrated our Olympic games. Promises to return healthcare issues to the States as our Federal system mandates.

Then again, you will vote for old Ron Paul who sponsored over 600 bills, all of which were laughed out of Washington except one.

But hey, you are on the right track because just like everyone else here in the real world, Ron Paul wants to 'end the Fed.'

Rolling on the floor, laughing my considerable ass off.

And there you go supporting a liberal for liberal reasons and hatin on a conservative because liberals laff at him when he puts bill up to shrink Government.

States are not allowed to run deficits, so grats on that. Secondly Mitt got CRAZY amounts of Federal money for the Olympics and for Romneycare in order to not have to raise taxes and run deficits.

Ron Paul actually ran a business and worked there, Mitt just fires bitchs and dumps debt on companies he takes over, an idiot off the street could do what Mitt did.

I also like how Mitt is not against his HC plan on a federal level, after he clearly said he would like to see it on a federal level.

SF, you speak to the politically inferior. Without context Mitt sounds great, with context he was a horrid Governor who spends far more than his state can afford so he made the rest of the nation pay his bills to this day.

States are not allowed to run deficits, so garts on that. Secondly Mitt got CRAZY amounts of Federal money for the olympoics and for Romneycare in ordr to not have to raise taxes and run deficits.

Ron Paul actually ran a business and worked there, Mitt just fires bitchs and dumps debt on companies he takes over, an idiot off the street could do what Mitt did.

I also like how Mitt is not against his HC plan on a federal level, after he clearly said he would like to see it on a federal level.

Not that it matters but it's Mitts word against yours.

[ame=]2009 Romney glad to hear Obama copying RomneyCare - YouTube[/ame] Mitt supports HC on a Federal level.

[ame=]2002 Romney- I Know How to Get Federal Money- Look at How Much I Got for the Olympics! - YouTube[/ame] Mitt robs us (on a fedeal level) for Olympics.

[ame=]The Olympic Bailout - YouTube[/ame] The most costly Olympics in history at 1.3 billion.

Tommy Thompson had key role in establishing Romneycare - JSOnline Romneycare takes about 500-600 million a year from the rest of the US to not raise taxes or run deficits.
So, what is Pauls plan when he gets there? What's the end game?

Supporting the Constitution and reclaiming Liberty for "we the people"

The powers we fought at our birth have taken everything back under their claws.

Ron Paul wants us to be free.

What? You don't like freedom?
So let me get this straight.... You will vote for Mitt

Balanced budgets for four straight years. Ran a functioning government which was 80% hostile to him. Created several major new businesses and successfully turned around many more. Successfully orchestrated our Olympic games. Promises to return healthcare issues to the States as our Federal system mandates.

Then again, you will vote for old Ron Paul who sponsored over 600 bills, all of which were laughed out of Washington except one.

But hey, you are on the right track because just like everyone else here in the real world, Ron Paul wants to 'end the Fed.'

Rolling on the floor, laughing my considerable ass off.

And there you go supporting a liberal for liberal reasons and hatin on a conservative because liberals laff at him when he puts bill up to shrink Government.

No, I am supporting a moderate Republican who I believe might be the only person in America who can actually bring this Nation together.

You support a freakshow who wasn't even vetted by Republican party, much less the rest of the Nation - one that has lived off of gubmint payments in large measure for about 60 years, and one who is a legislative laughingstock as evidenced by perhaps the worst legislatitve success in history.

One of us lives in the real world. The other thinks we can 'end the Fed.'

Obama and Romney are two peas in a pod. :lol:

They are, they are picked for us by our overlords who hate our guts as "we the people"

It looks like this

It works like this :

"The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party, which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies."

Carroll Quigley
Balanced budgets for four straight years. Ran a functioning government which was 80% hostile to him. Created several major new businesses and successfully turned around many more. Successfully orchestrated our Olympic games. Promises to return healthcare issues to the States as our Federal system mandates.

Then again, you will vote for old Ron Paul who sponsored over 600 bills, all of which were laughed out of Washington except one.

But hey, you are on the right track because just like everyone else here in the real world, Ron Paul wants to 'end the Fed.'

Rolling on the floor, laughing my considerable ass off.

And there you go supporting a liberal for liberal reasons and hatin on a conservative because liberals laff at him when he puts bill up to shrink Government.

No, I am supporting a moderate Republican who I believe might be the only person in America who can actually bring this Nation together.

You support a freakshow who wasn't even vetted by Republican party, much less the rest of the Nation - one that has lived off of gubmint payments in large measure for about 60 years, and one who is a legislative laughingstock as evidenced by perhaps the worst legislatitve success in history.

One of us lives in the real world. The other thinks we can 'end the Fed.'

Meh, everyday you sound more and more like a progressive to everyone. Still can't answer the question I asked of you I see, but yet you keep Trollin lol. I proved with video of Mitt that he is everything you claim to hate in his race, yet like a lemming you keep going and going and going....
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And there you go supporting a liberal for liberal reasons and hatin on a conservative because liberals laff at him when he puts bill up to shrink Government.

No, I am supporting a moderate Republican who I believe might be the only person in America who can actually bring this Nation together.

You support a freakshow who wasn't even vetted by Republican party, much less the rest of the Nation - one that has lived off of gubmint payments in large measure for about 60 years, and one who is a legislative laughingstock as evidenced by perhaps the worst legislatitve success in history.

One of us lives in the real world. The other thinks we can 'end the Fed.'

Meh, everyday you sound more and more like a progressive to everyone.

You can't handle the truth.

Could Ron Paul unite America?

Like that would ever happen.

You narco-libertarians live in an absolute fantasy world.

You extreme liberals belong in the Democrat party. Just go there and teach them to be fiscally responsible, and you will have the party of your dreams.

So let me get this straight.... You will vote for Mitt

Balanced budgets for four straight years. Ran a functioning government which was 80% hostile to him. Created several major new businesses and successfully turned around many more. Successfully orchestrated our Olympic games. Promises to return healthcare issues to the States as our Federal system mandates.

Then again, you will vote for old Ron Paul who sponsored over 600 bills, all of which were laughed out of Washington except one.

But hey, you are on the right track because just like everyone else here in the real world, Ron Paul wants to 'end the Fed.'

Rolling on the floor, laughing my considerable ass off.

I love how it's always Ron Paul's fault that republicans laughed at government reduction legislation.

At what point do you start to take your own inventory and ask why the FUCK they wouldn't co-sponsor perfectly good conservative legislation?
So is it going to be a wild conspiracy when Romney gets there with all the delegates he needs in hand and Ron Paul loses as expected?

Fuck no.

Everyone knows that the founding fathers intended to create a massive bankrupt fascistic welfare/warfare state.

As always, Heil Hitler.


Do you often make responses that have absolutely nothing to do with what you're quoting?
Ron Paul qualifies for RNC ballot and is going to Tampa
Ron Paul qualifies for RNC ballot and is going to Tampa - YouTube

Comment: This is a great video showing what the MSM and the GOP don't want you to see.
Notice Mitt always has people behind him when he speaks, because he has a very small crowd and trys to trick people. But Ron Paul Speaks on his own and their are "Thousands" in front of him.

People Love Ron Paul

I hope he has a nice visit. but he'll NEVER be a Republican President. dash it all to hell!

He authored a bill to eliminate the DOE, something republicans have talked about for YEARS. BAM! There you go, there's your bill to fucking DO IT. But did they co-sponsor it and let it out of committee?

Of course not. Because they're not really conservatives.

Here's what the GOP is these days, AT BEST: They stall the democrats in their attempts to steer the country left, giving the appearance that they must be conservatives if they're doing that, and then at the end of the day they do NOTHING to steer the country back right again.

It's left, or not right. That's our 2 parties.

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