Once upon a time Obama let an Al Qaeda commander go called as they are wont to be called Al Baghdadi.

He commands now an army of terrorists. I think this could be a lesson. What could possibly go wrong when you let loose a high commander of an opposing force that you are fighting?
Iraqi cities need as many depleted uranium, white phosphorous, agent orange, napalm and daisy cutter bombs as we can bestow upon them over the next few years....
Obama is doing the right thing for once --- nothing.

In 2006, I invited the late General Bill Odom to address my Thursday Congressional luncheon group. Gen. Odom, a former NSA director, called the Iraq war “the greatest strategic disaster in American history,” and told the surprised audience that he could not understand why Congress had not impeached the president for pushing this disaster on the United States. History continues to prove the General’s assessment absolutely correct.

In September, 2002, arguing against a US attack on Iraq, I said the following on the House Floor:

No credible evidence has been produced that Iraq has or is close to having nuclear weapons. No evidence exists to show that Iraq harbors al Qaeda terrorists. Quite to the contrary, experts on this region recognize Hussein as an enemy of the al Qaeda and a foe to Islamic fundamentalism.
Unfortunately, Congress did not listen.

As we know, last week the second largest city in Iraq, Mosul, fell to the al-Qaeda allied Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Last week an al-Qaeda that had not been in Iraq before our 2003 invasion threatened to move on the capitol, Baghdad, after it easily over-ran tens of thousands of Iraqi military troops.

The same foreign policy “experts” who lied us into the Iraq war are now telling us we must re-invade Iraq to deal with the disaster caused by their invasion! They cannot admit they were wrong about the invasion being a “cakewalk” that would pay for itself, so they want to blame last week’s events on the 2011 US withdrawal from Iraq. But the trouble started with the 2003 invasion itself, not the 2011 troop withdrawal. Anyone who understands cause and effect should understand this.

'Fuck the Neocons.

And fuck Ron Paul that stupid little racist asshole. That goes triple for his followers.
Saudi money went to help ISIS; this is a Saudi Iran fight. Let's see what nationality were all but 4 or 5 of the 9/11 terrorists? Swiss, Spanish, Somalian? Wait, SAUDI! Uncle Bandar might have loved Maine, and King Abdullah gave baby Bush a kiss; Bush looked so thrilled, no wonder Bush won't comment; nothing to do with "not criticizing the Presidents after" a former President, nor his always poor grasp of most issues. ISIS has the Saudi seal on it. Here isa link:
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Saudi money went to help ISIS; this is a Saudi Iran fight. Let's see what nationality were all but 4 or 5 of the 9/11 terrorists? Swiss, Spanish, Somalian? Wait, SAUDI! Uncle Bandar might have loved Maine, and King Abdullah gave baby Bush a kiss; Bush looked so thrilled, no wonder Bush won't comment; nothing to do with "not criticizing the Presidents after" a former President, nor his always poor grasp of most issues. ISIS has the Saudi seal on it. Here isa link:

ISIS: The Saudis helped create a monster they can't control in Iraq.

They were Saudis by birth but had booted from the country.
Saudi money went to help ISIS; this is a Saudi Iran fight. Let's see what nationality were all but 4 or 5 of the 9/11 terrorists? Swiss, Spanish, Somalian? Wait, SAUDI! Uncle Bandar might have loved Maine, and King Abdullah gave baby Bush a kiss; Bush looked so thrilled, no wonder Bush won't comment; nothing to do with "not criticizing the Presidents after" a former President, nor his always poor grasp of most issues. ISIS has the Saudi seal on it. Here isa link:

ISIS: The Saudis helped create a monster they can't control in Iraq.

They were Saudis by birth but had booted from the country.

Yet Prince Bandar's wife gave al Qaeda "humanitarian" millions; the Saudis are in Syria also:

How Saudi aid made a construction worker a top Syrian rebel commander -

Wherever there is Islamic terror, a Saudi connection pops up. Quit dreaming; the US didn't tone the heat on al Qaeda just because Bush wanted to "take out" "The Man Who Threatened Poppy". The Bush family and Saudi royalty go back to GHWB's youth. And now we know where ISIS gets their money.
Saudi money went to help ISIS; this is a Saudi Iran fight. Let's see what nationality were all but 4 or 5 of the 9/11 terrorists? Swiss, Spanish, Somalian? Wait, SAUDI! Uncle Bandar might have loved Maine, and King Abdullah gave baby Bush a kiss; Bush looked so thrilled, no wonder Bush won't comment; nothing to do with "not criticizing the Presidents after" a former President, nor his always poor grasp of most issues. ISIS has the Saudi seal on it. Here isa link:

ISIS: The Saudis helped create a monster they can't control in Iraq.

They were Saudis by birth but had booted from the country.

Yet Prince Bandar's wife gave al Qaeda "humanitarian" millions; the Saudis are in Syria also:

How Saudi aid made a construction worker a top Syrian rebel commander -

Wherever there is Islamic terror, a Saudi connection pops up. Quit dreaming; the US didn't tone the heat on al Qaeda just because Bush wanted to "take out" "The Man Who Threatened Poppy". The Bush family and Saudi royalty go back to GHWB's youth. And now we know where ISIS gets their money.

The Saudi's also paid us BILLIONS to take Kuwait back.
They were Saudis by birth but had booted from the country.

Yet Prince Bandar's wife gave al Qaeda "humanitarian" millions; the Saudis are in Syria also:

How Saudi aid made a construction worker a top Syrian rebel commander -

Wherever there is Islamic terror, a Saudi connection pops up. Quit dreaming; the US didn't tone the heat on al Qaeda just because Bush wanted to "take out" "The Man Who Threatened Poppy". The Bush family and Saudi royalty go back to GHWB's youth. And now we know where ISIS gets their money.

The Saudi's also paid us BILLIONS to take Kuwait back.

IBT isn't a "liberal" site, another story about the Saudi/ISIS connection:

“A terrorist organization is in many ways like a business firm, but with different motives,” said Victor Asal, Associate Professor of Political Science at the State University of New York - Albany. He collects organizational data on terrorist groups in order to analyze factors that affect their behavior.

“ISIS is most likely getting funding from outside sources and private funding from individuals in the Gulf region,” he said.

A report from the Council on Foreign Relations says that many believe supporters in Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia provide “the bulk of past funding.”
If we let the Sunni exterminate the Shia maybe the list to kill will be quiet for awhile.

Nevertheless we should do nothing. We don't have competent leaders. obama will only make things worse.

This one I fear Katz. I'm thinking Putin is going to step in. Baghdadi cannot be allowed to reach Baghdad.

Tiny, the best thing to happen would be if Putin stepped in. At least he knows what he's doing. You know, though, the first thing he would do is demand that obama stop funding and arming ISIS in Syria. You think Obama will stop? I don't. Now ISIS has our stinger missiles. They can now shoot down any commercial aircraft in the world.

It might take Russia or China or both to stop obama. I wish they would. Otherwise he will build the largest terrorist army the world has ever seen. And obama will have destroyed the United States along with any hope of defeating that army.
Yet Prince Bandar's wife gave al Qaeda "humanitarian" millions; the Saudis are in Syria also:

How Saudi aid made a construction worker a top Syrian rebel commander -

Wherever there is Islamic terror, a Saudi connection pops up. Quit dreaming; the US didn't tone the heat on al Qaeda just because Bush wanted to "take out" "The Man Who Threatened Poppy". The Bush family and Saudi royalty go back to GHWB's youth. And now we know where ISIS gets their money.

The Saudi's also paid us BILLIONS to take Kuwait back.

IBT isn't a "liberal" site, another story about the Saudi/ISIS connection:

“A terrorist organization is in many ways like a business firm, but with different motives,” said Victor Asal, Associate Professor of Political Science at the State University of New York - Albany. He collects organizational data on terrorist groups in order to analyze factors that affect their behavior.

“ISIS is most likely getting funding from outside sources and private funding from individuals in the Gulf region,” he said.

A report from the Council on Foreign Relations says that many believe supporters in Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia provide “the bulk of past funding.”

So what's Kerry and Obama up to ??

In the latter case, Prince Saud Al Faisal, at a press conference alongside U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in November, offered, “The fact of the matter is that the historic relationship between the two countries has always been based on independence, mutual respect, common interest, and constructive cooperation on regional and international issues to serve global peace and security.” He added, “A true relationship between friends is based on sincerity, candor, and frankness rather than mere courtesy. Within this perspective, it’s only natural that our policies and views might see agreement in some areas and disagreement in others. That’s perfectly normal in any serious relationship that spans a wide range of issues.”

US-Saudi Arabian Relations ? Long, Badeeb | SUSRIS
So sending in troops to protect our embasy is the wrong move?....
Oh yeah...I forgot about Benghazi...
Protecting ours is a bad thing.

Unless it's making a deal to get a deserter.
Yes. Send them in with helicopters which are on the way there,evacuate the embassy and leave until its all over.
So let ISIS continue the slaughters? It was Republicans who were isolationist in 1930s, how did that work out?

Not isolationist twit. It was non interventionism.North Korea is an isolationist country.

Yall know what I saw on the news tonight. THOUSANDS of Iraqi's streaming into a recruiting and basic training camp trying to sign up to fight ISIS. Some as young as 12 they said. All there to defend their country from the terrorists. LET THEM! They don't want nor need our help! Our "help" brought the chaos that's going on now to fruition.

And before the US entered WWII, we stayed out while millions of "undesirables" were slaughtered, never again(.)
The Saudi's also paid us BILLIONS to take Kuwait back.

IBT isn't a "liberal" site, another story about the Saudi/ISIS connection:

“A terrorist organization is in many ways like a business firm, but with different motives,” said Victor Asal, Associate Professor of Political Science at the State University of New York - Albany. He collects organizational data on terrorist groups in order to analyze factors that affect their behavior.

“ISIS is most likely getting funding from outside sources and private funding from individuals in the Gulf region,” he said.

A report from the Council on Foreign Relations says that many believe supporters in Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia provide “the bulk of past funding.”

So what's Kerry and Obama up to ??

In the latter case, Prince Saud Al Faisal, at a press conference alongside U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in November, offered, “The fact of the matter is that the historic relationship between the two countries has always been based on independence, mutual respect, common interest, and constructive cooperation on regional and international issues to serve global peace and security.” He added, “A true relationship between friends is based on sincerity, candor, and frankness rather than mere courtesy. Within this perspective, it’s only natural that our policies and views might see agreement in some areas and disagreement in others. That’s perfectly normal in any serious relationship that spans a wide range of issues.”

US-Saudi Arabian Relations ? Long, Badeeb | SUSRIS
It is to be hoped, giving the Saudi leadership some idea of what life is like now without a President in their back pocket.
So sending in troops to protect our embasy is the wrong move?....
Oh yeah...I forgot about Benghazi...
Protecting ours is a bad thing.

Unless it's making a deal to get a deserter.

Why make up an argument and then attack your own made up argument. Do you know how stupid that looks?

At least when I say Republicans cut food stamps for poor children or Republicans defended BP after the oil fiasco, it's something that they really did.
Actually you fucking asshole it was "you can't kill kuwaitis"

Yeah that warmongering cry. You can't kill kuwaitis. Not allowed to kill your neighbors. Hell ya!

The United States devotes more resources to the defense of oil in the Persian Gulf than most people realize—a total of more than $334 billion per year (in 2009 dollars).

To ensure the free flow of oil from the Middle East, the United States maintains military facilities in Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Iraq—as well as in nearby Egypt, Djibouti, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Diego Garcia.

No War for Oil: Books: The Independent Institute

Build the Keystone you asshole :lol: I don't want to behead you. I'm really sorry as I can be about Justin Bieber and Celine. I'm probably going to be living in Florida soon. Sorries.

BUT I'm way nicer than a jihadist. We have great coffee and donuts. No keeeeeeeding.

Honest. Build the Keystone.

Stop talking.
Your bastard in chief wanted Assad gone and let this monster grow in Syria. He could have been dealt with.

But your mother fucker President wanted Syria turned over and let this bugger grow an army in the thousands. A terrorist army.

You own this. You own the blood of innocent Iraqi civilians. You and your President.

No, it's more Bush's fault. Saddam despised Al Queda and killed them if they so much as stepped foot in Iraq. When Bush removed Saddam from power he opened the flood gates for Al Queda to move in.

Invading Iraq. Worst foreign policy mistake in history.

Silly person.

Best policy move on the planet.

The WMD's were Saddam's sons.

But on the other hand; ISIS never would have even contemplated taking over Iraq, Iran would be a non-issue, we wouldn't have lost 5,000 troops, thousands of Iraqis would still be alive, and we wouldn't have wasted trillions of dollars on nothing.

Choices, choices.
We've been meddling in Middle Eastern affairs now for decades. Has it made our lives better? Safer? Has it improved our security or our prosperity?

No, no, no, and no.

So why not disengage? Why not stop meddling? Why not abandon what we know doesn't work and try something different?

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