Ron Paul: fire the fed


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
President Trump’s frustration with the Federal Reserve’s (minuscule) interest rate increases that he blames for the downturn in the stock market has reportedly led him to inquire if he has the authority to remove Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. Chairman Powell has stated that he would not comply with a presidential request for his resignation, meaning President Trump would have to fire Powell if Trump was serious about removing him.
Ron Paul: Fire the Fed?

This would be just freaking amazing , but leftist freaks are to afraid to lose this all at the same time leftist are so clueless they haven't a clue how the Fed. Reserve isn't even a gov. entity lmfao!! It is about as Federal as Fed Ex.
Eliminate the FED, we do not need them. It is just another department the US has outsourced,
The FED is here to stay. A little history added to Mindwars usual provocation may aid the reader:

History of the Federal Reserve
Today's proud recipient!

President Trump’s frustration with the Federal Reserve’s (minuscule) interest rate increases that he blames for the downturn in the stock market has reportedly led him to inquire if he has the authority to remove Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. Chairman Powell has stated that he would not comply with a presidential request for his resignation, meaning President Trump would have to fire Powell if Trump was serious about removing him.
Ron Paul: Fire the Fed?

This would be just freaking amazing , but leftist freaks are to afraid to lose this all at the same time leftist are so clueless they haven't a clue how the Fed. Reserve isn't even a gov. entity lmfao!! It is about as Federal as Fed Ex.

the Fed. Reserve isn't even a gov. entity

But it is. Created by government, top officers appointed by government and profits turned over to government.

It is about as Federal as Fed Ex.

That's sounds more moronic, every time some idiot says it.
Eliminate the FED, we do not need them. It is just another department the US has outsourced,
As Dr. Paul has said, we do this by repealing the legal tender laws and introducing competing currencies....The Fed will then wither and die on the vine.

we do this by repealing the legal tender laws and introducing competing currencies....

That would be awesome!
I'd love to go to a store and have them calculate 5 different prices, for 5 different currencies, before they decide what to charge me. DURR!
Eliminate the FED, we do not need them. It is just another department the US has outsourced,
As Dr. Paul has said, we do this by repealing the legal tender laws and introducing competing currencies....The Fed will then wither and die on the vine.

we do this by repealing the legal tender laws and introducing competing currencies....

That would be awesome!
I'd love to go to a store and have them calculate 5 different prices, for 5 different currencies, before they decide what to charge me. DURR!
Did they have a clearance sale on straw over at the farm and fleet store?
President Trump’s frustration with the Federal Reserve’s (minuscule) interest rate increases that he blames for the downturn in the stock market has reportedly led him to inquire if he has the authority to remove Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. Chairman Powell has stated that he would not comply with a presidential request for his resignation, meaning President Trump would have to fire Powell if Trump was serious about removing him.
Ron Paul: Fire the Fed?

This would be just freaking amazing , but leftist freaks are to afraid to lose this all at the same time leftist are so clueless they haven't a clue how the Fed. Reserve isn't even a gov. entity lmfao!! It is about as Federal as Fed Ex.
This is why the establishment did not care if Clinton OR trump got elected,they knew neither would serve the American people like Ron Paul,and get rid of the fed.evil monster mitt Romney laughed at Paul when he Said we need to get rid of the fed and cia.
Even if prez Trump tried to discipline the fed reserve banksters our bought & paid for House of Representatives would smother any such endeavors.
Even if prez Trump tried to discipline the fed reserve banksters our bought & paid for House of Representatives would smother any such endeavors.
Yeah but he should at LEAST have TRIED,he lied to the American people and did not even do that.Ron Paul or Gary Johnson would have at least long as trump had put an effort into it, I would be vote for him to be re-elected now sense he did not,I won’t vote for either him or biden.this was the first time in an election I cared what the outcome was cause both parties are corrupt and one in the same,for the first time ever,I voted voting for trump,not cause I wanted him but because hitlery.a globalist and mass murderer,was the only alternative.i thought trump would be differerent than past presidents since he was not a career politician and because of that,had hopes he would be the first president since kennedy,to try and get rid of the fed and CIA,they are the reason the world is in the mess it is today, he did not even try though so he betrayed for me,it is back to the old ways again where I will not vote for either candidate this fall,and don’t care which one gets elected.

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