Romney's Mormon Patriotism: 5 Privileged Sons and No Volunteers?

Romney is no liberal or Tea Party rino either, thank heavens.

He will heave the Obama and Tea Party fantasies right out the window.

His refusal to state he will over turn the immigrant executive order over is a good start to what will be a great presidency.

And why should he jump onto the grill while Obama is already roasting quite nicely?:badgrin:

yeah, think immigration and gay marriage :lol:

the days of the GOP alone using wedge issues to win are over

welcome to Obama 2.0
Romney is no liberal or Tea Party rino either, thank heavens.

He will heave the Obama and Tea Party fantasies right out the window.

His refusal to state he will over turn the immigrant executive order over is a good start to what will be a great presidency.

And why should he jump onto the grill while Obama is already roasting quite nicely?:badgrin:

Only 15% of the nation oppose this. The fifty and younger adore it. The Tea Party does not count about this.

Romney will expand on it when he takes office. He is pro-immigrant, donchaknow? Check the LDS leading authorities positions, not only on the kids brought in but also their parents.

Immigration Reform is now a done deal.

Centrist and conservative dems, you can vote for Romney on this one.
Immigrant reform is rational, true to the American narrative, and it is not conservative or liberal.

"Every issue gets liberal" is "stupid" when the answer is "the center path between Bush and Obama" is the way this country has to go now.

No extremism, right or left, can cure American needs.
Romney is no liberal or Tea Party rino either, thank heavens.

He will heave the Obama and Tea Party fantasies right out the window.

His refusal to state he will over turn the immigrant executive order over is a good start to what will be a great presidency.

And why should he jump onto the grill while Obama is already roasting quite nicely?:badgrin:

Only 15% of the nation oppose this. The fifty and younger adore it. The Tea Party does not count about this.

Romney will expand on it when he takes office. He is pro-immigrant, donchaknow? Check the LDS leading authorities positions, not only on the kids brought in but also their parents.

Immigration Reform is now a done deal.

Centrist and conservative dems, you can vote for Romney on this one.

1. The LDS Church does not have a political position on immigration.

2. Romney has stated that his decisions as president will be independent of church authorities.

3. "Centrists" are not for amnesty despite the media claims and in fact there are many Democrats who are tired of the illegal immigration.
The LDS church certainly has conveyed its interest and sympathy for illegal immigrants. Don't even think differently.

Romney has always been sympathetic to immigrants.

Centrists certainly are for immigrant reform and in fact Democrats overwhelmingly as well as a majority of Republicans want a reform agreement done.
Romney is no liberal or Tea Party rino either, thank heavens.

He will heave the Obama and Tea Party fantasies right out the window.

His refusal to state he will over turn the immigrant executive order over is a good start to what will be a great presidency.


Frankly, most pundits thought he looked pretty silly talking to Bob Scheiffer on Face the Nation and he was asked the question five times and just evaded it.

Romney is well and screwed on that issue, because it underscores how he panders to the mouth-breathers on immigration.
His sons and Romney definitely don't deserve the respect of our First Responders. Check out YouTube, Search Mark Cunningham First Responders

Those are real Americans!
And why should he jump onto the grill while Obama is already roasting quite nicely?:badgrin:

Only 15% of the nation oppose this. The fifty and younger adore it. The Tea Party does not count about this.

Romney will expand on it when he takes office. He is pro-immigrant, donchaknow? Check the LDS leading authorities positions, not only on the kids brought in but also their parents.

Immigration Reform is now a done deal.

Centrist and conservative dems, you can vote for Romney on this one.

1. The LDS Church does not have a political position on immigration.

2. Romney has stated that his decisions as president will be independent of church authorities.

3. "Centrists" are not for amnesty despite the media claims and in fact there are many Democrats who are tired of the illegal immigration.

I hear you
This is nothing more than another desperate attempt by
Papa Obama because he and his party are in trouble. Another
desperate attempt by them to talk about anything other than
his failings at the economy.

Most polls show that the majority of Americans are for better
borders and not for amnesty in any form. Indeed more radical
ideas from the Left rejected by the majority of Americans

(6/2012) CNN/ORC 75% of American Voters Support Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law

(3/2012) Rasmussen 60% Say Border Control is Priority in Immigration Reform

It has always been this way
Even back in 2010

CNN Poll Reveals 66% of Americans Don't Want to Make it Easier for Illegal Aliens to Gain Citizenship

The Left/concerned trolls and the MSM will try to play it up
but it is their job to prop up his failing presidency
Papa Obama got no bump from this. The Left/concerned trolls will try to point to
the Bloomberg poll but it does not include any party affiliation data, no demographic data, what other questions were asked,
the order in which they were asked. It’s useless and suspiciously bare

If all things continue as is.....
No one will care come November

This latest attempt at "distraction" is already falling flat

Gallup tracking poll: Obama at 43%, down seven points in two weeks

Here boy
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NeoTrotsy fits the bill on this, a "person who knows nothing of history is doomed to be an innocent, a person disconnected from the past, living in a state of social amnesia”.

Border security has nothing to do with the executive order on the people already here.

No one is easing the path to citizenship in the executive order.

The Bloomberg poll relates to the American people as a whole, thus is far more reliable than any poll that relates to a particular demographic.

Poor Neo, so wants to be a player, but he is not.

Only 15% of the nation oppose this. The fifty and younger adore it. The Tea Party does not count about this.

Romney will expand on it when he takes office. He is pro-immigrant, donchaknow? Check the LDS leading authorities positions, not only on the kids brought in but also their parents.

Immigration Reform is now a done deal.

Centrist and conservative dems, you can vote for Romney on this one.

1. The LDS Church does not have a political position on immigration.

2. Romney has stated that his decisions as president will be independent of church authorities.

3. "Centrists" are not for amnesty despite the media claims and in fact there are many Democrats who are tired of the illegal immigration.

I hear you
This is nothing more than another desperate attempt by
Papa Obama because he and his party are in trouble. Another
desperate attempt by them to talk about anything other than
his failings at the economy.

Most polls show that the majority of Americans are for better
borders and not for amnesty in any form. Indeed more radical
ideas from the Left rejected by the majority of Americans

(6/2012) CNN/ORC 75% of American Voters Support Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law

(3/2012) Rasmussen 60% Say Border Control is Priority in Immigration Reform

It has always been this way
Even back in 2010

CNN Poll Reveals 66% of Americans Don't Want to Make it Easier for Illegal Aliens to Gain Citizenship

The Left/concerned trolls and the MSM will try to play it up
but it is their job to prop up his failing presidency
Papa Obama got no bump from this. The Left/concerned trolls will try to point to
the Bloomberg poll but it does not include any party affiliation data, no demographic data, what other questions were asked,
the order in which they were asked. It’s useless and suspiciously bare

If all things continue as is.....
No one will care come November

This latest attempt at "distraction" is already falling flat

Gallup tracking poll: Obama at 43%, down seven points in two weeks

Here boy
NeoTrotsy fits the bill on this, a "person who knows nothing of history is doomed to be an innocent, a person disconnected from the past, living in a state of social amnesia”.

Border security has nothing to do with the executive order on the people already here.

No one is easing the path to citizenship in the executive order.

The Bloomberg poll relates to the American people as a whole, thus is far more reliable than any poll that relates to a particular demographic.

Poor Neo, so wants to be a player, but he is not.

agreed. He is not what he so desperately wants to be -- a player. :eusa_whistle:
The LDS church certainly has conveyed its interest and sympathy for illegal immigrants. Don't even think differently.

Romney has always been sympathetic to immigrants.

Centrists certainly are for immigrant reform and in fact Democrats overwhelmingly as well as a majority of Republicans want a reform agreement done.

Don't confuse sympathy with apathy. And the LDS church has taken no position on illegal immigration. If they have a position it's that they have always stated they believe in "honoring and sustaining the laws of the land." So they would be against illegal immigration.

"Centrists" want illegal immigration stopped. It's unfair for the people properly waiting to get here. And frankly, a high percent of illegal immigrants are unskilled and criminals. It's not in our nations best interest to even continue with it. But further more, they just believe that borders should be respected. "World without borders" is a far left concept. Stop trying to make stopping illegal immigration a "far right" issue. That's a load of crap.
NeoTrotsy fits the bill on this, a "person who knows nothing of history is doomed to be an innocent, a person disconnected from the past, living in a state of social amnesia”.

Border security has nothing to do with the executive order on the people already here.

No one is easing the path to citizenship in the executive order.

The Bloomberg poll relates to the American people as a whole, thus is far more reliable than any poll that relates to a particular demographic.

Poor Neo, so wants to be a player, but he is not.

agreed. He is not what he so desperately wants to be -- a player. :eusa_whistle:

No doubt

You and your "friend" are quite the players.

I imagine it coming from the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of the left,
it must really mean something

Poor me, I will just have to be happy knowing that I am on the same side
as the majority of the US on these issues and not in such an "exclusive club"


Here boy
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NeoTrotsy fits the bill on this, a "person who knows nothing of history is doomed to be an innocent, a person disconnected from the past, living in a state of social amnesia”.

Border security has nothing to do with the executive order on the people already here.

No one is easing the path to citizenship in the executive order.

The Bloomberg poll relates to the American people as a whole, thus is far more reliable than any poll that relates to a particular demographic.

Poor Neo, so wants to be a player, but he is not.

agreed. He is not what he so desperately wants to be -- a player. :eusa_whistle:

No doubt You and your "friend" are quite the players. I imagine it coming from the Tweedledum and Tweedledee of the left, it must really mean something :eusa_angel: Poor me, I will just have to be happy knowing that I am on the same side as the ajority of the US on these issues and not in such an "exclusive club" :doubt: :eusa_whistle: Here boy

Son, you are among the very small minority isolated on the far right. Mainstream? Not hardly.
The LDS church certainly has conveyed its interest and sympathy for illegal immigrants. Don't even think differently.

Romney has always been sympathetic to immigrants.

Centrists certainly are for immigrant reform and in fact Democrats overwhelmingly as well as a majority of Republicans want a reform agreement done.
Don't confuse sympathy with apathy. And the LDS church has taken no position on illegal immigration. If they have a position it's that they have always stated they believe in "honoring and sustaining the laws of the land." So they would be against illegal immigration. "Centrists" want illegal immigration stopped. It's unfair for the people properly waiting to get here. And frankly, a high percent of illegal immigrants are unskilled and criminals. It's not in our nations best interest to even continue with it. But further more, they just believe that borders should be respected. "World without borders" is a far left concept. Stop trying to make stopping illegal immigration a "far right" issue. That's a load of crap.

You have your opinion, nothing more. The %s of the national electorate do not support you. The great % of Americans reject far right wing "natiivism." Heck, Romney does not support you. And that's fine by me.
Apropos of Jerry McGuire: son, given me the right wing wack evidence.

You do that, and we can have a discussion.
Son, you are among the very small minority isolated on the far right. Mainstream? Not hardly.

There he goes again...same old song and dance...

I hear you
the concerned troll who has Dante backing him
tries to pass himself off as "mainstream"

Really the sad thing is
he thinks he really is fooling people


Here boy
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And the trolls of the far right can't provide the evidence they are mainstream.

Have the last words for the evening, guys, I am spending time with my better half.
Romney could have sent one or two of his sons to the military. They would have been given cushy political jobs not in harms way, served for a term and then run for office themselves.
But perhaps Romney saw what happened to Kerry and Kerry's military experience, even one that involved real combat, and decided politically it just wasn't worth it. So maybe Romney made the right decision?
Son, you are among the very small minority isolated on the far right. Mainstream? Not hardly.

There he goes again...same old song and dance...

I hear you
the concerned troll who has Dante backing him
tries to pass himself off as "mainstream"

Really the sad thing is
he thinks he really is fooling people


Here boy

It's just a tired, transparent old bit at this point.

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