RomneyCare Is Morphing Into ImmigrationCare


Sep 23, 2010

I know why the media gives Mitt Romney face time. The question is why any conservative should listen to anything he says? Mitt could not beat Taqiyya the Liar in 2012. To be more accurate Mitt’s inept campaign strategy kept the race so close that Taqiyya got away with stealing the election. Had Romney got out of bed on election day morning with realistic expectations of a landslide victory Taqiyya’s planned burglary would have been called off.

RomneyCare was a weight around Mitt’s head from the start in that he was never able to distance himself from ObamaCare. Instead of learning that the Democrat will steal the election every time if the Republican does not win with a landslide victory, Mitt decided to tighten up the 2016 race with immigration reform. When he says anything about immigration reform you know damn-well he means amnesty for illegals, or a pathway to citizenship, or closed borders, or whatever Karl Rove’s Republicans are selling to conservatives this time around —— anything except sending illegals aliens back to their homelands.

Sarah Palin was not fooled:

On Sunday, former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin said Mitt Romney is in "never never land" on amnesty, blasting the establishment Republican for declaring two days before the midterm elections that Republicans would pass an amnesty bill if they win back Congress.

"Where the heck have these GOP establishment types been during this election season? GOP Senate candidates are promising to do everything in their power to stop Obama's lawlessness, including his unjust amnesty that Americans do not support," Palin exclusively told Breitbart News. "Governor Romney is busy promoting some decent policies; perhaps that's why he clearly hasn't followed today's races because every Republican is campaigning against amnesty and every Democrat gunning for the Senate is campaigning for it. With all due respect, Governor Romney is in 'never never land' on this one."

Exclusive: Sarah Palin: Romney in 'Never Never Land' on Amnesty
by Tony Lee 2 Nov 2014

Exclusive Sarah Palin Romney in Never Never Land on Amnesty

Bottom line: Mitt ImmigrationCare is now more appropriate than Mitt RomneyCare.
The next time Romney is on FOX double-talking immigration reform one of the talking heads should ask him the title question. Does Barack Obama Have Blood on His Hands?

Little Eli Waller will never grow up to be president. The four-year-old New Jersey boy will never grow up to be anything because enterovirus D68 took his life—quite possibly because a boy who did grow up to be president, but not really a man, invited the virus into our country.


The deadly EV-D68 epidemic in America was likely the result of Obama’s insistence on flooding our country with tens of thousands of illegal-alien minors.

Does Barack Obama Have Blood on His Hands?
By Selwyn Duke Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Does Barack Obama Have Blood on His Hands

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