Romney wants to stay in Afganistan


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Do you righties agree with Willard or Obama on this? I have heard many of you bash Obama for still being in Afganistan. Remember you called it "Obama's War"? I do. So that means you agree with Obama on this one?

According to a Pew poll 59 percent of swing voters now favor a "rapid U.S. troop withdrawal." The survey defined swing voters as those who are either undecided between Romney and President Obama or may still change their minds.

Even among Romney's committed supporters, the numbers were not strong. Forty-eight percent of his voters said they want to end the war as soon as possible, compared to 46 percent who want to remain until the situation is "stabilized."

During the Republican primary season, Mitt Romney strongly criticized President Obama's support for a timetable to end the war. But those views are putting him at odds with an increasing chunk of the voters he will need to win the White House in November.

Romney At Odds With Key Voters On Afghanistan, Says New Poll
Well, you beat me to it. This was going to be the first thread that I started here, so that'll have to wait.

I was reading today that Mitt just picked up John Bolton's people to help him on foreign policy, which could signal quite a difference in policy between himself and President Obama.

My own personal feeling is that our military did everything they were asked to do, won every fight they were in, the SEALS got Bin Laden, Al Qaeda was driven back to Pakistan.

I mean, every single militaristic thing that was asked of them, they did it.

What's left is stuff like education, schools, infrastructure, energy, food, resources, the drug trade, and a whole host of other issues that aren't really military issues, but civilian issues.

So bring the troops home, throw them one hell of an amazing parade in New York, subsidize every little thing they need in terms of health care and double down on the jobs program that is already starting to benefit returning veterans.

I wish the President would move faster in the direction of winding it down, but he's taken a measured approach, which I guess is fair, but one that I just don't think makes any difference whether we start to come home now or 6 months from now or 12 months from now.

Now, as to Mitt Romney, if it's his intention to go the other way and double down on staying there (John McCain is in no rush to leave, either), I wonder what that will mean for him as a candidate.

I think it's fair to say that the Ron Paul folks will probably not follow Romney, but a hawkish position would definitely drive the more libertarian wing of that party from going with Romney, and as we have seen, the libertarian wing has proven itself to be a small but gathering force in America that I think is good for this democracy.

If I were a Romney strategist (that would be fun) I think I'd want to have the candidate project moderation, leaving the door open until President-Elect Romney enters office and can make a clearer determination of what he should do based on the information he's looking.

I know there are plenty of hawks out there, but I'm not sensing an urgency by too many folks to support more war for anything longer than what Obama's already put out as the deadline.
Every military expert has advised that the way we leave Afghanistan is as important as achieving military goals otherwise we will end up with exactly what we had when we first went there.

There is a third way. Admit that the middle east cannot be fixed. They have a culture that disposes itself toward violence in the name of islam. This will never change. Or at least not in the foreseeable future. France, Switzerland and Denmark are all taking steps to limit muslim immigration. We shoud too. Then be prepared to have to go in every so often and bust up the furniture to beat them back into place. Then we leave.
Fuck that, its time to leave that shit hole, how long does Mitt want us to stay there?

Robamney will perpetuate the warfare/welfare state. It's what they do.
Do you righties agree with Willard or Obama on this? I have heard many of you bash Obama for still being in Afganistan. Remember you called it "Obama's War"? I do. So that means you agree with Obama on this one?

According to a Pew poll 59 percent of swing voters now favor a "rapid U.S. troop withdrawal." The survey defined swing voters as those who are either undecided between Romney and President Obama or may still change their minds.

Even among Romney's committed supporters, the numbers were not strong. Forty-eight percent of his voters said they want to end the war as soon as possible, compared to 46 percent who want to remain until the situation is "stabilized."

During the Republican primary season, Mitt Romney strongly criticized President Obama's support for a timetable to end the war. But those views are putting him at odds with an increasing chunk of the voters he will need to win the White House in November.

Romney At Odds With Key Voters On Afghanistan, Says New Poll

You'd need to get the whole country on methadone.
I'm not surprised that a Republican wants our military to stay in Afghanistan. I have and will continue to point out that Obama promised many on the left to end the wars and he has done nothing of the sort. Even in Iraq it was ended on the timeline that Bush laid out.

How many wars do we have now? Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa. you poor saps were duped and you apparently still don't know it.
Republicans want to stay in Afghanistan because Haliburton and their buddies haven't had a chance to go and get all the minerals yet that have been discovered. We'll be there for a really long time, so relax.
I also like that a pussy like Romney wants other people to stay in Afghanistan to fight his battle. Jesus and John Smith would have been proud.
Obama has committed them to stay there until 2024.
Then wants to cut 1 trillion out of the military over a period of 10 years.
Not a very sound idea.
If Romney wants to stay in Afghanistan, I say good, when are you leaving? :D
After 10 years, its time to get out of that place - the current situation could go on for 100 years. And the place isn't worth it.
After 10 years, its time to get out of that place - the current situation could go on for 100 years. And the place isn't worth it.

It's hardly about "the place", and whether "the place" is worth it. It's about fighting them in THEIR backyard, and NOT ours. Ten years, or not... You don't really believe that makes any difference? I hate to say it, but when you are fighting people that fight in the name of a Religion, and YOU are viewed as an Infidel... The fight is probably going to last our lifetimes, and beyond. The idea that withdrawing our troops is going to make everything better is simply absurd.
Who had benefitted from the $1.29 TRILLION spend thus far one Iraq and Afghanistan?

Follow the money and there you will find the people who supported these misadventures.

Ask yourself who has benefited the next time you are gathered in a public place and nobody is trying to meet their 72 virgins at YOUR expense.
Republicans want to stay in Afghanistan because Haliburton and their buddies haven't had a chance to go and get all the minerals yet that have been discovered. We'll be there for a really long time, so relax.
You nailed it ! It's just business.

You "both" nailed it.... Proof once again the "Occupy" movement does indeed have wifi access in their tents.
After 10 years, its time to get out of that place - the current situation could go on for 100 years. And the place isn't worth it.

It's hardly about "the place", and whether "the place" is worth it. It's about fighting them in THEIR backyard, and NOT ours. Ten years, or not... You don't really believe that makes any difference? I hate to say it, but when you are fighting people that fight in the name of a Religion, and YOU are viewed as an Infidel... The fight is probably going to last our lifetimes, and beyond. The idea that withdrawing our troops is going to make everything better is simply absurd.


It was the Reagan/Bush crowd that hatched the crazy idea that religious fanatics were great "warriors" against the "vast soviet empire".

How'd that fucking work out?
Fuck that, its time to leave that shit hole, how long does Mitt want us to stay there?

And you have how many years of experience in running a war? Just wondering.... because, as our military leaders (you know - the guys who actually know about this shit) say it's important that we handle the withdrawal wisely rather than running away. Here's an idea for you... how about you defer to the experts on things you know jack shit about?

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