Romney vs Obama on Foreign Affairs


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Romney has two main goals...
1. defeat the Jihadists
2. compete with Asia

Obama speaks of
1. visionary leadership
2. stopping the proliferation of nuclear arms

Romney wants a strong military for America...
Obama is in the process of unarming the U.S. and gutting our military.....
this reminds me of the very stupid liberal idea that banning guns stops the bad guys......:cuckoo:

Romney today spoke in Israel and confirmed our country's support of democratic Israel....
Obama has from day one has made all kinds of insults against Israel....
Obama's Top Ten Insults Barack Obama
is this what Obama calls "visionary leadership".....?

Romney will hold a hard line against Iran
Obama envisages a regional "conference" with Iran and Syria....
so how's THAT been working for the past 3 years....? :eusa_hand:

Romney hammers China for its unfair trade practices...
Obama only stumbles, fumbles, mumbles, and bows....

It's high time to elect a President who will keep America strong and who will support our allies of democracy....

Romney vs Obama on Foreign Affairs
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Are you saying Obama's history of bowing, and passing out Ipods isn't keeping America strong? Really... You don't need to answer, as I'm obviously being sarcastic.
Obama personally killed OBL in three, two, ...

Well I would like to say that now that Obama killed OBL, liberals are fine with executing terrorists and waterboarding isnt that bad now.......I'll give him credit, the unintended consequences kind of worked out in this, then once a republican takes over it'll be horrible to kill terrorists, liberals are consistanly inconsistant
Obama's "visionary leadership" entails deferring to the UN.....and "international approval"....before the U.S. does anything....what a wimp....


....i'm surprised BO didn't first ask the UN for final approval to kill Osama bin Laden.....:lol:
Well I would like to say that now that Obama killed OBL, liberals are fine with executing terrorists and waterboarding isnt that bad now.......I'll give him credit, the unintended consequences kind of worked out in this, then once a republican takes over it'll be horrible to kill terrorists, liberals are consistanly inconsistant

I'd argue the lib/dems are very consistent - if they do it, it's good but if the republicans do it, it's bad.
Romney has zero foreign policy experience, unless one counts his 30 months during the Vietnam Conflict in Europe avoiding the draft and proselytizing for his church. Now he's in Israel saber rattling and doing his best cowboy diplomacy. Romney's an empty suit.
Romney has zero foreign policy experience, unless one counts his 30 months during the Vietnam Conflict in Europe avoiding the draft and proselytizing for his church. Now he's in Israel saber rattling and doing his best cowboy diplomacy. Romney's an empty suit.

Which is more than Obama had when he took office.
Romney has zero foreign policy experience, unless one counts his 30 months during the Vietnam Conflict in Europe avoiding the draft and proselytizing for his church. Now he's in Israel saber rattling and doing his best cowboy diplomacy. Romney's an empty suit.

zero....? how about dealing with a zillion foreign countries at the Olympics....? that's gotta count for something....

...furthermore i'd trust Romney over Obama any day of the week....
Romney has zero foreign policy experience, unless one counts his 30 months during the Vietnam Conflict in Europe avoiding the draft and proselytizing for his church. Now he's in Israel saber rattling and doing his best cowboy diplomacy. Romney's an empty suit.

You're right, he doesn't...but he's hired such a spectacular bunch of Neocon Hawks that Bush tossed away after his first term.

The Bushies Are Back
Romney has zero foreign policy experience, unless one counts his 30 months during the Vietnam Conflict in Europe avoiding the draft and proselytizing for his church. Now he's in Israel saber rattling and doing his best cowboy diplomacy. Romney's an empty suit.

Look Obama didnt have any and it wasnt a problem for you. What do you define as "experience" in foreign policy?
Romney has zero foreign policy experience, unless one counts his 30 months during the Vietnam Conflict in Europe avoiding the draft and proselytizing for his church. Now he's in Israel saber rattling and doing his best cowboy diplomacy. Romney's an empty suit.

You're right, he doesn't...but he's hired such a spectacular bunch of Neocon Hawks that Bush tossed away after his first term.

The Bushies Are Back

i'd take John Lehman and Kerry Healey over Joe Biden and Hillary any time....
Romney has two main goals...
1. defeat the Jihadists
2. compete with Asia


Romney's goals are to finish Bush's policies:

Move the rest of the wealth of America to the top 1%.

Squat shit on what's left of the Middle Class.

Duh! Have you been listening to what he's been saying???????????????????????

He wants to cut taxes for the rich. He says "Less police, less firemen and less teachers.

Romney has two main goals...
1. defeat the Jihadists
2. compete with Asia


Romney's goals are to finish Bush's policies:

Move the rest of the wealth of America to the top 1%.

Squat shit on what's left of the Middle Class.

Duh! Have you been listening to what he's been saying???????????????????????

He wants to cut taxes for the rich. He says "Less police, less firemen and less teachers.


Obama's spending has already screwed the middle class....yet you want more?.....:cuckoo:

Romney will cut spending and balance the budget.....that is at least a good start to fix what Obama has already destroyed ....
Concentrate on the economy and jobs.

Obama has done well in foreign affairs, and most Americans know that.

So when you jerks talk about "whatever", you hurt Romney's chances.
Concentrate on the economy and jobs.

Obama has done well in foreign affairs, and most Americans know that.

So when you jerks talk about "whatever", you hurt Romney's chances.

other than okaying the SEALS killing of OBL....what has he done "well".....?

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