Robert Mueller And His Investments In Russia


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
Just a reminder of what a fraud Mueller and his 'investigations' are.

Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Funds Linked to Russia and George Soros - The Washington Reporter

"In conclusion

Mueller’s involvement in transporting highly enriched uranium to Russia as head of the FBI, as well as his current investments in Russia and co-investments with anti-Trump financier George Soros raise serious doubts over whether he can conduct an impartial investigation. Like Jim Comey, Mueller is quickly losing the confidence of the public.

The loss of confidence in Mueller’s investigation seems to extend to within his ranks. Peter Strzok, a veteran counterintelligence investigator, resigned from Mueller’s team in mid-August and transferred to the FBI’s human resources department. This move into human resources has been described as unprecedented by several former and current FBI counterintelligence agents, including Asha Rangappa, who said “I have seen instances where if some issue comes up, the agent might be moved to another investigation or to the operations center, where you essentially field calls all day, but why he would be moved to HR is just bizarre.”

Mueller’s many conflicts of interest creating a serious crisis of credibility in his expansive investigation. One question remains: how can Mueller investigate Russia while having so many vested interests in Russia?"

Indeed. And, finding Soro's links with Bill Browder isn't rocket science, either.
It was hilarious whne Mr. Putin called Swamp Rat Mueller "Miller" like from the mildly amusing movie Meet The Millers. Point being Putin, Trump and everyone with an normal IQ and education knows Mueller is a douchebag.
Just a reminder of what a fraud Mueller and his 'investigations' are.

Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Funds Linked to Russia and George Soros - The Washington Reporter

"In conclusion

Mueller’s involvement in transporting highly enriched uranium to Russia as head of the FBI, as well as his current investments in Russia and co-investments with anti-Trump financier George Soros raise serious doubts over whether he can conduct an impartial investigation. Like Jim Comey, Mueller is quickly losing the confidence of the public.

The loss of confidence in Mueller’s investigation seems to extend to within his ranks. Peter Strzok, a veteran counterintelligence investigator, resigned from Mueller’s team in mid-August and transferred to the FBI’s human resources department. This move into human resources has been described as unprecedented by several former and current FBI counterintelligence agents, including Asha Rangappa, who said “I have seen instances where if some issue comes up, the agent might be moved to another investigation or to the operations center, where you essentially field calls all day, but why he would be moved to HR is just bizarre.”

Mueller’s many conflicts of interest creating a serious crisis of credibility in his expansive investigation. One question remains: how can Mueller investigate Russia while having so many vested interests in Russia?"

Indeed. And, finding Soro's links with Bill Browder isn't rocket science, either.

You know who has connection with Soros, Trump, he helped finance Trump Tower in Chicago. Mueller has a long way to go if he wants to keep up with Ken Starr.
About the Author
Jacob Wohl is a 20 Year Old Financier and Conservative Commentator, and the Editor In Chief of The Washington Reporter.
Steve Mnuchin who is the Secretary of the Treasury worked for Soros' hedge fund.

I guess Mnuchin is a member of the deep state too! They are everywhere! They are dropping out of chemtrails!

Mnuchin is a deep state operative hiding in plain sight!
It was hilarious whne Mr. Putin called Swamp Rat Mueller "Miller" like from the mildly amusing movie Meet The Millers. Point being Putin, Trump and everyone with an normal IQ and education knows Mueller is a douchebag.

Yes, and we can note that the bunch of losers trying to 'defend' the vermin here are just the sociopaths and cranks, so need to even pretend there is any doubt about his being dirty.
Yes, and we can note that the bunch of losers trying to 'defend' the vermin here are just the sociopaths and cranks, so need to even pretend there is any doubt about his being dirty.
Yes, enough Trump. Well said.
Here is some info on the OP's link. The Washington Reporter - Media Bias/Fact Check

According to a Bloomberg article dated August 17, 2017 reporter Katherine Burton describes Jacob Wohl as “the fellow from Corona, California, who calls himself the world’s youngest hedge-fund manager. It’s possible. He’s only 19 and has already been investigated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.” The Washington Reporter used to be called “Offended America”, which we rate Right Biased and Mixed for factual reporting and in fact the domain now redirects to The Washington Reporter.

In review, The Washington Reporter uses loaded emotional language both in their articles and headlines such as “Was this Intel Contractor Paid Almost $1 Million by the Feds to Help Frame Trump?” and typically they either utilize factually mixed sources such as The Daily Caller or they source poorly such as “Sources tell The Washington Reporter that Tillerson was formally fired on Friday.” In addition, The Washington Reporter also has a false claim by a fact checker. Story selection favors the right 100% of the time. Based on consistently linking to factually mixed sources and a false claim by a prominent fact checker we rate The Washington Reporter Extreme Right biased and Questionable for factual reporting. (M. Huitsing 4/1/2018)

iow, The Washington Reporter's chief editor is a 19 year old in CA, who always "favors the right 100% of the time" and sources poorly. He has been caught out by fact check for a false claim.
Still no refutations of the OP's evidence of Meuller's investments in Russia and involvement with Hillary's and Podesta's deals yet, just idiot spammers trying to avoid admitting the facts.

Obviously he needs to resign, and Sessions needs to indict him along with the other criminals in the syndicate.
Just a reminder of what a fraud Mueller and his 'investigations' are.

Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Funds Linked to Russia and George Soros - The Washington Reporter

"In conclusion

Mueller’s involvement in transporting highly enriched uranium to Russia as head of the FBI, as well as his current investments in Russia and co-investments with anti-Trump financier George Soros raise serious doubts over whether he can conduct an impartial investigation. Like Jim Comey, Mueller is quickly losing the confidence of the public.

The loss of confidence in Mueller’s investigation seems to extend to within his ranks. Peter Strzok, a veteran counterintelligence investigator, resigned from Mueller’s team in mid-August and transferred to the FBI’s human resources department. This move into human resources has been described as unprecedented by several former and current FBI counterintelligence agents, including Asha Rangappa, who said “I have seen instances where if some issue comes up, the agent might be moved to another investigation or to the operations center, where you essentially field calls all day, but why he would be moved to HR is just bizarre.”

Mueller’s many conflicts of interest creating a serious crisis of credibility in his expansive investigation. One question remains: how can Mueller investigate Russia while having so many vested interests in Russia?"

Indeed. And, finding Soro's links with Bill Browder isn't rocket science, either.
This is some funny shit here man. So now strzok wasn't fired, he resigned? Moved to human resources by his own request was he? A good, moral agent who just couldn't stomach working for that tRump hater Mueller any more huh.

You guys will believe anything.

Just a reminder of what a fraud Mueller and his 'investigations' are.

Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Funds Linked to Russia and George Soros - The Washington Reporter

"In conclusion

Mueller’s involvement in transporting highly enriched uranium to Russia as head of the FBI, as well as his current investments in Russia and co-investments with anti-Trump financier George Soros raise serious doubts over whether he can conduct an impartial investigation. Like Jim Comey, Mueller is quickly losing the confidence of the public.

The loss of confidence in Mueller’s investigation seems to extend to within his ranks. Peter Strzok, a veteran counterintelligence investigator, resigned from Mueller’s team in mid-August and transferred to the FBI’s human resources department. This move into human resources has been described as unprecedented by several former and current FBI counterintelligence agents, including Asha Rangappa, who said “I have seen instances where if some issue comes up, the agent might be moved to another investigation or to the operations center, where you essentially field calls all day, but why he would be moved to HR is just bizarre.”

Mueller’s many conflicts of interest creating a serious crisis of credibility in his expansive investigation. One question remains: how can Mueller investigate Russia while having so many vested interests in Russia?"

Indeed. And, finding Soro's links with Bill Browder isn't rocket science, either.
This is some funny shit here man. So now strzok wasn't fired, he resigned? Moved to human resources by his own request was he? A good, moral agent who just couldn't stomach working for that tRump hater Mueller any more huh.

You guys will believe anything.


Ah, yet another troll who can't refute the OP's link. Thank you for your Nothing Burger contribution, it means a lot to us ....
It was hilarious whne Mr. Putin called Swamp Rat Mueller "Miller" like from the mildly amusing movie Meet The Millers. Point being Putin, Trump and everyone with an normal IQ and education knows Mueller is a douchebag.

Yes, and we can note that the bunch of losers trying to 'defend' the vermin here are just the sociopaths and cranks, so need to even pretend there is any doubt about his being dirty.
Dirty people are politicians who refuse to release their tax forms even when they promised to do so.
It was hilarious whne Mr. Putin called Swamp Rat Mueller "Miller" like from the mildly amusing movie Meet The Millers. Point being Putin, Trump and everyone with an normal IQ and education knows Mueller is a douchebag.

Yes, and we can note that the bunch of losers trying to 'defend' the vermin here are just the sociopaths and cranks, so need to even pretend there is any doubt about his being dirty.
Dirty people are politicians who refuse to release their tax forms even when they promised to do so.
Agreed. Also dirty are pols who refuse to release their academic records and hide their birth certificate until pressed.
It was hilarious whne Mr. Putin called Swamp Rat Mueller "Miller" like from the mildly amusing movie Meet The Millers. Point being Putin, Trump and everyone with an normal IQ and education knows Mueller is a douchebag.

Yes, and we can note that the bunch of losers trying to 'defend' the vermin here are just the sociopaths and cranks, so need to even pretend there is any doubt about his being dirty.
Dirty people are politicians who refuse to release their tax forms even when they promised to do so.
Agreed. Also dirty are pols who refuse to release their academic records and hide their birth certificate until pressed.
You`re confessing to being a birther is well noted. Step 1 on your road to recovery.
It was hilarious whne Mr. Putin called Swamp Rat Mueller "Miller" like from the mildly amusing movie Meet The Millers. Point being Putin, Trump and everyone with an normal IQ and education knows Mueller is a douchebag.

Yes, and we can note that the bunch of losers trying to 'defend' the vermin here are just the sociopaths and cranks, so need to even pretend there is any doubt about his being dirty.
Dirty people are politicians who refuse to release their tax forms even when they promised to do so.

Show us yours. Prove you really give a shit about your fake 'outrage'.
It was hilarious whne Mr. Putin called Swamp Rat Mueller "Miller" like from the mildly amusing movie Meet The Millers. Point being Putin, Trump and everyone with an normal IQ and education knows Mueller is a douchebag.

Yes, and we can note that the bunch of losers trying to 'defend' the vermin here are just the sociopaths and cranks, so need to even pretend there is any doubt about his being dirty.
Dirty people are politicians who refuse to release their tax forms even when they promised to do so.

Show us yours. Prove you really give a shit about your fake 'outrage'.
I have no outrage fake or real but I`m still laughing at you Birthers. Who isn`t?

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