Robert F Kennedy was the hottest of all the Kennedys


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
Seen him with his shirt off carring a football.

Climbed an Alaska mountain to honer JFK.

Kept himself in shape. Very low body-fat.....

Had a good head of 60s era hair...

Was referred to as "the runt of the family."
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So you are gay?? :doubt:

So, if he his then it's off to prison for 'treatment'? I mean that's what you said should happen to the worldwide gay population. :razz:
Guys like RFK and Paul McCartney (in his prime) -make me wish I was gay -but no - I am straight.
I respect good looks regardless of sex - do you want me to list all the women I am hot about? - too lengthy to list - start with Sophia Loren and go from there..................
I guess all the German males who worshiped Hitler were fags also................
RFK kept himself in shape - respected that -not easy to do in your 40s

Would have easily won in 68 -when I was 15.

Would have voted for him in 72.
JFK was a cripple - Ted was fat-boy

RFK was the only one who was in good shape physicaly

Had charisma...............................................
One of RFKs last things on camera was brushing back his hair after he gave acceptence sppedch in the Ambassador Hotel after winningtheCalif primary (and for all practicall purposes thepresidency)
Would have been a slam-dunk for RFK in 68........................................

Some said he was a phoney - maybe somemerit...

liked the cutoth theguys jib.................
I wish I could look like Robert F Kennedy when he was in his mid 40s..................... (Thats why he had about 6 kids or so)

Deep 6 Sirhan
I think if they'd been nobody's nobody would think any of them particularly handsome.
His face looked like it was hit by a Mack Truck. He looked just like ugly Teddy.


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