RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week

Man ... at one point while reading this thread I actually started to feel bad for lonestar.

Some people need to learn how to admit when they are wrong and walk away.

A simple, "Oh, man that's what the caption meant? I didn't know that's what miscegenation means and what that court ruling was for. My bad. That's some racist shit but I still don't see what the big deal is about him eating chicken," would have sufficed.

There is no reason to feel bad for him. He's an adult man and he could have put a stop to this long time ago if he wished to do so.
Actually, Barry makes a perfect poster boy for what happens with mixed race kids. Father leaves before he is 2, raised by Mother who tries another race and finally gives the kid to her parents to raise. The kid is given all of the trappings of a wealthy little white boy and grows up to be an angry adult that only identifies with his father's race, all while throwing the woman (that was kind enough to provide his ungrateful ass a life)under the bus as soon as it was politically handy. Now uses the race of father he never knew to become the historic first "black" President in history.

What is the result if you are the white woman.......... stuck with a goofy kid that doesn't fit in anywhere, holds his mother and grandparents responsible for no relationship with his deadbeat dad, grows up with a giant chip on his shoulder that makes him hate half of who he is, gets immersed in drugs, becomes an anarchist and then makes deals with numerous devils to get into college, the state senate and finally the Presidency. He is now in a position to fuck up the country and people he hates........... all because his white mama fucked a stinking African.:lol::razz::lol::lol::lol:

It was a tough one, what with so many choices...but I nominate the above for the Most Revealing Post of the Day Award.

Congratulations sitty.
Man ... at one point while reading this thread I actually started to feel bad for lonestar.

Some people need to learn how to admit when they are wrong and walk away.

A simple, "Oh, man that's what the caption meant? I didn't know that's what miscegenation means and what that court ruling was for. My bad. That's some racist shit but I still don't see what the big deal is about him eating chicken," would have sufficed.

There is no reason to feel bad for him. He's an adult man and he could have put a stop to this long time ago if he wished to do so.

You do have a point but it seems like he's completely oblivious to his own buffoonery. I mean, he said some really stupid shit in this thread.
Man ... at one point while reading this thread I actually started to feel bad for lonestar.

Some people need to learn how to admit when they are wrong and walk away.

A simple, "Oh, man that's what the caption meant? I didn't know that's what miscegenation means and what that court ruling was for. My bad. That's some racist shit but I still don't see what the big deal is about him eating chicken," would have sufficed.

There is no reason to feel bad for him. He's an adult man and he could have put a stop to this long time ago if he wished to do so.

You do have a point but it seems like he's completely oblivious to his own buffoonery. I mean, he said some really stupid shit in this thread.
He did. But then again I have read enough of Lonestar Logic's posts to confirm "really stupid" for him is a relative term.
Oh, and a Pastor Wright kneejerk is one way to know when some conservatives think something is racist but can't bring themselves to actually agree with a liberal and say it.
Jesse @ Pandagon:
Now, as we all know, MoveOn.org held a user submission contest several years ago where someone uploaded a video comparing Bush to Hitler. It was taken down after about 30 minutes, but is still a part of conservative lore to this day as something MoveOn ran.

So...why does the RNC a.) oppose interracial marriage, b.) believe in the chicken-eating stereotype of black Americans and c.) think you can "repeal" a Supreme Court decision?
Man ... at one point while reading this thread I actually started to feel bad for lonestar.

Some people need to learn how to admit when they are wrong and walk away.

A simple, "Oh, man that's what the caption meant? I didn't know that's what miscegenation means and what that court ruling was for. My bad. That's some racist shit but I still don't see what the big deal is about him eating chicken," would have sufficed.

There is no reason to feel bad for him. He's an adult man and he could have put a stop to this long time ago if he wished to do so.

I don't see him on the losing end of the situation. Once it became clear a retraction was not going to happen the best response would have been to simply ignore the denial. Ya'll are letting him eat up your time like pac-man on crack training for the Summer Olympics.
Typical comment from a dumb Texan. When are you guys going to form your own country and get lost????
When you're ready to pay seven bucks a gallon for gas.

Who says you would be able to keep the wells and refineries?? Many of them were built with government money.. You would pay $7 dollars or more.. You wouldn't keep your military bases either.. No federal funding for any programs in your state.. You people would be less than a 3rd world country over night.. No resources, no money, no military, no food, no nothing.. Well.. That isn't totally true.. You all would have a crap ton of churches to pray in and maybe if you have enough faith, god will feed you.. But I wouldn't count on it..
Pssst. I don't live in Texas.

First link is a story about a black CHRISTIAN putting up a billboard...even the Black reporter seems sceptical as to the legitimacy of the argument.

Second link is an editorical by a black CHRISTIAN against gay marriage.

Third link is a blog by a black CHRISTIAN against gay marriage.

Now....nowhere in these three links does it say that MOST black Americans feel this way. And what do these three links have in common. Hint: It is not the word "black" and it is not the word "CHRISTIAN".

Hey stay ignorant for all I care.

You post 3 black christian links to support your case and you are going to call someone ignorant??

Talk about calling the kettle black here!!

Your the ignorant homophobe that can't support a single idea with a single supportable fact.. Show us a general poll among blacks, all blacks and not a group of them hostile to gays due to religion, that says most blacks do not condone gay marriage..

They had to fight a simular fight when it came to interacial marriage a few decades ago.. Having said that.. It would be safe to say, they would support gay marriage as they fought the same battle against the same brainless christian people..

As for Prop 8?? Well.. Depends on who you listen to.. It has been in the news that many democratic districts were never counted and ballots were purposely lost.. Reminds me of the Bush elections.. So did prop 8 win or did America's Taliban cheat to get their religious law passed?

Yes I'm calling you ignorant and from the looks of it , you're apt to stay that way. Those three links support my argument that blacks are opposed to calling gay rights a civil rights issue, dumbass! And you're intolerance of Christians is telling. You're quick to judge me as a homophobe but you're an even bigger bigot. And now you're equating fellow Americans as "taliban", typical leftwing loon, marginalize those you can't beat.

Fact is Most of California's blacks backed the gay marriage ban.

It has to be frustrating to the gay rights movement that despite their continued effort to link their "fight" for gay "marriage" to the civil rights fights of African-Americans which preceded it, the African-American community by and large rejects this conflation, and has shown itself to be even more opposed to gay marriage than other ethnic groups are.
And Sometimes Tea: Gay Marriage and the African-American Community

Black Americans form the most consistently progressive voting bloc in the country. Yet, we are the racial group most likely to oppose gay rights legislation, civil unions and homosexuality.
(Most) Black Folks Oppose Civil Unions and Gay Rights - BV Black Spin
Hey stay ignorant for all I care.

You post 3 black christian links to support your case and you are going to call someone ignorant??

Talk about calling the kettle black here!!

Your the ignorant homophobe that can't support a single idea with a single supportable fact.. Show us a general poll among blacks, all blacks and not a group of them hostile to gays due to religion, that says most blacks do not condone gay marriage..

They had to fight a simular fight when it came to interacial marriage a few decades ago.. Having said that.. It would be safe to say, they would support gay marriage as they fought the same battle against the same brainless christian people..

As for Prop 8?? Well.. Depends on who you listen to.. It has been in the news that many democratic districts were never counted and ballots were purposely lost.. Reminds me of the Bush elections.. So did prop 8 win or did America's Taliban cheat to get their religious law passed?

Yes I'm calling you ignorant and from the looks of it , you're apt to stay that way. Those three links support my argument that blacks are opposed to calling gay rights a civil rights issue, dumbass! And you're intolerance of Christians is telling. You're quick to judge me as a homophobe but you're an even bigger bigot. And now you're equating fellow Americans as "taliban", typical leftwing loon, marginalize those you can't beat.

Fact is Most of California's blacks backed the gay marriage ban.

It has to be frustrating to the gay rights movement that despite their continued effort to link their "fight" for gay "marriage" to the civil rights fights of African-Americans which preceded it, the African-American community by and large rejects this conflation, and has shown itself to be even more opposed to gay marriage than other ethnic groups are.
And Sometimes Tea: Gay Marriage and the African-American Community

Black Americans form the most consistently progressive voting bloc in the country. Yet, we are the racial group most likely to oppose gay rights legislation, civil unions and homosexuality.
(Most) Black Folks Oppose Civil Unions and Gay Rights - BV Black Spin

Still looking for the statistics to prove your point rather than editorials by a FEW homophobic people.

But, I suppose we should be grateful to have you around to tell us what MOST Black People think. You must have an In.
You post 3 black christian links to support your case and you are going to call someone ignorant??

Talk about calling the kettle black here!!

Your the ignorant homophobe that can't support a single idea with a single supportable fact.. Show us a general poll among blacks, all blacks and not a group of them hostile to gays due to religion, that says most blacks do not condone gay marriage..

They had to fight a simular fight when it came to interacial marriage a few decades ago.. Having said that.. It would be safe to say, they would support gay marriage as they fought the same battle against the same brainless christian people..

As for Prop 8?? Well.. Depends on who you listen to.. It has been in the news that many democratic districts were never counted and ballots were purposely lost.. Reminds me of the Bush elections.. So did prop 8 win or did America's Taliban cheat to get their religious law passed?

Yes I'm calling you ignorant and from the looks of it , you're apt to stay that way. Those three links support my argument that blacks are opposed to calling gay rights a civil rights issue, dumbass! And you're intolerance of Christians is telling. You're quick to judge me as a homophobe but you're an even bigger bigot. And now you're equating fellow Americans as "taliban", typical leftwing loon, marginalize those you can't beat.

Fact is Most of California's blacks backed the gay marriage ban.

And Sometimes Tea: Gay Marriage and the African-American Community

Black Americans form the most consistently progressive voting bloc in the country. Yet, we are the racial group most likely to oppose gay rights legislation, civil unions and homosexuality.
(Most) Black Folks Oppose Civil Unions and Gay Rights - BV Black Spin

Still looking for the statistics to prove your point rather than editorials by a FEW homophobic people.

But, I suppose we should be grateful to have you around to tell us what MOST Black People think. You must have an In.

As I said, you can stay ignorant, that's your right. The fact is that most blacks do not see gay rights as a civil rights issue. And another fact is a person who chooses to stay within the confines of his or her own race, in respect to marriage or procreation, are not racist for that choice. Oh and I have realized one more fact, you are a bigot!

You're ilk believes that anyone against gay marriage must be a homophobe and anyone that chooses to stay within their own race in choosing a life partner must be a racist. You're entitled to your beliefs and I shouldn't be calling you an idiot because of them, but I will make an exception in your case, because not only are you a bigot but your an idiot as well.
Wow. I can't believe this thing is still going.

The idea that endorsing governmental authority to racially discriminate is somehow not racism is perhaps the dumbest, most delusional and quite frankly fucking retarded thing I've ever heard spouted here. And trust me, that's saying something.

Ironically, affirmative action is also an example of this, yet I bet you a gazillion dollars that Lonestar et al, sure DO consider that racism.
Wow. I can't believe this thing is still going.

The idea that endorsing governmental authority to racially discriminate is somehow not racism is perhaps the dumbest, most delusional and quite frankly fucking retarded thing I've ever heard spouted here. And trust me, that's saying something.

Ironically, affirmative action is also an example of this, yet I bet you a gazillion dollars that Lonestar et al, sure DO consider that racism.

Bam! :clap2:
No, I have no issues calling you a racist directly.

You are a racist.

Why is he a racist? There must be some reason.
He said that blacks have big dicks. I'm surprised he didn't say they also have rhythm.

hey ralphina wiggum, here is what i wrote in response to a white texan imbecile:

like when some white dude is against miscegenation because he thinks the black dudes are better equipped and are stealing all the white women and he stands in the prairie with his needle-dick, alone all by himself?

black men are not the problem, wolves are taking all our women.

by your and lonestar logic's standard, i am a racist for having written that.

did you also express your retarded opinion about the racist or not racist nature of the pic in the OP?

or are you just annoyed by my habit to occasionally respond to one of your many stupid posts and rub your nose in the dogshit you posted once again?

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