RNC convention in Charlotte closed to press


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

A couple of dynamics are at play here. Possibly Trump fears that the nomination will not be unanimous, causing great embarrassment. Or, most likely, he wants to circumvent the governors mask mandate and social distancing requirements, not to mention hide the small size of the crowd.

With North Carolina a national hot spot for the virus, let's hope the delegates do as much mingling as possible and then get the hell out of town post haste.
It's open to the press, just not the fake news propaganda-pushing lap-dog liberal media.
It's open to the press, just not the fake news propaganda-pushing lap-dog liberal media.

Good. Mainstream American won't be seeing it then. Only the sycophants from the Right Wing Billionaire Media will be present. So no one will say a negative word about Trump's lies or distortions. He'll say he's the greatest President in history, and everything bad that has happened isn't due to his incompetence or criminality. It's all the Democrats' fault.

The press is so MEAN to Trump Bear.
It's open to the press, just not the fake news propaganda-pushing lap-dog liberal media.

Good. Mainstream American won't be seeing it then. Only the sycophants from the Right Wing Billionaire Media will be present. So no one will say a negative word about Trump's lies or distortions. He'll say he's the greatest President in history, and everything bad that has happened isn't due to his incompetence or criminality. It's all the Democrats' fault.

The press is so MEAN to Trump Bear.
Blah lab blah what?

A couple of dynamics are at play here. Possibly Trump fears that the nomination will not be unanimous, causing great embarrassment. Or, most likely, he wants to circumvent the governors mask mandate and social distancing requirements, not to mention hide the small size of the crowd.

With North Carolina a national hot spot for the virus, let's hope the delegates do as much mingling as possible and then get the hell out of town post haste.
Had not been paying attention and was unaware the RNC convention was back in Charlotte. Press not allowed on site. Perfect. A secret convention to pick trump as it's leader. " Due to space restrictions, not all delegates will attend either. Instead, 336 delegates will vote at the convention proceedings — one for every six delegates. Great. A secret convention where most of the delegates do not vote, not even remotely. Impressive.
The dufus should have just written a check to Charlotte, declared he won on first ballot by 100% in an unprecedented historic landslide and moved on to the general election. Got to admit though, a lot less chance of the country hearing things uncomplimenary said by accident or on purpose without press and only 1/6th of the delegates (loyal trump supporters all).
The motive is to appeal to fewer voters. Wow.

Its a strange strategy and I'm sure in a few cycles they will look back and wonder what they were thinking with it. Because if you're proud of what you represent and are proud of what your vision for the future is...why not grab the largest bullhorn and reach the most people because you would expect others would embrace what you stand for and what your vision is. Republicans don't seem to be too proud of what they are representing or what their vision is. I can't blame them.

I'm not sure what the reason for limiting access is other than possible corona virus concerns--which they discount so it can't be that. Are they so insecure that they are worried that the pundits may be mean to them after they finish their speech?
My first thought was that if it was closed to the press, they can't lie about it.

My second thought was "who am I kidding? They will find a way, anyway."
Jim Crow = Institutional Racism! Recent Stimulus, with excess of benefits at lower incomes = anti-oppression, now taken away by RNC! RNC = Institutional Racism!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Matt 25: 14-30 about mental institutions, too(?)!)
That's the way COVID-19 is being dealt with these days. Our baseball announcers for the Diamondbacks along with other teams aren't traveling to road games but instead are calling the action by staying here in town and watching the monitors.

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