RNC Attendee Throws Nuts At Black CNN Camerawoman: ‘This Is How We Feed Animals’

First of all here is a link that doesn't have a pop up that does not go away:

GOP Convention nuts-throwing incident not a police matter: Secret Service

GOP Convention nuts-throwing incident not a police matter: Secret Service - Erik Wemple - The Washington Post

From the article:

CNN has confirmed an incident, telling TPM: “CNN can confirm there was an incident directed at an employee inside the Tampa Bay Times Forum earlier this afternoon. CNN worked with convention officials to address this matter and will have no further comment.”

First of all without knowing who allegedly did this we can't possible know motive. Is it beyond belief that there are democrat plants at the RNC convention, certainly. This story reeks of the same liberal lies that were told about black congressmen being spit upon. The liberal left just makes this stuff up and CNN is complicit in their response. Say they know exactly what went on as they say, why not tell us? Maybe because they want the liberal left to be frothing at the mouth with innuendo. Something may or may not have happened. If she were a cameraman then the insult should have been caught on tape, let's hear it. Let us at least hear from the person who is making the accusation. No, we won't hear either this story will get legs of its own because the left will keep repeating it because it is what they want us to believe.

what convoluted self-serving bullshit

I wouldn't post such stuff if liberals didn't outright lie so much. Just like so much with the rabid liberal left, just because you want to believe something that does not make it true.

Well, what's your opinion of it if it is true?
What has the Dem's done for the the blacks?
They have not gotten blacks out of the ghettos. The ghetto public schools suck.
Tell me how the Dem's have done such a wonderful job for poor black Americans.

Every Republican Black has become very successful.
Republicans need to wake up to the reality that the current position of their party - which is essentially "I've got mine, so fuck off!" - is attractive to bigots.

What has the Dem's done for the the blacks?
They have not gotten blacks out of the ghettos. The ghetto public schools suck.
Tell me how the Dem's have done such a wonderful job for poor black Americans.

Every Republican Black has become very successful.

look at this racist piece of crap
I wouldn't post such stuff if liberals didn't outright lie so much. Just like so much with the rabid liberal left, just because you want to believe something that does not make it true.

Well, what's your opinion of it if it is true?

what do you mean "If" it's true? Was it or was it not true?

It's true. I just posted a few zillion links to the story. I said 'if' it's true to the other poster because he will never admit it's true no matter how much verification you show him.

I don't suppose you have an opinion of the incident.
I would say blacks are not all in ghettos except the ones who the republican party likes to place in their front rows to not look so lilly white.

Have you heard of Barack Obama ?

the dems elected him president of the untited states.

hes black
CNN later confirmed an incident took place to Talking Points Memo but refused to give specifics.

yes? and why do you refuse to "give specifics"? :eusa_whistle:
I can't find the story on CNN. Has anyone got a link to the story on CNN? It's strange that this is being reported everywhere else.

First coffee. Maybe I've missed it.

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