RiseUpOctober.org - Idiot Organization


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Usually when somebody appears on a cable TV news show, they have something intelligent to say. And every once in a while, somebody appears with NOTHING intelligent to say. This was the case when some ass-clown (whatever his name is) was on the Justice With Judge Jeanine show on Fox News. What an idiot.

This boob actually thought he was scoring some cop-hater points by saying that in a given period, 30 cops were killed on duty. But, at the same time, 1000 people were killed by cops. I guess it never occured to this simpleton that quite likely 99% of those killings were SELF-DEFENSE, when cops are AUTHORIZED (by us citizens) to kill the people who are trying to kill them, or kill some other person.

It was pathetic to see this fool rant on. Judge Jeanine cut him a break and told him "You're wrong". But did that have him pause to find out why she said that ? Nope. The guy had an agenda, and he was going to ram it through, by doing all the talking, interrupting, and talking over the show host, as so many of these rude, black, activist mini-Al Sharptons do.

Well, since his numbers were a joke, and the only basis for his crusade was about as solid as quicksand (with him in it), all he did was demonstrate the fallacy of his silly organization, and the stupidity of all those marching in it.

Going to the website of these sorry cop-hate crusaders, there is a poster of pictures of Black people killed by cops (allegedly all unjustly). Guess who is among the pictures. Michael Brown. LOL. Can you believe it ?

Hey RUO guys > You wanna put THESE poor guys in your pictures too ?

This boob actually thought he was scoring some cop-hater points by saying that in a given period, 30 cops were killed on duty. But, at the same time, 1000 people were killed by cops. I guess it never occured to this simpleton that quite likely 99% of those killings were SELF-DEFENSE, when cops are AUTHORIZED (by us citizens) to kill the people who are trying to kill them, or kill some other person.

um, yeah, the reason why that never occurs to people is that in a lot of these cases, the people are unarmed, and the police investigate themselves rather than having an independent group do so.
.....The guy had an agenda, and he was going to ram it through, by doing all the talking, interrupting, and talking over the show host, as so many of these rude, black, activist mini-Al Sharptons do.

it's a different set of rules they operate by... There are no facts, logic or give and take....whoever talks/shouts the loudest and repeats the same thing over and over the most times, "wins" the "debate".

look up "Detroit City Council Meeting" on youtube for some more negro comedy as they pretend to "govern".
um, yeah, the reason why that never occurs to people is that in a lot of these cases, the people are unarmed, and the police investigate themselves rather than having an independent group do so.
Been watching liberal media I see. I guess it also never occured to YOU that we the people, through out laws have enacted self-defense laws that make NO DISTINCTION between armed or unarmed attackers. Amazing you are oblivious to this. And the reason why is because unarmed attackers are never unarmed. So-called "unarmed attackers can kill you in seconds by shoving a ballpoint pen into your eye (which is part of your brain), or picking up a stone off the ground and smashing you in the head with it, or wrapping a piece of string (or their belt around your neck and strangling you, or lighting your whole head on fire with a cigarette lighter, etc, etc. And in many cases an attacker's size is his weapon (ex. Michael Brown in Ferguson). And it may interest you to know that thousands of people have been beaten to death by so-called unarmed attackers, who picked something up (metal garbage can lid, etc) or had nothing in their hands at all. Um, are you ever off-base.

As for the police investigating themselves, they are no more likely to be subjective in favor of themselves, than a so-called "independent group" (often not so "independent") is likely to not be subjective against them.
Been watching liberal media I see. I guess it also never occured to YOU that we the people, through out laws have enacted self-defense laws that make NO DISTINCTION between armed or unarmed attackers. Amazing you are oblivious to this. And the reason why is because unarmed attackers are never unarmed.

Yeah, so we have the very dangerous girl in the Bikini who got pinned to the ground...

Or the girl who had the lit cigarette...

Or the fat guy who was selling loosies who got choked to death by cops.

Or the kid who got shot eight times when he had his hands up.

I think most of us can make the distinction between self defense, and "Some thug with a badge who wanted to shoot him some darkies".

The tragedy is that while in the past, they could get away with that shit, today, eveyrone's got a cell phone.
Yeah, so we have the very dangerous girl in the Bikini who got pinned to the ground...

Or the girl who had the lit cigarette...

Or the fat guy who was selling loosies who got choked to death by cops.

Or the kid who got shot eight times when he had his hands up.

I think most of us can make the distinction between self defense, and "Some thug with a badge who wanted to shoot him some darkies".
The tragedy is that while in the past, they could get away with that shit, today, eveyrone's got a cell phone.
You seem to have a problem with the truth.

1. Casebolt was merely holding the girl to mitigate the confusion.

2. I know of no girl witha lit cigarette.

3. NY medical examiner concluded there was no chokehold (no damage to throat or windpipe).

4. Grand jury, FBI, and Obama Justice Dept concluded Michael Brown did NOT have his hands up, and he had attacked a cop and went for his gun. He is a prime example of the self-defense law in action.

Yeah. Most of us sure can "make the distinction between self defense, and Some thug with a badge who wanted to shoot him some darkies" Too bad you seem to be one of the ones who can't. And if everybody's got a cellphone, with a video, then now there can't be cases like Michael Brown, with multiple "witnesses" who turn out to be liars, who weren't even at the scene at the time of the shooting. Hurray for cellphones, street cameras, camcorders, and body cams. Best protection police ever had.
Tell you what, buddy, you go down to a black neighborhood and try to sell that bullshit.

Hopefully, someone will have a cellphone to take the hilarious video of what follows.

Are you saying blacks are too stupid to handle the truth?
Tell you what, buddy, you go down to a black neighborhood and try to sell that bullshit.

Hopefully, someone will have a cellphone to take the hilarious video of what follows.
I live in an integrated apartment complex (50% Black, 25% White, 25% Hispanic). I also have a CCW permit and I carry a .380 semi-automatic pistol with 2 extra clips. And I an a US Army veteran, with no aversion to blasting to hell anybody stupid enough to attack me. So what do you think is "what follows" ?
I live in an integrated apartment complex (50% Black, 25% White, 25% Hispanic). I also have a CCW permit and I carry a .380 semi-automatic pistol with 2 extra clips. And I an a US Army veteran, with no aversion to blasting to hell anybody stupid enough to attack me. So what do you think is "what follows" ?

Somehow, I don't think you are talking to your neighbors (who probably call you 'The crazy-ass cracker in 4D") and saying the shit you say here on a daily basis.

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