Rioter who fired the first shots where Rittenhouse defended himself was arrested

Warning shots are illegal. You don't fire your gun unless justified to kill.


Police have a totally bizarre and wrong training against warning shots.
But in reality, warning shots are not only perfectly legal, but incredibly effective and safe.

Here is a DOJ research paper on warning shots:
Many police departments have had a policy against warning shots for years. Such a policy is due to the concern that a warning shot may be misplaced and result in unintended injury or death to a suspect or bystander. On the other hand, there is evidence that a safely placed warning shot can shock a suspect into compliant behavior that precludes shooting the suspect. Thus, warning shots may prevent injury or death rather than cause it. In reviewing dozens of cases in which officers or civilians fired a warning shot, the authors found the shots were effective in the vast majority of cases, and no further shots were fired. Case after case showed that criminals ceased to flee and surrendered, even though they had committed serious crimes. In the cases where warning shots were fired, the arrests remained valid; and the courts were not concerned about the use of warning shots. Research shows that warning shots have resulted in little legal litigation. If an officer's option is to fire a safely placed warning shot or shoot to kill or incapacitate a suspect, the option of the warning shot is less likely to lead to a civil action against the department. Perhaps it is time to look at the possible use of warning shots in certain cases in which it would be an alternative to injury or death.

What IS illegal is police pointing guns at people all the times.
That is reckless endangerment or conduct regardless of life.
Did he fire a shot first? Yes he did.

Calling it a "warning shot" doesn't somehow make it ok to shoot a gun with others around. Let alone in a residential zone which is illegal.

If a shot goes off no one is going to stand around and start having a conversation "ok was that a warning shot?"

While this warning shot was probably foolish and reckless, warning shots are not and never can be illegal if they are done with reasonable care.
The fact police are incorrectly taught to not fire warning shots, does not at all mean they are illegal or even remotely a bad idea.
They used to be legally required at one time, and should be again.
It is against the law to shoot a weapon in public unless it is in self defense. There was no self defense when he shot the gun. Just a Moon Bat being an asshole.

The piece of shit is a criminal. Not only arson but obstructing an officer and discharging a weapon but now attempted robbery.

Meanwhile Kyle got himself a little cutie as a girlfriend.

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There are lots of legal reasons why a gun can be fired.
You can use it to wake people up if there is a fire, you can start a race, contribute to a holiday celebration, chase away predators, reduce avalanche risk, propel grappling hooks, etc.
You just have to use adequate care and have sufficient cause to warrant any risk you may create by things like ricochet.

There are lots of legal reasons why a gun can be fired.
You can use it to wake people up if there is a fire, you can start a race, contribute to a holiday celebration, chase away predators, reduce avalanche risk, propel grappling hooks, etc.
You just have to use adequate care and have sufficient cause to warrant any risk you may create by things like ricochet.
None of those things were happening in Kenosha that night.

Just the asshole BLM shithead first firing a gun that started the shit and then Kyle defending himself.
Again a lie...

From another report
"Police say he fired a gun in the air shortly before Rittenhouse shot the first protester."

I kniow you have nothing and thus need to lie but the Police are saying that Rittenhouse was not fired on...

BTW, I don't think Rittenhouse is the real guilty party here, the fucker who gave him a gun and sent him towards a riot should be the one concerned..
You're just an America hating commie criminal scuzball. Total scumbag trash. Fuck you and the career criminals you love to blow.
Again a lie...

From another report
"Police say he fired a gun in the air shortly before Rittenhouse shot the first protester."

I kniow you have nothing and thus need to lie but the Police are saying that Rittenhouse was not fired on...

BTW, I don't think Rittenhouse is the real guilty party here, the fucker who gave him a gun and sent him towards a riot should be the one concerned..
Again, he's the victim of a TV.

Police have a totally bizarre and wrong training against warning shots.
But in reality, warning shots are not only perfectly legal, but incredibly effective and safe.

Here is a DOJ research paper on warning shots:
Many police departments have had a policy against warning shots for years. Such a policy is due to the concern that a warning shot may be misplaced and result in unintended injury or death to a suspect or bystander. On the other hand, there is evidence that a safely placed warning shot can shock a suspect into compliant behavior that precludes shooting the suspect. Thus, warning shots may prevent injury or death rather than cause it. In reviewing dozens of cases in which officers or civilians fired a warning shot, the authors found the shots were effective in the vast majority of cases, and no further shots were fired. Case after case showed that criminals ceased to flee and surrendered, even though they had committed serious crimes. In the cases where warning shots were fired, the arrests remained valid; and the courts were not concerned about the use of warning shots. Research shows that warning shots have resulted in little legal litigation. If an officer's option is to fire a safely placed warning shot or shoot to kill or incapacitate a suspect, the option of the warning shot is less likely to lead to a civil action against the department. Perhaps it is time to look at the possible use of warning shots in certain cases in which it would be an alternative to injury or death.

What IS illegal is police pointing guns at people all the times.
That is reckless endangerment or conduct regardless of life.

Warning shots are illegal and dangerous.
While this warning shot was probably foolish and reckless, warning shots are not and never can be illegal if they are done with reasonable care.
The fact police are incorrectly taught to not fire warning shots, does not at all mean they are illegal or even remotely a bad idea.
They used to be legally required at one time, and should be again.
Wrong liar they were NEVER required

They are stupid unsafe and reckless
NYC and other jurisdictions are releasing violent criminals without bail but in Wisconsin they arrest a guy for trying to stop a crime. Go figure.

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