Rino men and women that have screwed up the GOP

That will surely accelerate the implosion of the GOP...

Why not just form a new party designed to appeal exclusively to the most irrational among us? A clean slate.

Why not just form a new party designed to appeal exclusively to the most irrational among us?

To Late

Can't get more irrational than the Democrats and Republicans already are
The GOP needs to start a new party. Let's see......
They're in denial about global warming (the rapid decrease in glaciers and the north pole are apparently to them, a delusion)
They still claim that the "trickle-down" of wealth works (despite there has never been a successful example of this) unless of course, you count their children inheriting the wealth.
They believe money is more important than the environment, wildlife and forests (money is like crack to the rich).
They keep claiming that the US has the highest taxed people in the west...despite that the European population is taxed twice and three times higher than the US.
They keep bragging that we're number one (we're something like 26th in health care and 37th in education) so, beyond some military aspects (which we'll be overtaken in in a few years by China) and some sports, I fail to see how we're number one in the world.
They hate unions (which ended child labor, outrageous work hours and pittance salaries for the most part), never wanted social security as it was "socialist." To them, you should be worked until unable to do your work and tossed out without benefits and starve.
So, a new party, how about the ROID party (Rich Only In Denial). We can just refer to them as suffering from ROID's.

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